
Adam's Plight

Adam woke up one day in a rather strange situation; He found himself collapsed on the ground wrapped in blankets, in an unfamiliar room beside a bed he had never seen before. Confused by the situation, he searched the room as he yawned groggily trying to see where he was and how he had gotten there.

He froze as he saw his reflection in a mirror, green eyes stared back at him on a sharp handsome face with pale skin and raven-black hair that was quite chaotic yet looked good. He gawked as he realized he was in a different body.

Thus began his inner conversation that lasted for a few hours. In the end, he concluded that he had somehow transmigrated and when he had looked outside, he had seen the city of New York which had confused him greatly.

He also noticed at the edge of his vision was a strange small circle of green light, when he focused on it, it grew and showed him an interface of sorts, occupying all his vision yet it was see-through so he could still see.

There were only 3 things on the interface, one showed his level which was 1, the other a bar that was at zero and needed 100 points to be filled, and the last was greyed out and it wrote 'Abilities'.

He quickly put two and two together and came to the conclusion that it was a system and he was surely in another world. It proved to be right when he found a very old laptop and turned it on and thanked god it had no password and when he found a strange browser, he searched the net.

He realized he was in MCU when he saw pictures of Captain America and Tony Stark as he searched the history. He found out it was the 25th of March year 2007...

He panicked and went through an existential crisis for a few minutes but calmed down eventually.

He then quickly sat down and found a notebook and pen then began writing all he knew of MCU but it wasn't much, he had only casually watched the movies and he had forgotten most of it. He knew some characters and major events, not even their dates or year, only a vague order.

He also knew that the end villain was a titan named Thanos that had killed half the universe with infinity stones that he didn't remember much about. He cursed himself for not researching more but it was what it was and he had to make do with what he had.

He felt better when he realized he had a small understanding of the future and that alone was priceless information. When he thought of the system, he felt confident.

Since he had never felt really attached to his life before transmigrating, it wasn't that difficult to adapt quickly, especially when he realized his new life was already in danger just from being in this universe...

He needed information so he searched the room and surprisingly found a suicide note, he read it with wide eyes.

The young man was originally named Adam Smith, he was 19 years old and had killed himself due to having nothing to live for. His family had died in a car crash recently; He had no money to live with and no purpose or great goal to achieve; Working at a restaurant washing dishes wasn't that great for his mental health either... He only had this small apartment to himself inherited from his parents who had bought it with all their money.

All this was written in the note in a complaining way, Adam read it and sighed, he pitied the young man but it wasn't his problem; The past was gone and the future was ahead; When he thought of the system and the possibilities, he grew excited. However, the thought of how and who had put him there in such a situation worried him but he knew it was pointless to search for such things yet...

He searched the whole place, grew familiar with it, found a simple phone, and all the documents such as ID and etc.

A plan formed in his mind, he needed to figure out how to level up, adapt to his new life and make money to survive. With newfound energy, he left the apartment and inspected the building and the surroundings and memorized all the streets and etc.

He noticed he was quite tall compared to the people moving about in the street downtown where the apartment was. He was 6 feet tall which was 182 cm.

It felt strange being in a different body as it was different in every way but he wasn't uncomfortable. He knew it took time to get used to it. He clenched his fist as he decided to do all he could.

A year passed...

Adam walked the same streets with a dark look in his eyes, his hair which was short had grown longer in style and fell over his ears; He attracted the attention of most people in the street as he walked forward. He wore a simple black hoody with a normal black-themed outfit since his favorite color was black.

He had a scowl on his face as he thought of the past year... In the 1st month, he had adapted to the situation, He had worked menial jobs to make a living; However, as time passed...

'I tried everything I had read about in system novels... Nothing WORKS DAMMIT!!!' he screamed inwardly as he felt despair.

'I worked my ass off from dawn to dusk making enough money to survive and save a little each month; From dusk till late at night, I did everything I could think of to gain points yet nothing... This system is broken! I am doomed!' he thought to himself as he felt a need to bang his head on a wall in frustration.

He had worked out a lot this past year and his rather skinny body had become very fit, it was all to gain points of course and in failure but despite not getting points, at least his body was in very good condition. The thought calmed him down a little...

'I never knew I could be so hardworking in my life! I worked so hard and yet nothing...' The thought of the system and its possibilities had given him the iron-like will to push forward yet it was pointless, this made him feel despair again.

'Do I really have to settle for mediocrity in this life? Living in a superhero world as a civilian is pathetic, especially with a system! I am not willing, dammit...' he was in conflict with himself.

On one side he could use his knowledge of the future to avoid death till Thanos came and then die, at least he had a decade of life; On the other, he could risk everything, blow all his money and sell his apartment to go to Kamar-Taj but he was not willing because if he failed, he would be truly fucked in that case and die of starvation as a homeless man; He also had no idea how the Ancient One would react to his existence, he was an anomaly of sorts and if he was in said person's place, he would rather eliminate the anomaly...

