

The Dalmatians continued their endless trudge across the trail that led to Michael's camp. It was torture in the 7th degree! Every minute, someone was complaining and one told him/her to shut up, resulting in a nuclear argument. And then one of them always asked to use the bathroom, catch their breath or to vomit their treats out. It was the most torturus thing ever since the pest controller incident. Drool ran down Dylan's tounge as they continued trudging down the trail, until Dimitri 2 exploded, "THIS IS STUPID!! WE'VE BEEN WALKING FOR ABOUT AN HOUR AND IT SEEMS THIS TRAIL WILL NEVER END!! I HAVE ABOUT HAD IT!! WE'RE GONNA DIE OF HEATSTROKE BEFORE WE FIND MIKE!!" Everyone sighed. "The heat's got the best of him." DJ said. "Good thing we brought a water tank with us."

"Yeah. The Debbie triplets are hauling it." Da Vinci added. Dylan looked to see the giant water tank being hauled by Debbie - May, Bebbie - Lou, and Debbie - Lee. DJ had his phone with him, listeing to some AC/DC in his headphones. "I overdosed on you... I overdosed on you... Crazy but it's true.... There ain't nothing I can do... I overdosed on you..." He sang. The Dalmatians continued to trudge on, sweating heavily and feeling light headed.

The walking was torture!! Like before, everytime, someone was yelling at someone and it turned into nuclear arguements that had to be broken up by Dylan and Dolly. And like before, every pup ALWAYS had to take a bathroom break! Every 15 minutes, someone was whining that they had to go pee or poop, so they had to stop the train of pups and let the pup take his/her piss or crap in the bushes. And then there was the hunger and thirst. They had a water tank, but there wasn't a McDonalds for MILES around, let alone one in the middle of the woods! Dylan panted heavily as he led the train towards Mike's camp. "Don't worry Mike..." He rasped. "We're... almost... there..." And he passed out. "AHHHHH! DYLAN PASSED OUT!!" Dolly screamed. She fell on her tummy and tried to revive him by blowing air in his mouth. He jolted awake. "Ok bruv. I'm leading the pack. Cause I got a huge swig of water while Doll was revivin' ya." Dimitri 1 said. Dylan nodded. Dolly picked up her brother and flipped him up on her back. "I'll carry him." And they continued on. "I can sense the presence of our human brother from here. We must begetting close!" Deepak said. "Hope so." Dimitri 2 said. "Or me and my bros will be pranking you overtime on April Fools Day!" Deepak gulped. He hoped Michael would still be there.