
Living with Truck-sama's Blessing on my Greedy path

Crack Fic Ahead do not proceed if you want Logic. Continued Synopsis: If you have read my other book the Chapter 1 will make a lot of sense. As for new readers well know that I will not apply logic most of the time. Actual Synopsis : Truck-sama! Truck-sama Is the Way! Truck-sama is the Life! What? Did I just win the Gacha!? P.S. I do not own anything.

QueenScathach · Cómic
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69 Chs


"So you're our new club advisor?" Cecilia asked Nemuri who was at the head of the long table.

"I guess I am?" Nemuri was a bit nervous she didn't expect that they wouldn't respect her.

"Stop scaring Nemuri, Cecilia, I'd appreciate it if you let her feel like she was the real club advisor" Chifuyu told Cecilia as she looked at Nemuri worriedly if she would survive this den of wolves.

"Is she even capable of taking care of us Chifuyu-nee? We're not worried about her teaching skills rather" Houki looked at Chifuyu who sighed.

"She is, She was Tabane's number one lab rat before we graduated"

"Hey! Don't reveal things like that!" Nemuri groaned as she remembered the numerous pranked Tabane pulled on her. "So you're Tabane's real sister huh? I thought you just had the same family name? You both really are polar opposites"

"I have somewhere else to go, Good luck surviving the day Nemuri" Chifuyu escaped as she had done her job in introducing Nemuri to the group.

"Saegusa" Nemuri called Mayumi who was playing chess with Claudia.

"What is it Nemuri-sensei?" Mayumi stopped playing and Claudia also turned her attention towards her.

"Have you completed your data recording?" Nemuri knew that Mayumi had a list of names regarding people who either interested her or people that were beneficial to the success of the school.

"Which recording?" Claudia then pulled out Three tablets from the side.

"I think she's referring to the club's data" Mayumi instantly knew what Nemuri was referring.

"Ah, it's still under collection but we do have the data for the core group" Claudia gave a special Golden tablet to Nemuri.

"Wait a minute, since when did you join?" Nemuri memorized the members of the club and was sure that Claudia wasn't part of it.

"Just know" Claudia chuckled as Nemuri flinched while taking the tablet.


"Are you still sure about joining now Sakura?" Rio asked Sakura who was quietly observing everyone.

"Of course! Look at them! They're all the top athletes of their sports and they're models!" Sakura always wanted to be friends with celebrities as part of her bucket list but she didn't expect that it would actually happen.

"Do you guys need anything?" Rem went near them as she had noticed they were just watching the whole time.

"Uhm, I was curious, where is the laboratory Sora told me about?" Rio was curious if it was true or just a lie Sora made up.

"Oh! Nee-san,Nee-san" Rem called Ram who was currently filming every thing happening.

"What is it Rem?"

"Rio-san wants to go the laboratory, can you guide her?"

"I don't have a problem with that, come I'll help you disable Tabane's traps" Ram told a fidgeting Rio who nodded and followed her.

"What about you Sakura-san? Do you want anything else?" Sakura was thinking deep and hard and soon heard that Kaori, Sena and Sora were cooking together.

"Can I join them? I mean this is my first time here"

"It's not a problem, here come with me I'll help you cook anything if you want" Rem took Sakura's hands as they went to Sora and the group.

"Say Shirone, are you going to stay here?" Kuroka asked her sister who was laying down beside her.

"Mm" Koneko just nodded.

"All right, I have somewhere to go" Kuroka licked Koneko's head before she went out.

"Take care nya" Koneko looked at her sister's disappearing figure before she went back to sleep.


"Where is that human Nya! Why is she so Nya!" As Kuroka was walking she felt someone pick her up.

"Alice!" Kuroka turned around to see Yukino who hugged her directly.

"Nya!" Kuroka squirmed but gave in to Yukino as she knew she was also one of Sora's targets.

"Why are you out here all alone? Did you run away again?" Kuroka didn't know if she should reply so she just stared at Yukino.

"That bastard really is lying! But I can't even take care of you" Yukino sighed, Kuroka still didn't say anything and instead jumped onto Yukino's head and sat there.

Yukino felt giddy and patted Kuroka as she forgot she was mad earlier.

"Say Alice, do you think I'm being too cold on everyone?" Kuroka perked her ears and patted Yukino's head with her paws.

"I don't know what you're trying to convey I don't even know if you understand me" Yukino smiled.

"Do you think that Sora thinks I hate him?" Yukino didn't know why she asked but she was confident Kuroka didn't understand her so she just asked out of the blue.

