
Loner Life in Another World

Sir_Smurf3 · Fantasía
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40 Chs

Day 7- The Cave

SINCE IT WAS a cave, my home filtered out all noise from outside.

Just to be extra safe, I set Presence Detection when I went to sleep. Still, I

couldn't be certain it was working until there was a presence to detect.

As soon as I set it on, I immediately detected something very loud

coming from the forest. There was no way I could sleep through that racket.

I went outside to tell whoever it was to shut up. Some of us are trying to get

some sleep around here! They sounded like a biker gang. Then I heard

something that sounded like an alarm.

I used Clairvoyance and detected geeks and goblins. Since when

were nerds the kinds of people to party all night with goblins? I needed to

go lecture them about the role of nerds in a functioning society.

As I drew near, I could hear some of their shouts.

"Fall back!"

"I'll take it!"

"You still out of MP?"

"Yeah! You too?!"

The nerds were flustered as the slavering, howling goblins attacked


Why'd they have to be so damn loud?

It was four of my classmates. They weren't bad guys, just hardcore

geeks who got bullied all the time. I thought about charging in and telling

them to keep it down. But something wasn't adding up. They had all those

overpowered cheat skills, and as huge fantasy manga nerds, they should've

been experts on how to survive in fantasy worlds. Why were they being so


What if they see me as an enemy? I knew that in a lot of light novels,

bullied kids who were summoned to another world took the opportunity to

get revenge on their bullies. But it's not like I was one of the bullies—the

nerds had always recommended books and games to me. Should I return the

favor by helping them out?

I moved closer and used Appraisal. There were five goblins, levels 13

to 15.

Huh? They should be fine then. They were all level 16, and had

awesome classes like Guardian, Ninja, Saint, and Sorcerer. Dammit, why

am I the only one without a cool class!

The Guardian was tanking the goblins with a large shield and a spear

while the Ninja launched one attack at a time before retreating behind the

Guardian. Behind them, the Sorcerer and the Saint attacked with magic.

They should've been fine, but there were a lot of enemies, and I noticed that

the Ninja in particular seemed slow to move—he was likely injured. The

Sorcerer and the Saint were out of MP and had to switch to melee attacks

using a spear and hammer.

Still, they were level 16, so this fight should have been a piece of

cake. I could handle those goblins at level 3. Were they just too tired? One

of them was obviously out of shape.

"All right, time to end them with one more hit!"

"Get them together in one place!"


"Earth Lance!"

Wow, he killed three with that one attack. I was way more tense

watching them fight then I was in my own battles.

"Only two left! Surround them!"


What are they even trying to do? Why was I getting a bad feeling?

They exhausted their MP again, and the Guardian seemed totally worn out.

Two more goblins were charging from behind, and none of them seemed to


The nerds were freaking out even more than usual, like total


All four of them are at level 16, and they still can't handle some

goblins? A friggin' Sorcerer and Saint and Guardian and Ninja? Why does

a level 3 unemployed loner have to bail them out? At level 10+ you should

be able to take out a whole squadron of goblins in a flash! I didn't have a


"Stick Attack!" I charged from behind and felled the two goblins in

quick succession. "You guys all right?"

All four of them shouted in unison, "What the heck? Is that you,


Most of them looked completely panicked. One just looked confused.

I looked back, wondering what their deal was. I had to help them—I

couldn't just let them die or get injured without lifting a finger. We weren't

really friends, more like acquaintances. We only interacted in class, when

they would interrupt my reading to give me a whole spiel about what light

novels they recommended.

Despite their combined otaku expertise, they'd needed my backup.

While they struggled with one, I had been able to take out two goblins with

one hit each. I liked to call it my One-Hit KO Back-of-the-Head Blow. So

what if the name of the attack was longer than the attack itself? Who asked


Two goblins remained, groaning and leering at us. I had no idea what

they were saying. I hadn't learned to speak goblin, but I doubted it was

something friendly like "What's up" or the like.

If the nerds couldn't handle them, I didn't exactly want to show all

the aces up my sleeve.

While I was considering our situation, the goblins raised their clubs

and charged. They always attack the same way! It was easy to dodge. I liked

to call this one Dashing the Goblin's Brains Out When It Slams Its Club

Down. A top secret technique.

"Hey, you nerds alive?"

No response. I turned around.

They were all standing there in shocked silence. "Oh, you know,

we're…just dandy!" one of them said.

All but one of them seemed to have crashed. I can't just keep saying

"All but one" though. How should I tell them apart? Do I need a skill for


"There's a lot I want to ask, but first of all, thank you," the one said.

