
Locked With The Monster Forever

Mu Yuhaan is Asia's richest businessman and king of the underworld. Earth shakes under his feet, air becomes tense around him, and going against him is a straight suicidal attempt. All of this is applicable to all but one, his girlfriend, his soon to be wife, the love of his life, his Mian. Their love story was sailing smoothly garnering everyone's envy, until one day Mian wanted to break all the ties with Mu Yuhaan. Excerpt.. "Agreeing to be your girlfriend was the biggest mistake I made in my entire life!" Mian yelled at Mu Yuhaan's face with agitated eyes. This one sentence drained the glow from Mu Yuhaan's face, for the next few seconds, all he could do was just stare vacantly at Mian. After the buzzing in his head subsided a little, he gently held both of her arms, then asked, “Mian, what are you talking about? What made you utter such words? Babe, what happened?" "Exactly what you just heard and stop touching me! It's over!" Mian jerked at Mu Yuhaan's hands immediately, as if it disgusted her. That disgusted expression on her face was for him?! Anger accumulating inside, Mu Yuhaan's eyes glossed over coldly. "Since you know that, why are you running away? Mistakes shouldn't go unpunished, Mian; and in order to pay for it, you will be locked with me forever." Next moment, Mian felt Mu Yuhaan's strength for the first time, as she was thrown onto the bed, pinned by him. Since she wanted to do this the hard way, there was no reason for him to hold back anymore. While Mu Yuhaan was busy avenging his bleeding heart, tears of heartache were flowing out of Mian's eyes. She wanted to be with Mu Yuhaan as well, but she couldn't! Why can't he just let her go, and let everyone be at peace? They are not meant to be... Will Mu Yuhaan be able to find out the reasons behind Mian's sudden change of heart? Or will he be too late to lose the love of his life forever? = Nina was a supermodel, who had it all—looks, wealth, and a long line of suitors. She always had a big smile while facing her family, but, late at night it was only her tears that accompanied her to sleep. The tragic death of her beloved, took her smile away, clouding her bright life. However, as they say, God can never see his children in pain for a long time, an eventful night pushed Nina into a marriage with Lu Yifeng, the CEO of the Biggest Entertainment Company in the country. From apathy to pure hatred, it didn't stop there, evolving into friendship, then taking turns towards the deepest path of love. Just then, like the naughty bully in school, fate played another cruel game shattering Nina's heart once again. Excerpt.. Nina's teary eyes sought out Lu Yifeng, plucking up her all courage, she pushed the heavy question out of her quivering lips, "Did you kill Mubai?" The deem light of hope couldn't but stare anxiously at him, to hear a negative answer. Okay, he didn't have to say anything, just single shake of head would suffice. Lu Yifeng's face fell instantly. Nina's anxiousness mounted, she cupped his face with both hands to station his gaze on hers. "Why are you not saying anything? Feng, just tell me once, you aren't the reason why Mubai is no more?" Lu Yifeng's eyes drooped, as he stood there hanging his head low. Hreatbreak, betrayal, anger and pain almost blasted Nina's heart out. Staggering a few steps back, she stared at Lu Yifeng through a blurred vision. Just like her vision, she felt her heart never saw the clear version of him. "I really wish, you lose the person you love, perhaps then you will understand my pain!" Like a statue who got his voice back, Lu Yifeng pleaded desperately with urgency, "Don't! Curse me, hit me all you want, drag me to the court, but don't curse yourself, Nin! I love you!" His expression remorseful, the one beyond redemption. Will Nina be able to come out of her past and find love in her husband? Or her hatred for Lu Yifeng will take him to his grave?

Loneliness_Lover · Ciudad
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152 Chs

Why Didn't You Move Aside, Even After You Saw Me Coming In The Same Direction? Isn't It Because You Wanted To Bump Into Me?

"Ouch!" Gone was her hold on her sister, as her body itself lost its grip on its powers. However, miraculously, despite falling flat on face, Mian didn't feel the pain she expected.

Nevertheless, before she could figure out anything, her head was jolted upwards by the harsh sound that came crashing down on her from just a few inches over her head.

"Can't you see?!"

Mu Yuhaan tried to tilt his head and raise himself to a sitting position while pushing the clumsy woman away, nonetheless, she pressed one of his forearms under her chest and secured a bent arm around his neck.

How did she manage to get themselves in this situation?!

He became so angry that metaphorical fireballs began burning within his eyes. Mustering his strength, he tore the woman apart from himself, rolling a feet from her, he leapt to stand straight.