He stopped when he heard something, "Tony Stark has been kidnapped for almost two months now with no news..." He walked again with a sigh, 'It is starting and here I am, powerless as ever without a clue how to get points to level up...'

He had tried everything he could think of, he had even acted though to get points, helped people, and even picked a few fights. He even found a cat that was run over by a car and was dying and instead of helping, finished the job by killing it but no point came to him... He had even considered murder but he knew he couldn't get away with it!

He had killed many ants and insects and no point, not even one! He had realized it had nothing to do with battle and killing, with other people, or actions. It was frustrating and infuriating.

He was truly in plight without the slightest idea on what to do... The only accomplishment he had was that he had saved up 18 thousand dollars after a lot of hard work and his fit body. He had no car, no debt, and no rent so he could save up that much.

He sighed, 'I guess I should give up... There is no hope...'

Suddenly, he stopped as he saw something to his right, he frowned as he walked closer and took a deep look, 'I always passed by this jewelry store but never paid it much attention... Have the tags on the stuff here always been green? Strange... I can't quite read what is written from here.' He decided out of curiosity to take a look.

He walked inside and asked to take a look at one of the rings, to his surprise, the woman in charge didn't seem to notice the green tag as she gave him the diamond ring politely.

He froze as he saw his hand go through the tag as if it didn't exist when he grabbed the ring. He looked more closely and smiled in extreme excitement, his eyes growing wide.

The woman raised her eyebrow as she saw his strange reaction. He seemed way too happy and excited.

He read what was written on the tag, 'Item: Diamond | Worth: 4000 Points' he almost jumped up in joy.

'So it is like this! This system exchanges Items for points and not just any item, only diamonds since only things with diamonds on them have a green tag in this shop, I don't need the rings only diamonds. YES!' he thought.

He quickly asked the woman, "Do you have any diamonds that I can buy with 15 thousand dollars?"

The woman nodded with her eyebrows still raised as she left with the ring and returned with a box, a diamond inside.

"Here you go, this is worth 16 thousand dollars. Here is the Gia Certificate."

Adam took it, '1.5 carats, round, very good...' He also inspected the green tag that belonged to the system.

[Item: Diamond | Worth: 4500 Points]

He smiled as he bought it without hesitation, the woman seemed very pleased as she sold it to him.

He left the shop and returned to his apartment as fast as he could. He sat down on his couch with expectation.

He looked at the diamond in his hand and the tag, he saw something written in red, 'Collect' he tapped on it and diamond vanished.

He instantly felt a wave wash over his entire being, it was very similar to an orgasm, but he could feel the energy flowing from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet, changing him in mysterious ways.

It vanished after 10 seconds and he sighed in pleasure, "That felt really good..." he murmured to himself as he stood up.

He instantly felt different, his entire being felt more balanced, enhanced, and better in every way. He could see everything much more clearly, he could hear people talking and their TV in the apartments close to his, he could smell much more scents and felt the air more delicately on his skin.

He gulped as he felt the new sensations, it was strange yet balanced and natural as if he was born that way. He knew instinctively how to tune them down or bring them to their current state instantly. It was magical...

He lifted his shirt and saw his body that used to be fit, now looked perfect, it was ripped and couldn't look better. He felt explosive power in his muscles and knew instinctively that he had grown much stronger, faster, and better with perfect control over his new body just like his senses. He felt light as a feather. He also had become a bit more handsome and good-looking...

He quickly opened the interface and observed it. Some information seemed to telepathically flow into his mind, he realized at levels 10, 50, 100, 500 and etc. He would get a shard and could use it to get an ability. The cost of leveling up increased as well, from level 1 to 10 it was 100 points, from 10 to 50 was 1000 points and as such, it scaled by 10 times at each nexus.

Also with every level up, his entire being would grow better and greater physically, mentally, and in all other aspects; In each nexus like level 10, 50, and such the growth would be much greater than 20 normal levels combined and it became even more extreme in nexuses at higher levels. Since he had passed the level 10 nexus, he had gotten a Shard and an extreme growth to his entire being by a large margin that equaled several times that he had gained from levels from 1 to 9. The growth from 11 to 13 wasn't that big at all compared to the nexus.

As for the ability, it grew with him which meant that with each level up, the ability would become greater. It didn't matter what ability he had, when he would reach a high enough level, it would be extremely powerful. The shard was merely something to gain abilities and powers, he would get one at each nexus which meant he could possess several abilities. This meant there wouldn't be better abilities at level 500 compared to 10; All were available from the beginning...

[Level: 13

Points: 500/1000

Abilities: One Shard Available]

He began laughing out loud, "HAHAHA! Hope is finally here... My time has come!" even his voice had grown smoother and better sounding.

He focused on the abilities part and it opened and he looked at the options with wide eyes...

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