"Thank you so much!" the rest chanted.

Okay, they managed to reboot. I couldn't remember the last time I'd

talked to other people. Even back in the real world, some days went by

without me uttering a single word. Don't call me a loner…

Were they waiting for me to say something? I went through all the

trouble of saving them, why did I have to talk, too?

"Are you okay?" I asked. "Is there something dangerous near us?"

"Something dangerous?"

"What, like monsters?"

"A survival game?"

What a wild guess. That one did lend me a book about a game where

people gambled away their lives, though.

"Wrong genre, this is a fantasy world!"

I might have made things awkward. I didn't mean to imply there was

danger lurking nearby. With their skills, they were supposed to be the

dangerous ones. I was the weirdo stuck with worthless skills like General

Health and Walking! Why me? Why me?

I remembered that someone must have taken the skill Puppetry.

Whoever had that was definitely trouble for me. They would have had no

trouble puppeteering a Blockhead. Maybe I could trick whoever had that

skill to trade it for Blockhead?

The nerds glanced at each other and started taking all their equipment

off and placing it on the ground. That's a great idea, just disarm right here,

I thought. Not that I had room to criticize; I was trying to survive while

only able to wield a stick…

"Bad idea, this forest is too dangerous," I said. They gathered their


"Is that so?"

"It doesn't seem that bad."

"He must be right."

"We'll do as you see fit, milord."

I'm not your lord! I'm unemployed! These nerds even started talking

like we're in a fantasy world. While they were picking up their equipment, I

tried asking them a few questions.

"What happened to everyone else? Are you the class's night watch?"

The four grimaced. Their voices were frantic.

"Well, they left us behind."

"We got separated."

"Those stupid…"

"We ran away!"

Then all four of them at once: "We're on the run!"

I knew these guys were bullied at school, but were they really being

bullied here, too?

They were completely worn out, so I brought them back to my cave.

Their wounds needed treatment, so I splashed the cuts and bruises with a

potion I concocted out of boiled mushrooms and herbs. It was my first

clinical trial. In conclusion: mushroom stink.

"Your cave is so stylish!" one cried.

"You did this all on your own?"

"We've spent the past week all crammed in one tent…"

"This is like a fancy countryside retreat!"

Enough with reminding me that I'm alone, I know I'm a loner!

Everyone is banned from saying that word, by the way. This wasn't exactly

the countryside, either. I lived more like a hermit in the boonies.

It was true, though. The cave was much nicer than when I got there.

It was originally jagged and uneven, but I'd used Packing Magic to smooth

out the floor and walls. That's how I learned Earth Magic, which I used to

revamp the cave into a massive room. I thought maybe my Earth Magic

would level up, but Shut-In and Loner leveled up instead. Of course, just

that stuff.

The nerd squad burbled with excitement.

"It's like a modern warehouse!"

"I can't imagine living by myself with this much space!"

"All four of us…in one tent…for a week."

"An upscale loft?"

All four of them in unison: "Awesome!!"

All their chatter was beginning to irritate me, so I brought them some

juice I had made from those little mystery fruits I collected earlier to shut

them up. It was a suspicious dark color, but they drank it all up without a

hint of trepidation.

"This is delicious!" they shouted.

"Huh, there was fruit in this forest after all?"

They loved it, and they didn't immediately keel over. Juice

experiment: triumphant success. I tried asking them what in the world

they'd been doing in the forest for the past week.

Their response was a lot to take in. A lot of stupid stuff—not because

of them, but because of everyone else.

They took a long time to fill me in on everything that happened. It

was a story full of resentment, ugliness, and cruelty, with no kindness at all.

All of my other classmates were summoned into the forest at the

same time. There were forty-two of them. I can't even remember any of

their names.

Apparently, the old dude's explanations didn't sit well with the class.

Chaos erupted. No surprises there, especially the typical behavior from the

wannabe delinquents and the mean girls.

First, the wannabe delinquents started swinging swords around and

shooting spells everywhere, and when they finally stopped, everyone else

got mad and attacked them. The mean girls kept moaning about how they

didn't know what was going on and demanding that everyone else fix things

and make them comfortable.

The normal girls burst into tears. The sports club guys got into a

huddle and ignored everyone else. The regular guys just blended into the


Only the Class Rep was completely unfazed, even when they were

transported to the middle of the forest.

