
Chapter 6

   "Let's go watch a movie," Antonio said through gritted teeth.

  "Let's watch a horror movie." Dante suggested wanting to see of Lilly would be scared or not.

Heading back towards the car once again Antonio made Dante sit with him in the front just in case something were to happen. He really liked the guys beside him but come on things were moving too fast between him and Lilly...way too fast, they only met yesterday for goodness sake.

  "Why are you over reacting? I thought you liked the two being together." Jeana whispered into Antonio's Ears clearly mad that he made her stop them from sharing their first kiss.

  Her best friend had never been in love like this and she was all in with them being together but then Antonio pressured her to stop Lilly and Dante from kissing. Seeing Antonio ignoring her the porcupine within her started to shed its spikes.


"The little girl seems mad, I think we should park somewhere for awhile." Dante said intimated by Jeana's threat that wasn't meant to be for him instead it was for Antonio.

  "Antonio step out...I would like to talk to you alone, if the two of you dare to listen I dare you to try..." Jeana said sending both Lilly and Dante a death glare so cold that it could possibly penetrate through them a solid object.

  As Jeana stepped out of the car she slammed the door loudly waiting for Antonio step out of the and her foot tapping on the floor impatiently.

"Toni, go, she seems really mad...what ever you did you should fix it once she's mad hell will go loose." Lilly said urging her brother to go outside and calm down Jeana

  Listening to his sister Antonio stepped out and met face to face Jeana who seemed really pissed, she balled up her fist and breathed in and out and looked straight into Antonio's eyes. She took out her phone and showed him his deep dark secrets.

  "I know every one of them, if you want them to continue to be a secrete my best friend deserves to be happy, and you know that her last boy friend was 10 years ago when she dated that jerk! And you of all people should know how sad she was when he left her and Dante is making her happy! I don't give a rat's ass about how fast things went but she's happy!leave them be!"

  Sighing loudly Antonio agreed to what Jeana had to say causing a smile to fall on Jeana's face, he then got in the car and told Dante to move to the the back seat while Jeana took the front. Happily going to the back Dante moved closely to Lilly and held her hand tightly he then whispered something into Lilly's ears.

   "I'm not going easy on him once we get back at the base camp, you can try to convince me anyway you want but I'm still going to make him do the training 20 times more then the others."

   Lilly quietly giggled and playfully pushed him away she then gently looked at Dante and whispered back into his ear, "10 times, besides my brother is just looking out for me and you know it...wouldn't you do the same thing for you little sister who just turned 10? besides Jeana convinced him didn't she?"

   Tightly holding her hand Dante picked it up and put it gently on his lips, he scrunched up his eyebrows and nodded his head. The new couple happily talked and held onto each other and talking in the front Antonio looked at the review mirror and kept on saying in his head, 'he tamed her, he tamed the wild tigress.'

  Continuing the car ride for about 3 hours the finally arrived at the mall, Lilly gave Dante her wallet and phone to carry she then placed her hand on his cheeks and smile cheekily.

  Half way into the movie the excitement that Lilly was feeling faded...the movie had no thrillers nor any surprises, the things she had hoped for was was missing.

"I want to leave," Lilly whined while stuffing a hand full of pop corn in her mouth, "it's not fun, where is the bloody slaughters, the sissy guy running around screaming or the girly who screams at every single thing?"

"Come on sis, it may not be scary for you but look at Jeana...she's still clinging onto you." Antonio pointed out clearly amused by Jeana.

  On the other side of Lilly Dante was feeling down, he thought that Lilly would be grabbing onto him or even screaming but as the movie continued to go on he realized that the face she made before was a face that was excited. So many times he looked over to her hoping even wishing that she would be like a normal girl instead of the girl who gets excited over the scene of blood and gory scenes.

  Though he wanted to see her being scared he wouldn't have thought in a million years that the bright girl he saw today would some day be traumatized with fear every second through out her life.

"I wanna go! Can we go!" Jeana whined in a hushed voice that only the 4 people beside her could hear.

"Hey, come on JP this movie was terrible, nothing about this movie was scary." Lilly said trying to sooth her best friends fear that reached the sky with fear.

  Nodding her head uncontrollably Jeana was somehow relived to have a weird friend who liked horror movies...now she understands why Hunter has given Lilly the nick name of Tom boy.

  Quickly and stealthily getting out Lilly was able to breath because she wasn't watching that so called horror movie.

"Did you know that Hunter nicked named you Tom boy?" Jeana suddenly questioned causing 3 pairs of eyes to stare at her.

"Don't you know the only reason called me that was because he couldn't beat me in a boxing match...besides Man child has always been a Man child." Lilly smirked knowing full well that her best friend has a huge crush on Hunter Park, "come on let's go shopping."

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