
Life in the Pokemon World

Would you be happy if you received a system? But how about a system you couldn't use? Ed who has a system but it doesn't have any use aside for sign in was living a normal life forgetting about isekai fantasy. Nearing the end of his college life as he has only one year left. But God has other plans and with the wishing pokemon, Jirachi, instead of graduating in college the one he graduated to was his life in his past world. Now reincarnating in the pokemon world and taking challenges along the way and learning the mystery of the new world he was in. _-_-_-_ Hello, This novel was my rewrite of the first novel I wrote, well maybe when I was in my senior years, 2016, turning it into my diary with my pokemon fantasy I was hoping maybe if I wrote a fanfic of my favorite show maybe I will be Isekai'd to it. I wrote this fanfic when the newest game was sun and moon, also the last pokemon game I got to play. Now with new regions and series such as Galar and Paldea I'm trying to integrate it with the story so the rewrite. Well I'm sorry but I'm not a writer I'm just doing it for myself.

Leery · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Chapter 11

The group finally arrived at the headquarter of Hoenn League, Ever Grande City, unlike in the games where there was only Victory road, Pokémon Center, and the league building. There are subdivisions and villages that are home members of the league. The group couldn't use aircraft or any flying pokemon due to having a conference tournament going on. 

League tournament is divided into three namely, Rookie, Advance, and Elite. Rookie tournament if the trainer is a new trainer who is below 15 years old, this tournament is used by the alliance to scout talent and invite and train them. Advance also called conference is where aside from Elite trainers could participate and most trainers participate, most children who were part of a family or the alliance choose to participate in this conference rather than Rookie as they are already part of the league. Lastly Elite is where trainers will work for the league and this tournament is a ranking of them and unlike the other two tournaments the one who could only see the battle live are those who work for the league or a middle rank member of the alliance. They will only show the top 8 battles to the masses. 

Back to the City, the southern part where the group are, is a tourist spot and where the championship of the pokemon contest is being held in Hoenn. After dropping off the plane Wallace was already squibbling to his sister and Grandpa of wanting to visit the contest hall but was rejected by them. 

The group continued their travel by grandpa Yun's car. Steven on the other hand followed Wallace footstep of being downcasted as he thought that they will visit the Cave near the victory road where he heard that there are many rare stones in there. 

When they arrived, Ed heard that there is a conference going on. He saw many stalls and smelled a lot of food and he couldn't help but salivate. With the permission of the elders they are permitted to roam and have fun in the stadium as long they're with their guards. 

Seeing Ed buying food (given money by his grandparents) from stall to stall happily gobbling his food. Steven and Wallace couldn't help but complain as Ed can get what he wants but not them. If Ed knew he will be 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠⁰͡⁠ ⁠Ĺ̯⁠ ⁠⁰͡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠ㄏ. 

While Ed and the other are enjoying their food. Near where Ed and the other are, in the place where trash are, figures where ransacking the trash searching for food. A pokemon with Jaw as hair was giving the steel materials to the pokemon beside it and edible food for the two small pokemon beside her while it eat the trash like plastic wrappers. 

The pokemon were a Mawile, a shiny Beldum, a shiny Tailow, a Zorua, and a Spheal. These pokemon band together to support each other. Together it was a weird combination as it was understandable if Mawile and Beldum are together or Tailow and Zigzagoon but the Spheal and especially the Zorua who's a rare pokemon in Hoenn is weird combination. 

Beldum and Zorua were pokemon who has escaped from a poacher. Even though the alliance banned these poachers especially the Jenny Clan. But the high member or noble will protect these poachers as they could get rare pokemon without going to the wild. 

Tailow was kicked out of her group due to her different color. Spheal on the other hand was lost from its clan. While Zigzagoon and Mawile was abandoned by their trainers due to their low aptitude. It was ironic as the city is the main headquarter of the Hoenn league but there's a poacher living near the cityvand an abandoned pokemon roaming and struggling here in the city. 

