
Chapter 27

"Mom, I'm fine..." Lilly spoke as she gently rubbed Ashley's back to calm her mom down.

"You wicked girl..." Ashley cursed once more before her tears came to a stop and she hugged her daughter tighter.

Pulling away from her mom Lilly sized up the figure of her fragile mother, her once beautiful smooth skin now looked like the pale skin of a vampire which completely looked like she had no ounce of blood in her body whatsoever. Her dark smooth hair now in a frizzy mess, and her rose red lip lost it's red luster.

As her cries came to an end Ashley started to calm down and waited for Lilly to start and explain things to everyone.

On the night that she had been tortured Lilly had heard Dante's name being repeated over and over again by Joker, one day when she had enough of their threats she lunged herself like a madman. Though she knew that she could not beat all of them up by herself she still persisted on fighting, not only was she able to kill a hand full of men she herself had been stabbed a couple of times, when she finally couldn't take it anymore she fainted and fell on the floor.

Seeing that Lilly had fainted Joker started to kick her abdomen with all his might, causing her to slowly wake up from the pain, that kick not only caused her internal bleeding it also caused her not to be able to eat her food properly for a few day, once she swallowed the plain food given to her she would immediately throw it back up in an instant. Not only that, but her living area was much worse than that of the living space of an animal.

Everywhere you looked there would be stains of blood either on the floor or on the walls, the stench of her blood mixed in with the dead bodies that she had killed, still littered on the floor which overwhelmed the room but her kidnappers didn't care. Each time they came to bring her food one would at least try to rape her, but every time she was able to fight them off with the little strength that she had left in her.

When she finished telling them her story the only thing she could hear was her mom gasping for air.

"We must find every last one of them... what they have done to our daughter we shall pay them back with 10 folds!" Roger spoke with mirth in his voice.

Wanting to go home Lilly asked her older brother to release her early so that she could spend the day resting at home instead of being near anyone.

That night dark clouds rolled in, covering everything with darkness, Lilly sat by the window of her room looking at the lightning strikes and listening to the loud boom of thunder. Slowly getting up she walked out of her room and headed upstairs towards Jeana's room.

Gently opening the door she found Jeana shaking under her blanket, with a light whimper, a loud thunder came crashing down.

Lilly's eyes gently looked at her best friend who continued to hide herself deeper inside the blanket. Silently walking towards Jeana's bed she lifted up the blanket only to find Jeana's head being covered by her pillow. Slowly getting on the bed she pulled the pillow away from Jeana's face and picked her up bringing her into a gentle hug.

"Why do you fear almost everything?" Lilly whispered gently wiping Jeana's tears which had fallen down her cheeks.

"I was scared...I was really scared..." Jeana cried clutching tightly to Lilly's shirt.

With her shirt being tightly clutched by Jeana, Lilly winced in pain. Ignoring the pain Lilly gently pat her friend's head and sat with her until she fell asleep. As the room got quieter and the storm passed Lilly laid Jeana on her pillow and tightly tucked her in, after doing that she headed back downstairs and slowly walked back to her room.

Just as she reached the last steps she saw Dante and Chen driving into the driveway, not planning to go back to her room yet she slowly walked towards the living room and waited for the two to come inside.

A few minutes later the guys came in speaking about something, which caught Lilly's attention.

"What are the two of you talking about?" Lilly asked, shocking both Dante and Chen.

After coming out of the shock Dante smiled and headed towards Lilly with a light smile on his lips.

As he arrived in front of her, he got down on her level and gently kissed her forehead before getting down and hugging her gently.

"Jeana's birthday will arrive in a few days so Chen asked for help on surprising her. We were talking about the things that she would like." Dante explained still gently hugging his girlfriend.

"Hmm...I'll help, I have nothing to do so I'm free." Lilly spoke wrapping her arms gently around Dante's neck.

As both are still embracing each other they leaned in, touching nose to nose, rubbing it together like puppies soft kisses. They both giggle at each other blushing at the same time. While Chen looked at them gawking, embarrassment written all over his face.

"If you two want to keep doing that get yourselves a room." Chen sighed, rubbing his temples gently.

Lilly and Dante laughed and. "if your going to be that embarrassed how are you going to comfort Jeana?" Lilly asked as she squeezed Dante.

Chen shook his head, "there is a difference between privacy and doing it where people can see you."

"yeah and there is a guy with balls and a guy without balls." Lilly started coldly at Chen.

After hearing her words Dante laughed, "wow chen get it together man."

Chen was then crouching by the corner, with a heavy atmosphere in his area. "I would go and cuddle with Jeana but she would be mad if I woke her '' mumbled Chen.

Lilly was excited to celebrate Jeana's birthday, since it was 5 days away, she thought of the things that she could buy for her best friends. Being able to see the big lit smile on her friend's face, Lilly also smiled. To Dante he saw his world lit. To Chen, who turned around to look at them, it was a tiger plotting her next scheme.

"Oi! what's with that smug face?" Chen questioned Lilly.

"Excuse me?" Lilly questioned, "when did you see me with a smug?"

After asking the question Lilly quickly turned to Dante and gave him a questioning look, facing his girl Dante surged and looked back at Chen and glared at him sending him a warning to leave Lilly alone for the time being since he didn't want any negativity around her.

Receiving his message Chen quickly shut his mouth and told the couple good night and ran up to Jeana's room, quietly shutting the door.

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