
Lies Turned Into Truth

The story of "Earth's last son" looking for a shred of hope in a universe full of pain and tears.

Veure · Fantasía
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6 Chs

Little boy and big world

The boy had gone beyond the "door". He started walking to forward. But the deep blue sky he read about in the book did not greet him, Why is it so grey? he thought. Could books be liars? He continued walking. He saw many people sleeping on the ground in the streets. Why were they sleeping on the floor? What kind of game was this? It started to snow and it was very cold but he already knew snowing from his books. Maybe these books weren't such liars after all. The boy continued, regaining his excitement. There were many ruined houses on the streets, but apart from these houses and the people playing sleeping games on the street, the outside world she was looking forward to was empty. People sleeping on the ground also had a mark on their necks like the one he had. It looked like a sun symbol. The child continued walking. Meanwhile, the freezing cold made him very cold. He saw two armed soldiers beyond a ruined building. They were the soldiers of the nightmare kingdom. He knew them because he had seen them on TV.

The nightmare kingdom was the kingdom they lived in. These adults were shouting words like equality, justice and brotherhood on TV. In fact, this kingdom was a rebel community that wanted to get rid of the oppression inflicted on them by the kingdom of Mars by organizing and rebelling and they were at war with the vomit kingdom. The Vomit Kingdom thought that the Mars Kingdom had blessed them with many things. Although there were some people in the kingdom who questioned why the Martian kingdom did not help them, after a few executions, all voices were silenced and oppressed. Mars content was very silent about this war. Actually it's been quiet for a very long time. Even though the Nightmare Kingdom soldiers talked about nice things on TV, the boy didn't trust them. He once witnessed three soldiers beating his mother to death. Despite this, her mother continued to worship them and the kingdom. So, as you can see, the soldiers were liars. Just like books and his mother. But the boy immediately gave himself away. One of the soldiers saw him. He pointed his gun and pulled the trigger but missed. The boy quickly ran in the opposite direction and escaped from there. It was a big crime that the soldier didn't normally shoot him there, but he didn't chase him. After all, he couldn't stand this freezing cold any longer. Besides, what can a little boy do? The boy survived but was exhausted. He felt his body start to go numb too. After that, a large dog appeared in front of him, It had sharp teeth and was eating the last bits of people lying on the ground. The dog noticed the boy and turned his head towards him. The dog jumped on him very quickly and knocked him down. The boy tried to fight, but he was weak and tired. He was screaming, he was very scared. He wondered if he would have stepped through that door if he had known that the outside world would be such a place. The boy noticed the stone next to him and hit the dog's head with all his strength. The dog was stunned. The boy got rid of the dog and started to attack. the dog couldn't defend itself. The boy was hitting the dog with the stone in his hand with his skinny arms. While he was doing this, he was screaming and tears were flowing. He hit, hit, hit and hit again. Then suddenly the boy was grabbed by the arm. He didn't realize that someone was approaching him from behind.

A voice began to speak. Maybe it was a voice as cold as the air.

"Do you love the dog on the ground?"

The boy was looking at the man with tears in his eyes, a look trying to make sense, and his skinny arm still held.

"If I didn't do this it would eat me"

"Well? If he didn't do this, he would obviously starve to death. But there's nothing wrong with that, you don't need to cry. Look, son. Do you see the bodies there? They don't sleep there. They died. Just like that dog tried to do you too. Be sure that all of them would kill this dog, or thousands of people, to live. Because we humans want to live, no matter what happens, no matter what situation we are in. Now look at the bodies there again. They all had a dream in their lives. They were probably dreaming of getting rid of the world and living elsewhere in the universe. But this may change. In such a world, a person's dream could also be to plant a flower. Do you see that woman's body over there? She holding the baby corpse tightly in her hand.

Now, think about the baby, the baby lying on the floor. What do you think he would dream about? You don't need to know this, because it doesn't matter anymore. Just a pile of protein. In fact, the baby lying there is no different from falling snow or ruined houses. All of these are called matter. But despite all this, I still care about your dream. Now tell me little boy, what is your dream? I ask again, what is your name?"

The unnamed boy couldn't stand the cold any longer and his eyes were closed.