The group met each other when they are searching for food in the forest and bumped to each other. To protect the two rare pokemon the one who always searched for food was Mawile and Spheal in the body of water but their hiding place was found by another pokemon and it chase them away reaching to their present situation. 

As they are searching in the trash and they're getting weaker due to hunger. They didn't notice the children watching them with shock expression. 


While roaming around Ed found an item and put the item in the lost in found and again moment later he found a water stone which Steven was throwing a tantrum as he want the stone. When they got to the lost and found many want to claim the item but with Ralts who is a mobile lie detector and with the deterrence of the guards they finally found the owner but in the end the Steven got the water stone by buying it. 

After that Ed will bump into rare materials lost in the festival which made the group think that Ed was a treasure detector. So Steven and Wallace proposed that they will go to where everyone put the trash which was strongly rejected by Luvia and the guards.

The two think they're already trainers with their starter so they're adult already so while the guards and Luvia was busy from the items Ed found (They are not working for free as they can buy the items they like and get paid). They took Ed to search for treasure and as always wanting to stop the three but can't Winona could only follow the three. 

That's why when they reached the trash site they found the five pokemon weakly scavenging for food. They're shocked due to the situation of the five pokemon as they could clearly see that they're over malnourished. 

When the pokemon notuced them they cuddle together as Mawile was protecting the other as she took a battle stance and glared at the children. 

"We're not bad" Winona said as she couldn't help but hug the pokemon in her embrace. 

"Yeah, do you want some food? Ed had many on them." Wallace said as Ralts echoed confirming to what Wallace said. 

Seeing that the pokemon was hungry Ed took out berries and bought pokemon food from the system that is beneficial to each pokemon. When reached out the pokemon back away so he could only let Ralts gave the food. 

Due to it being Ralts was the one giving and add it to the smell of pokemon food that the pokemon let their guard down a little. When they got the food they eat immediately. 

Ed analyzed the five pokemon. 


Type: Steel/Fairy

Level: 20

Gender: Female

Aptitude: Steel V 

Ability: Sheer Force


Status: Growl, Taunt, Fake Tears, 

Attack: Astonish, Play Rough, Iron Head, Bite

SpAttack: Fairy Wind


Type: Normal

Level: 11

Gender: Male

Aptitude: Steel V

Ability: Pickup


Status: Growl, Sand Attack, Tail Whip

Attack: Tackle, Headbutt


The two are Steel aptitude which means that when they hit level 20 their progress in leveling up, mastery, and strength will slow except if a person used items that can enhance their aptitude. And the only pokemon that could help enhance a pokemon's aptitude are Quasi Elite and above pokemon where they could give their blood or other part by condensing their element.

For example is if a Silver Quasi Elite Linoone's fur which was condensed with Normal essence energy could help Normal type who's aptitude is Steel V to Bronze 1. 

But trainers with low financial or with no connection couldn't afford to get these materials which is why most trainers tend to pick high aptitude pokemon and bronze as the limit. 

Ed then Analyze Spheal and its aptitude shocked Ed.


Type: Ice/Water

Level: 10 

Gender: Male

Aptitude: Gold III (+) 

Ability: Thick Fat

Status: Defense Curl, Growl, Yawn

Attack: Rollout

SpAttack: Water Gun

This mean that Spheal will become Platinum if it evolve or if with aptitude increasing materials. When he look at Tailow he was shocked as it also has the same situation as Spheal but in the lower side 


Type: Flying/Normal

Level: 11

Gender: Female

Aptitude: Silver III (+)

Ability: Guts


Status: Growl, Focus Energy

Attack: Peck, Quick Attack, Wing Attack


Lastly he look at the two rare pokemon. 


Type: Metal/ Psychic

Level: 11


Aptitude: Platinum III

Ability: Clear Body


Status: Iron Defense

Attack: Tackle, Iron Head, Take Down



Type: Dark

Level: 12

Gender: Female

Aptitude: Bronze

Ability: Illusion


Status:Leer, Hone Claw, Detect

Attack: Fury Swipe, Scratch


When he was done checking the information of the pokemons Ed muttered. 