In the meantime, the nerds had totally guilelessly exchanged all the

information they'd gathered about their stats, abilities, equipment, and


And of course, because of all the ruckus, a bunch of monsters

attacked. Goblins swarmed in from every direction and even the Class Rep

freaked out. Even she has her limits, I thought.

The mean girls shouted at the guys to protect them. The wannabe

delinquents, who had been swinging their swords around and screaming up

until then, froze up as soon as the monsters appeared. The morons! The

regular guys stayed little more than extras in the background.

In the midst of the chaos, the nerds—who had often dreamt of being

sent to a fantasy world—easily adapted to the situation and managed to

drive the goblins back. Soon, the jocks joined the fray. With their help, the

battle was won. After that, the Class Rep somehow managed to get the

unruly mob of students to listen to her. She directed everyone to head to the

river bank as it was probably less dangerous.

As they marched, the nerds gathered mushrooms and foraged for

food. Even though most of my classmates were annoying and totally

useless, it sounded like somehow, they all made it there safely.

Everyone was quiet. Either they had learned the hard way to shut up

or they were just exhausted. The evening passed by in relative quiet. The

nerds lit campfires, set up tents, and even cooked dinner for everyone.

It sounded like the nerds had practiced survival skills regularly back

home just in case they were ever summoned to another world. Just how

ridiculous can you get? They really did think they were living in a manga.

Class Rep kept everyone in line and helped set up the campsite while

the nerds taught their classmates how to pitch their tents. The nerds went

overboard with their own camp preparations without even consulting her—

they hadn't been ostracized, they just didn't think to collaborate with

anyone. Typical.

The Sorcerer made a fence and moat around the camp using Earth

Magic and his survival abilities. The Ninja went out on reconnaissance, set

traps for goblins, and managed to take a few out. The Saint cured the

injured and sick with his healing magic, and the Guardian patrolled the

camp and kept the campfires burning. They eliminated any goblins that

approached. These guys are intense!

Fortunately, the surrounding goblins were all weaklings, and

everyone gradually settled down and started discussions. They set up a

rotation for the night watch, planned their next steps, and thought about

how to get food. Class Rep asked the nerds for their input and came up with

her own ideas. Issues were raised and dealt with, one by one. If I ever see

her again, I'll have to address her as Her Royal Class Rep-ness.

But, as expected, something went wrong and the wannabe

delinquents were to blame.

The mean girls made a fuss first because they were having trouble

setting up their tent by themselves. Class Rep offered to help, but they

declined. They were hoping some cute guys would offer to do it for them.

"We never wanted to come here!"

"Dinner was gross! Make it again!"

"Get us out of here!"

They whined about everything under the sun. Before too long, the

wannabe delinquents decided they would go on strike, insisting that the

nerds should have to do all the work themselves. When the Class Rep tried

to intervene, they started threatening her and acting violent.

It was only a matter of time. The camp had split into factions—and

fallen into chaos.

Obviously, they couldn't keep it together for long. A bunch of dumb

high school sophomores, without even a teacher to keep them in line, were

suddenly plunged into life and death struggles with literal monsters.

Even the Class Rep, who was a born leader, couldn't handle it all by

herself. She must've understood that. No sixteen-year-old girl could've kept

control in a situation that crazy.

"That's it. I give up," she'd said, hanging her head in defeat.

Everything fell apart.

So, from then on, nothing was decided, and no one knew what to do.

So there they were, unwilling to cooperate even if it was a matter of


For the first time in their lives, they couldn't get what they wanted

just by complaining loud enough.

They had no established rules, and even their factions fell apart. They

were just forty-two individuals with dangerous, overpowered skills.

They may have been low level, but they were still formidable. They

didn't know how to use their abilities, how to fight, or what kinds of

dangers lurked in this world—and yet, they all bickered amongst

themselves instead of cooperating.

The best possibility for survival would have been under the

leadership of the Class Rep and the guidance of the nerds. The camp was

doomed from the moment that the Class Rep gave up. But I couldn't blame


The nerds had no interpersonal skills, obviously, but they still fought

monsters, protected the camp, and distributed food. It was all for nothing,

but they'd done it anyway.

I couldn't sit and listen anymore. "I've heard enough! It's freaking

depressing. So did you guys just run away after that?"

Long story short, the nerds were overwhelmed by the amount of

idiocy, complaints, and insults around them, so they took off. That was how

they ended up in my abode, ready to eat Fantasy Food Surprise with

Mystery Herb Garnish. Surprise, it's mushrooms again!

"But that's not why we really ran away. It's because of what

happened next…"

"Yeah! After that, things got even worse!"