"Nya!" Kuroka leaped onto her shoulder and shook her head as she made eye contact with Yukino

Yukino rubbed her eyes in disbelief wondering if Kuroka understood her.

Before Yukino could hold Kuroka again she immediately ran away.

"It must be because I'm too stressed" Yukino thought to herself but "Alice!" Yukino shouted as she remembered Kuroka ran away from her just now.


"So that human thinks like that huh?" Kuroka muttered to herself as she was on her quest to find that strange human she and Sora met days ago.

"Where are you?" Kuroka heard Sora's voice and looked around but she also couldn't sense him also.

"I'm trying to find that strange girl nya! My mark somehow disappeared" Kuroka wondered how.

"It must be because you rushed in marking her, I know because your mark was too faint" Sora told Kuroka who also nodded.

"I guess so, do you know where she is nya?" Kuroka just heard a chuckle as they telepathically communicated.

"She's at Itan Private school."

"Nya! Copy that!" Kuroka immediately surveyed her surroundings before opening a portal.


"What's so funny?" Sakura asked Sora as she thought he was teasing her whole also teaching her

"Nothing, I just remembered the last time I helped someone bake it was disastrous" Sena and Kaori didn't say anything as they remembered the accident.

"How can that be? I mean it smells delicious as it is!" Sakura said as she whiffed the scent of the cupcakes they baked.

"I hope your ready Sakura-san" Sena warned Sakura who took a piece.

"I'll call Momo to go to Chifuyu-nee just in case" Kaori unhooked her apron as she went to grab her phone.

"Why are you all scaring me? it's just a piece of!" As soon as Sakura took a bite she her taste buds were overloaded with flavors she couldn't describe, she felt her pain was cured and that everything around her was full of sunshine and rainbows.

Sakura immediately imagined that she and Sora would get married and that she was the one and only girl in his life, as soon as the cupcake was gone she felt weak in the legs and somehow.

"W-we-wet!" Before Sakura could react Ram and Rem covered her with a blanket and carried her away with Rem carrying Her legs and Ram carrying her body as if she was about to be buried.

"What happened?" Nemuri joined and saw how wet the floor was. "What is this?" Nemuri was curious and eyed Sora.

"I think that you should know that's"

"Where's Sakura?" Nemuri cut off Sora who just pointed at where Rem and Ram carried her off.

Nemuri didn't know what to say as Sakura looked red and was also being taken cared of by Rem and Ram as she was rolled into a sushi wrap by the club room's blankets, she then smelled a delicious scent.

"Where's Sakura?" Rio arrived as she saw Ram rushing towards Sakura earlier when she was giving the tour of the laboratory.

"She's there, She's okay we already called in Chifuyu-nee" Sora pointed out a passed out Sakura.

"Eh why'd you call Chifuyu for? I'm right here, I may not look like it but I'm quite reliable you know, Here Rio, You look like you could use a snack." Nemuri gave Rio a cupcake and Sora just chukcled

Rio sniffed the cupcake and her eyes widened as she had not smelled something so delicious in her life.

Rio couldn't help herself as she took a bite and as soon as it entered her mouth.

"Eh?" Nemuri looked at Rio who was turning red by the second, she couldn't help herself and wondered if the cupcake was made spicy, although she knew it was a weird flavor but knowing Sora from Shizuka's crazy stories about his cooking she decided to take a bite.

"It shouldn't be that spicy compared to a Carolina reaper is it?" Nemuri then took a bite and as soon as it entered her mouth she immediately understood why Rio and Sakura reacted that way.

"Kya!" Nemuri couldn't hold herself as she gushed out her juices.

"No!" Rem complained as she had just cleaned everything earlier and now she had to clean it again.

"Where's the!" Chifuyu instantly bursted in and saw Mayumi and Claudia point at where Nemuri and Rio were.

Ram and Rem had already carried Rio away from the site as she looked like she waa about pass away, leaving Nemuri who was panting hard.

"Chi-Chifuyu! He-help me!" Nemuri begged Chifuyu who rolled her eyes as she went closer, Chifuyu then eyed Sora.

"I tried to warn her this time" Sora told Chifuyu who just snorted and carried Nemuri.

"Call the supply office Sena" Chifuyu told Sena who nodded and took the club tablet.

"Is this what Shizuka feels?" Chifuyu muttered at how she had to take care of children.


A/N : I already announced this on my other novel yesterday so I'm gonna shorten it here, I'm currently recovering from the surgery and will be doing 50-150 words a day as an exercise as well as my other PT exercises, thank you for still supporting, that is all.