
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · Ciudad
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29 Chs

Gray cobra's King!

Zane and Oliver glared at each other as if they were 5 years war enemies, Naveah in the middle just wanted to get down and run to her room. Zane stormed towards Oliver and grabbed Navee's hand "Put her down. who are you to touch her like this?"

"That's my line. why are you grabbing her so casually?" Oliver grabbed Navee even more tightly and won't put her down.

"HEY! LET ME GO!! AM I A PIECE OF SNACK!! YOU BRAT, PUT ME DOWN AND TESSA LET GO OF MY HAND..!" Navee started scolding both of them so Oliver and Zane obediently listened.

"Tessa, this is my junior in the PBI. Don't be so wary of him, he's like a little brother to me. And Oliver, this is my childhood friend so you can go back to work now. I'll be fine with her don't worry.

"She's the one that worries me!" Oliver glared at zane again.

"Why don't you listen to your senior and mind your business?" Zane smiled at Oliver with his eyes closed. "Tessa..!! stop talking like that. Oliver, go do your work now or I'll eliminate you from the investigation later. "*sigh* fine, I'm leaving." Oliver looked back one more time before leaving and glared at Zane.

"So why're you here all of a sudden not to mention You even know my location even though I never told you." Naveah said while opening the door. "Come in, want some coffee?"

"You're fine being alone with me? I mean yesterd-" Naveah interrupted "Forget it. whatever happened was one-sided and we're both girls so forget it! " Naveah said while turning the other way. "What? forget it? Do you think I'm some underage child who acted simply after being aroused? Do I look that cheap to you?" Zane grabbed her by the shoulder and turned her towards him " Heh..! and you ask me to forget about it while making this face?" Zane stared at Naveah who was blushing and shivering from his touch. "l-let go of me, now's not the good time to talk. Please leave. I can't think straight now. " Naveah pushed Zane.

"...Ok, Rest well. Just..... don't do anything reckless." Zane left.

Navee laid down on the bed while covering her face and remembered the kiss he imprinted on her lips.

"I'm trying my best to distract myself but why can't I forget it? we're both girls and she's also my friend." Navee thought to herself when she suddenly remembered the Mafia boss from before. "yes! Tonight's the right time. The best thing to distract me also I have no missions." Naveah jumped up to check the calculation she did at zane's place and came up with a place where she might see the boss.

At night-

When Navee reached the targeted place her jaw dropped after seeing a huge mansion in front of her. Since she went there solo, she managed to sneak in without getting caught. She walked inside the hallway slowly.Suddenly someone grabbed her hand and slammed her by the wall. "Argh who-" She turned behind to see a tall man with a cigarette in his smirked face. "Hey, Karl look I found an ant sneaking in." the man said.

"what shit did you start again jack?" Karl said while walking towards Navee. "Owh! what do we have here? A girl? What are those guards doing outside, that a woman could sneak in?"

"Let me go. I'm here to see your boss." Naveah looked at Karl.

Karl glared at her and grabbed her by the throat "Know your place! How dare you talk about our boss?"

"Agh..!" Navee pulled out her knife and stabbed Karl's hand. Karl loosened his grip and she jumped off to escape. Karl stared at his hand while saying, "Get her jack. She's a cop."

"I would do that without you telling me anyway! Finn!! catch that chick from the hallway" Jack started running after her.

Navee ran and kept looking for an escape. She stopped in front of a room when she saw Finn and jack coming from both sides. Suddenly someone picked her up in a blink of an eye and jumped off the window, "Eeekk...!! Don't throw me! Aaaacckk I'll explain, I'll explain!!" Naveah screamed while grabbing that person tightly. "Calm down! I won't drop you!" He said in a soft voice while putting her down. Navee looked at him to see that masked face from before. "It's you! wait, did you just save me from your partners?.....why?" Naveah said with confusion. "Look, I don't know what kind of people you think of us but we don't kill people or attack them unless they make a move first. Also, what are you doing here? I don't think your officer sent you this time" He said while fixing his gloves. "Fine, I'll get to the point. I came here to see you." (Naveah)

"w-what?" He froze. "You know me....don't you? Last time and now too. Take off your mask." Naveah moved closer to him.

"Aren't you being too bold, asking that to a mafia boss? Just go back, if they see you-" Naveah cut him off saying "I'm not afraid of them nor you. Take your mask off " She kept getting closer.

"Hey back off You wanna stay on the roof alone? I wo-" before he could finish Naveah grabbed his collar and pulled the mask off. The familiar golden hair and yellow eyes were shining under the moonlight while he moved away from Naveah.

"Oliver....that's enough!" Naveah stared at him.

"When you picked me up, I had an awfully familiar feeling and your voice! You were the grey cobra's king all along? And yet you acted as if you can't even use a gun in front of me." She said while moving back.

"As expected from my sister. Always quick in these things." Oliver smirked. "Don't call me your sister! you deceived me." Naveah said with a hurt expression.

"Do you hate me now? I didn't deceive you." Oliver moved closer to her. "Why did You even join the PBI in the first place? To leak information?" (Naveah)

"No..!! I joined just because of you, only....to be with you" Oliver looked at her with that gaze again which reminds her of Zane.

"W-what do you mean?" Naveah stared at Oliver's yellow eyes with confusion while standing on the roof of the mansion.