Wang Eric, Mu Yuhaan's assistant and Hu Ming, his secretary, widened their eyes in shock. How could such an ominous accident take place in their presence?!

They hoped Mu Yuhaan wouldn't place the blame on them for any lack of attention this time. They were following him from behind, okay?!

While their boss was on an important phone call, the beautiful girl was literally half dragging and half pulling the skinny girl beside her out of the Chanel's showroom with twenty some shopping bags hanging in their hands; and was trying to convince the latter at the same time.

Obviously, it would make it arduous for anyone to be vigilant, and she clearly didn't see the little kid throwing the banana peel in front of her. They knew, it was a pure accident. However, who would tell that to Mu Yuhaan?!

Mian also stood up in the next second, storm gathering in her eyes, and her aura was beyond hot under the collar. His iron-fingertips pressed into her arm to holes, and the sudden push almost smashed her shoulder.

Mian glared at the tall and rigid man with a mask on his face. Only his lower half of face could be seen, with a very sharp nose, thin lips and clenched jaw line. Even though his face was half covered, that couldn't decrease his charisma as he had a drool worthy physique, just like those ML from comic books.

However, Mian was someone who couldn't care less about people's outer appearance, unlike other girls. All she cared about was a kind heart and nice behaviour. Moreover, she didn't like rude people at all. One of her mottos was, 'The way you treat me, you would be treated in the same way.'

"No, I can't see but you can, right? Then, why didn't you move aside, even after you saw me coming in the same direction? Isn't it because you wanted to bump into me? You civilized pervert!" Mian spat with a viciousness, and waved Mu Yuhaan aside.

Because of the earlier fall, many contents came out of the shopping bags. She squated, and shoved everything back into the bags, then pulled the dumbfounded Nina with her out of there.

Mu Yuhaan, on the flip side, stood there, flummoxed. This was the very first time in his life that he got rebuked; that too, in a public place in front of so many people, by a fragile girl! Seriously? His lips had moved up and down but no words came out of it.

Every person who witnessed that incident was shocked to death, some even sank to the ground, too shocked to register what to do next.

Because someone dared to refute the Monster! Someone actually dared to talk back to the Monster!

Mu Yuhaan's secretary and assistant stood rooted in their spot; having a hard time to digest the ferocity of the beauty and the damage wrought on their boss's reputation.


A Red Ferrari moved in the highroad at a very high speed, zigzagging between other vehicles.

Seeing Nina drive her red Ferrari at full speed while looking at the rear view mirror now and then anxiously, Mian was blindsided. As she looked outside through the window glass, all the vehicles seemed like tortoises compared to Nina's crazy horse.

"What's wrong with you, Nin? Why are you driving at 211 mph? Please, slow down or else I will have a heart attack! I don't wanna die so early! I am a neurosurgeon and I have to save lives. Otherwise, nine years of tormenting myself by reading those thick books will go in vain." Mian said, holding her seat belt tightly to save her dear life.

Having heard the ridiculous excuse Mian had just given, Nina felt like vomiting blood. She gave Mian an 'irritated' look, before throwing a barrage of words at her.

"First of all, you have a very strong heart, otherwise, you couldn't be a neurosurgeon! Second, you have photographic memory, so don't tell me that you had difficulties in memorising those thick medical books. Third, I am a professional car racer, so there is no way I will lead you to an accident."

Nina continued to drive faster, leaving all the vehicles behind.

Mian was on edge by the perilous speed they were traveling at. She felt the green bar of her lifespan was decreasing rapidly!

"My heart is strong at OT, because at that time, I know that I am saving lives. However, trust me when I say that in normal times my heart is so weak that I can't even imagine killing an ant let alone dying. Why are you dri-Ahhhh."

Before Mian could finish her sentence, the red shiny Ferrari almost bumped into another car, bringing Mian's heart near to her throat. She held her seat belt more tightly, as if it was even possible.

"Nin, please stop! Slow down! Look, traffic police! They are signalling us to stop, Nin!"

Nina paid no heed to Mian's nagging. She carried on with driving at 211 mhp, overtaking all the vehicles on the road. At this point, other vehicles started making way for this crazy horse in fear, which literally caused a very chaotic scenario on the road.

"Stop screaming! I am misleading them already, the police can't catch us." Nina said, self-assured; and she actually did it. In a span of a few minutes, there was no trace of police behind them anymore.

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