"We wouldn't just run off for no reason. And why do you keep

calling us nerds? We have names, y'know! We're in your class!"

"These mushrooms are amazing!"

But they were right. They'd escaped from a terrible situation. I

doubted there was any silver lining to their story.

"Isn't nerd the name of your species? You're nerds A, B, C, and D.

Just like how we fought Goblins A and B and so on."

How else was I supposed to refer to them?

"Those aren't names! What do you think we are, a type of monster?"

"Stop calling us that! What if Nerd A really shows up in my stats?"

"Yeah, like monsters!"

"Huh?" Nerd D looked around at them in confusion. "I thought you

guys really were named Nerds A, B, and C."

"Traitor!" roared the other nerds. Even the nerds were infighting.

Whatever happened next in their story couldn't be good.

"All right, all right. enough joking around," one of the nerds said.

"Haruka-kun, how did you end up here?"

Uh, I wasn't joking, but I decided to let the matter rest.

"Well, I was summoned here like the rest of you, but I didn't run into

anyone else," I said. That was probably another benefit of the Loner title.

"I thought you'd gotten away from the magic circle. You were

running like crazy!"

"You were incredible!" they shouted.

Huh? Had they been watching me in the classroom?

"We were all in the middle of the classroom when it got pitch-black

except for the magic circle," I continued. "The circle gradually became

brighter until it suddenly flashed blinding white—and the next thing we

knew we were in a white room. But you were all so calm! No one reacted."

"Yeah! I was fine with it because I knew we were getting summoned

to another world. But first you tried to break open the window, and then you

climbed a locker before disappearing into the ceiling—I was pretty


So they were paying attention to me?

"In most of the books I've read, getting summoned to a fantasy world

comes as a surprise, doesn't it? I mean, it was totally epic, but wow, you

were so on top of your escape back there. It was like watching a movie! I

mean, I didn't see you myself, but the other guys told me about it later."

"It wasn't like a movie. There's never been a movie about a guy who

escaped getting summoned by jumping out through the ceiling," one of the

nerds shot back.

"Yeah, that was one of a kind!"

"Normally you'd just give up after the door and the windows didn't


"You were practically a ninja!"

What was that supposed to mean? He was literally a Ninja.

We all took turns having a bath and then napped for a while. We

shared some information and discussed our plans. After that, they continued

their story. Boy, did things get ugly.

In the end, the nerds were the only ones doing all the chores like

gathering food, keeping the base in order, and fighting the monsters. Class

Rep and some of the other students did their best to help out, but everyone

else just complained nonstop about the nerds' efforts. When they weren't

whining that there wasn't enough food, they were insisting that the tents

were too small. I'd been working way harder than them, and I was

technically an unemployed hermit!

The nerds worked hard to level up, partly to fight monsters, but

mainly because someone in class had two of the god-tier abilities:

Mesmerize and Puppetry. The only ways to fight those abilities were to

level up, earn resistance skills, or to find those students and seal their


Powerful skills like those required a lot of skill points. Mine didn't

require skill points, so they were definitely not powerful. Of course.

Eventually the nerds learned Appraisal and leveled it up to try to find

out who was using Mesmerize and Puppetry. Whoever took those skills

must have been up to something. Maybe their Appraisal level wasn't high

enough, or maybe inactive skills couldn't be detected. Either way, they

didn't figure it out. Maybe the culprit concealed their skills somehow, but

the nerds should have been high level enough to break any concealment.

"I was literally the last one to pick my skills, and those were

definitely taken," I said. "So somebody's playing a twisted mind game."

One person had turned the camp into their own sick playground and was

bending others to their will without them knowing.

"We were some of the first ones to pick, and those skills were already

gone," one of the nerds said.

"Just one of those skills is enough to play sadistic mind games.

Someone using both of them is just unfair!"

Knowing these nerds, they definitely skipped past the old dude's

explanations and went straight to ogling the skill list. Which meant that

almost immediately after getting to the white room, someone took

Mesmerize and Puppetry. Maybe they wanted to control other people, or

maybe they just wanted to start a harem or something. Probably both. It's

not like that's a good reason! If anything, it made the mind games even


"And your bathtub is insane!" Nerd B suddenly exclaimed. "It's even

got decorations!"

"But without beautiful female servants, even a beautiful bathtub feels

like the desolate sea…" Nerd C sighed.

"Then go drown in it!" Nerd D shot back, and we all laughed.

The nerds took turns telling me the rest of the story while the others

slept. I want to sleep, too! This story is way too long!