
chapter -6

Next day morning

Wendy slept peacefully with children by her side without having any nightmares..

she woke up and saw little bun and angel is missing. she worriedly went down and then she was surprised by seeing the scene before her.

little bun was doing push ups and little angel was practicing kung-fu with her master.

Wendy -( Are they really five years old??? they are not only cute last night but they are very hard working in the middle . I really want these kids for her own. )-

she kept her thoughts aside and went near them. as she was a master of all these she was really loved the kids for their strong will ..

Wendy went to little bun and said " little bun, do you really work out every day? "

little bun kept a huge smile and bunny eyes when he saw his mother and said " yes mommy, we do it every day ,mommy will you be my trainer? "

Wendy :" why? you already have one? "

"no,i want mommy be my trainer, because the trainers will be easy on us they won't scold us if we do anything wrong, that's why I want mommy to be our trainer, and we can learn more from our mommy "

the trainers who sat on the bench laughed and said "what ,,you want this skinny lady to teach you all fighting skills? she can't protect herself and you want her to be your trainer? "

all the trainers started mocking at Wendy,

little bun and angel was in very angried state by those comments they started training hardly because they want to protect her mother, they fold their hands into fist's, Wendy saw the fire in the eyes of the kids she was moved by their actions inorder to prevent further actions she stepped forward and prevented kids to do bad things.

Wendy :" stop you little punks, you are not my match, "she said that and wanted to leave the place with kids

one of the trainer went near her stopped her and said :" wow, you hot chick,,you are just a mere little girl in this palace and , you have guts to discriminate our talents, then why don't we have a match to see who are the best, if you want to leave the place just compete with us then you can leave."

Wendy did not want to admit defeat to these little punks so she accepted and started the haunting of little rabbits within seconds she crushed all the trainers smoothly with out giving a second to them to think what is going on .

Wendy turned to the kids, and said "common kids, it's time to eat, go and fresh up so we can have breakfast. "

little bun and angel was in shock as they saw the goddess of war just now and started praising their mother , they are some what happy as in the whole world only their mother was a beautiful princess, only only only thier mother ....kids went upstairs to fresh up .

In the balcony, Joseph was seeing this scene, he wanted to take action on those foolish trainers , but before he started his action already someone already took actions to protect her kids. He saw how smoothly she handled the problem.

From that day onwards, the trained the kids perfectly. Morning she trained them some fighting techniques which are required to their age and in the afternoon she make them to study and in the evening all the three will do gardening.. sometimes Joseph will join them in the morning and the evening. she forget about college and Lu family by staying with the kids.

After few days, she brought The kids to the garden and they sat down on the grass.

Wendy :" little bun and angel will you forget about me when you grow big "

bun :" How can we forget about mommy ?"

Wendy :" I will go away from you in the future and you will go to your own mother "

two kids don't know what to say, they are her biological mother .

angel :" mommy, don't you want us anymore? "

"no, mommy loves you so much ,she wanted both angel and bun to be her babies "

"mommy, then we will accompany mom and stay by your side all the way "

"Really, but I Don't live in England, I have to go back to my home. what we have to do? "

bun :" mommy, I have an idea! "

"what is the idea baby? "

both kids nodes their heads to each other and said :" mommy you can take us with you , we will go back with you "

Wendy don't know what to do and cant reject the temptation .she thought for some time and agreed to their idea.

"but how can we escape from that devil? "

"don't worry mommy, sister and I will take care about that, you just sleep happily and when you wake up you will be in City S tommorow.

they agreed to escape but Wendy was not sure about their plan.