
Lone Wizard

Arthur crosses into a world of harry potter and grows stronger. World hopping and cross into other worlds with this world being the base camp. Loner MC a bit dark a bit normal...a bit OP(a lot OP) but due to different worlds power.

Simpletruth · Película
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11 Chs

Chapter 1: A Lonely Boy

Platform nine and three quarters, a boy stood alone near a steaming red train. His mind was blank. Seeing the familiar scene straight from the movies, the only thought in Arthur's mind was...

What? Where am I? It was a busy scene. The hustle and bustle of parents giving a sad farewell to their children. On the contrary, nobody came to see Arthur. He checked his trolley and his belongings. The suitcases were torn and even his clothes a size shorter. Obviously, this was a Poor ghost body. A series of memory flashed in Arthur's mind. The molted walls..the smelly food.... the orphanage.....the abusive dean...

Isn't this the legendary Crossing but why is his protagonist's template so crooked? Hell level difficulty in the beginning! Arthurs breathing started to get heavier but he was quickly able to calm down. This has always been a hidden ability of his and strictly speaking, the poor ghost's life experience wasn't that different from his own previous life. Arthur was a simple man in his previous life. Social beatings had long crushed his hopes and dreams and one word to summarise his life would be mediocrity. He failed the college entrance exam...failed further in the university where other students were off picking different hobbies. His friends played league and he too spent hours in it but never ever crossing bronze. Arthur had tears in his eyes as he thought to himself that he couldn't even play the game properly. Pushing aside the depression in his mind Arthur dragged his luggage with his hollow eyes to the train. He started from the back and luckily found a carriage. But he missed one thing. The green and silver drapery lined cleanly highlighting the ownership of the carriage.

Arthur found an empty compartment and was about to go in but was stopped by an older boy.

Failed to make his way his momentum shifted and he fell on his luggage.


"Where do you think you are going mud-blood?"

Arthur didn't pay attention to the foul language he first sorted out his ratted clothes and luggage he got up and said meekly:" I am sorry ".The long-term social beating had made him apologize first and realize later. perhaps owing to his attitude the other party didn't make it worse for him."What's your name ?"

Arthur...Arthur Black

The person was surprised and looked at his luggage and to his surprise, he found the initials AB. The attitude took a turn for 180. The Blacks were the members of the sacred 28 pureblood families with the blacks once holding a lot of power in the ministry. Arthur too was confused with his surname. He only had a fragment of memories of the old shabby black house and a handsome young man leaving him in the orphanage.

I, Arthur Black only live for myself. He thought to himself and completely suppressing his curiosity towards the black house. After politely nodding to the senior he went inside the carriage. There were three boys, two chubby and one with golden hair. The golden hair being the bonafide leader. Seeing Arthur come in, he introduced:

This is Crabbe and this is Goyle and I am Draco...Draco Malfoy.

Seeing the golden hair, Arthur also introduced himself: Arthur...Arthur Black.

The boy was stunned. Are you from the Black family? My mom is from the Black family. Thought they all ended up in prison. Oh sorry, pardon me. as Malfoy realized the not-so-good look on Arthurs's face.

Arthur put his luggage in and said: Should I call you cousin?

Don't worry about that. My mom would be very happy to meet you. She may even admit that you were her long-lost son. Arthur had blacklines hearing this but he was touched.

"Thank you."

Then the atmosphere once again descended into silence. Draco realizing that said: Oh I will go and meet some fellow classmates wanna go?

Thanks but I am feeling a little overwhelmed. Arthur said the truth. He was indeed feeling overloaded with all this.. crossing...family circumstances...He needed to think.

Crabbe Goyle with me. Let's Go. I heard Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts this year. Draco exited the carriage with his two followers leaving aside Arthur alone. The footsteps went farther away. Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. His body slumped. He was mentally exhausted with all the memories of two lives merging the hustle and bustle of the station. He was feeling sleepy when suddenly he heard a sound...

Ding...He looked in the carriage and outside trying to find the source until it sounded once again accompanied by the font..


Finding World...Harry Potter..Ok

Soul merging progress..100%..Ok

Character set: Arthur Black

Arthur was surprised with these white fonts...Nima is this the legendary golden finger

Arthur had a feeling that the next seven years are going to be very interesting.