"Treasure indeed" 

Seeing the aptitude of the other and how rare they are, they must have been from a poacher. Ed has the memory of his predecessor who experienced a poaching event which was his Ralts. Ed asked Ralts to ask the pokemon their situation. When Ed heard it he couldn't help but get angry about the trainer who abandoned the two. 

Couldn't he just left the two pokemon to his parents who did their best to catch and take care of the two pokemon. The situation of Mawile and Zigzagoon is that they are pokemon cached by the couple that they're friend with and asked them to be their son's starter pokemon. They even specifically said that if the two couldn't continue to journey with him he could just left them with the couple as the couple treated them as family. Even though the boy always complain they just tolerate it as he was the son of their family but he will always take care of them. This all changes when the boy follows an arrogant person and becomes his servant and with the order he immediately throws them away. 

Ed explained the story of the two to the others and they got super angry that it was his first time to hear Winona, who they thought was an innocent girl, cussing for over one minute. The pokemon was also shocked as Ralts automatically translated what she said. 

Yep Ralts is such a convenient partner as if you can't communicate with pokemon he can translate for you and also add it as a lie detector. 

While on the other hand Taillow was kicked out of her group as she was ostracized by her fellow and of course she won't bow down to them which led to a fight that kicked her out. Spheal, well being curious, led him to be lost. 

Beldum was caught with its group but due to being shiny and for the present except for collectors they think a shiny pokemon was a weak pokemon. So Beldum was segregated from its group and put together with Zorua. 

Zorua was using its illusion to turn as a Dieno as it use this illusion to trick pokemon but luck is not on her side and she was caught and Zorua was not yet been well known she wasn't a priority for the poachers and when their cargo ship was on their way to Kalos and they need to pass Hoenn before reaching Kalos but due to storm Zorua was thrown from the boat and drift here in the Ever Grande City. 

Aside Ed, Steven and the others were curious about the pokemon mostly Zorua where they didn't hear about the pokemon. So the group persuaded the pokemons to be their friend. The one who was so eager the most shocked Ed as it was Steven who did business talk with the pokemon as he wants Beldum to be his partner. Hearing Steven's persuasion the others where shocked as he was like an experienced clerk who specialized in marketing, Ed and Winona look to Wallace. 

"Don't look at me, I don't even know this stone idiot knows business." 

Not wanting to be outdone the other start persuading the pokemon. The end result is as expected Beldum follow Steven, Spheal was persuaded by Wallace which Ed didn't know what it is, Taillow follow Winona because of her attitude, well Taillow idolized Winona when she was on her otherside, and the last three don't have any intention to follow. As Mawile and Zigzagoon want to return to the parents of their ex trainer while Zorua was busy munching food. 

Ed didn't really think that the pokemon don't want to follow him as he has already many pokemon and he was still not a trainer yet but he has more pokemon than his trainer friends. 

To make them rest they proposed on putting the pokemons in pokeballs but Steven, Wallace, and Winona stopped as they didn't bring any pokeball. 

'Who's the real trainer here?' Ed couldn't help but asked silently as he took out different pokeballs, fast ball for Taillow, Dive ball for Spheal, Ultra ball for Mawile and Zigzagoon, Premier Ball for Beldum, and a Luxury ball for Zorua. When Ed designated the pokeballs Steven couldn't help but question. 

"Why are you choosing different pokeballs?" 

"Because I'm matching it with their color" Ed answered and Ralts who remembered that Ed changes the pokeball of his pokemon based on their color. Which aside for Wurmple where he put him in a Net ball, Budew has Nest Ball, Dive ball for Azurill, Friend ball for Ralts, and lastly a Love ball for Cleffa. 

Hearing this Steven asked again

"Why not give me a silver pokeball?" 

This question gained him a hard stare from Ed. 

"I don't have a silver colored pokeball."