
Light in the captive

After hearing about serial murder news one after another Naveah Tylar participated in the case as an undercover cop and observed the brutal dead bodies with her own eyes! she became determined to find the murderer and made a deep friendship with two fellow cops in the meantime! During these disaster moments, she met up with her childhood friend whom she lost 10 years ago. But their reunion Changed the life of her and the people around them! The dark secret behind her friend who is secretly in love with her seems to be unnoticed and How dark are these secrets and obsessions that some people had to put their lives on the line? However, he gets interrupted by a junior investigator who is also in love with Naveah. A huge havoc appeared among them and made her life desolated. "When will I be free from all this? How much more should I observe?" Naveah's eyes looked up to the lifeless cloudy sky. The end is yet to know. (A/N-This novel contains 18+ contents) and the cover photo is created by me!!)

0_ALkei_0 · Ciudad
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29 Chs

'One' hidden secret!

A man in black with his injured hand is walking through the dark and long hallway!

He Went inside a Huge room with no windows in it and sat down on the bed while taking off his black cloak and his mask! Another man rushed inside "Boss!! what happened to your arm?? Who did this to you? What does he look like? I'll kill him for this!!" A tall man with brown hair and a scar on his face Said with anger!

"Don't shout in front of me, Karl! This is nothing It'll heal soon!" The boss said while pulling out the bullet from his arm.

"Who dares to shoot You?!! I knew it! we shouldn't have let you and Jett go alone!" (Karl)

As soon as he finished he could see The long sharp tip of the knife just right in front of his pupils!!

"Are you looking down on your boss?" The boss death glared at Karl!

"I would never! I'd rather die! But you're our king! I feel useless when you get hurt boss!" Karl said with a worried expression.

The boss withdrew his knife! " Get out!! and don't let anyone in for now...I want to be alone!"

"Ok, boss! I'll tell them! Take some rest!" Karl closed the door and left!

He laid down on the bed and covered his face with his hands "Why her of all people?! What in the world is the PBI thinking?!



While staring at each other Samantha and nick started doubting more about Juvia and their facial expression gave off their thoughts! And Naveah didn't want that!

"Ahahah oh yeah! How did I forget? I told her before going that we've found the dwelling place! damn what's wrong with my brain these days! " Naveah said while caressing her head.

".....Are you sure about that? who forgets these kinda things?" Samantha frowned!

"Talk for yourself! You can't even remember people's names" Nick made another meh face!

"THAT'S a different case! and show me that poop-like expression of yours one more time I swear! " Samantha glared at nick while nick looked back and pouted!

"Anyway, Where's Ms. Juvia? I need to leave now 'cause I have a mission!" Samantha said while looking at her watch.

"She wanted to give us some privacy so she went to the office for a bit! And.....Did you guys find out anything new about the killer?" (Naveah)

Samantha and nick froze for a second!

"Nah not really! what can we find out without you? I'm gonna go now!! take care and rest well! After recovery tell me every detail of yesterday night!! Then...later!" Samantha left with nick!

Naveah looked outside the window while touching her swollen arm, thinking how exactly did Zane find her!? Because she actually didn't tell her anything!

Naveah waited eagerly for zane to return! Then suddenly the thought about the mafia boss popped out!

Naveah felt uneasy! "I want to see his face!" is what she thought!

"Should I go back to that building? But I don't think they'll be there!" she said to herself.

She started thinking of all kinds of plans after recovery and got interrupted when Zane called out her name "Naveah! you're spacing out a lot today!" zane waved his hand in front of Naveah.

"Oh! when did you get in?" (naveah)

"Just now! I've bought some ingredients! I'll cook for you today! what do you want to eat?" Zane said while checking the items.

"Hey Tessa! How....did you know where I was yesterday? I don't remember telling you! In fact, I told no one about the mafia things!" (Naveah)

Zane looked at the wall in In front of him with his shiny eyes and then sighed "I....attached a GPS tracker on your Uniform!"

"What?? why would you do that?! Naveah got angry!

"Naveah I'm always worried about you! Just the moment I met you, you were always on dangerous missions!! Day and middle of the night! You already got into trouble too! If it hadn't been for the GPS how'd I find you yesterday? things could've gotten worse!!" Zane got so worked up that he started talking in his real voice!

"...Why're you shouting like that? I'm the one who should be angry!! Where's my uniform?" (Naveah)

"...In the laundry! You're gonna take it off!?"(zane)

"What else? listen don't just use some GPS on me! I'm an undercover cop! There'll be missions that I should keep secrets from others if you do this, that'll break the rules! I'll inform you before going somewhere you don't have to use a GPS! just have trust in me!" Naveah said in a soft voice.

".....I understand! I'll go keep these in the kitchen!" Zane Went down to the kitchen! He stopped in front of the sink!

"PffftmmmhhahaahaHahahahaAhaaah~ Naveah you really think there's only one??" Zane grabbed his face with his hand while his pupils got lighter again, thinking about the countless places he placed GPS and cameras in!


"....Are you sure you want us to sleep in one bed?" zane asked Naveah with a surprised face!

"yup!! Let's sleep together and talk a lot tonight!! C'mon hop in!" Naveah said while pulling up the blanket.

"Sleep together?! Aghh! well...I should let you sleep comfortably tonight! The sofa is fine for me!" Zane said while caressing his neck.

"NO!! c'mon! I might need someone to help me at night too! so get in!! What's the big deal? and why would I let the house owner sleep on the sofa!!?" Naveah insisted!

".....Fine! I'm coming!" zane covered his eyes and sighed.

He laid down further away from Naveah while turning his back towards her! since Naveah isn't aware of him being a man, so he had to do a lot of preparation.

"Psst!! hey! why're sleeping so far away? Get over here!" Naveah whispered in the dark!

".....why're you whispering!!! just talk normally!! It's only us in the room!"(zane)

"no, I mean! The lights are off, it feels weird to talk loud!" Naveah Whispered again!

Then she slowly moved closer to zane and blew in his ear!!

"Hup!..N-naveah...!!!!!!" He immediately grabbed naveah's arm and blushed! Naveah was laughing until she realized the 5 centimetres gap between her and Zane's lips!

zane looked at her with his shiny blue eyes, they looks even clear in the dark!! He slowly moved closer to her lips, leaving a 1 centimetre gap he said "You really wanna kiss me?? why're you staring?"


"Huh?? Oh for that! here!" zane helped her lay back down and Turned over to his side in silence.

The two of their heartbeat got louder and was heard clearly in the dark silent room while they silently stared in opposite directions!

None of them could sleep then suddenly Naveah whispered again "Hey! When Will You go to the office? Drop me off at home when you go!"

"What do you mean? you're staying here with me for a week!" zane turned to Naveah.

"WHAT!!! a whole week? here? In bed?" Naveah said with a sad surprised face.

"You need to let it heal and start walking slowly! you live alone what do you expect and you don't have to worry about work ! You can rest at ease!" (zane)

"Sleeping every day with you? here?"(Naveah)


"Why am I feeling weird!? gosh!" Naveah thought to herself while covering her face with the blanket.

"I don't think I can sleep tonight!" Naveah said while thinking about Zane's gentle face from this morning!