
8-The Leveling System

It was early in the night, The two moons shone their brightness. The starry twinkling stars, and The Clear night sky. The World of Barbarus, The World that had many known and unknown things. Legends or Myths, True or False, And The Beginning and The End.

In a world that had the power of fantasy and technology in its grasps, Some would wonder what kind of world the Barbarus is. Is it a Big World? Small World? Flat? Round? or Alone? Is there something hidden deep within this world? Is there something below the Infernus? Many questions could be found and some of them were left unanswered. or Are they better left unanswered?

The Secrets of the past before the intelligent races existed, What is it? The Legends of the so-called Primordial Monsters, A war between the An'cient monster vs all of the Primordial Monsters. Where are they? It was known that the An'cient monster won the war but where is this monster?

In the Secret Facility, A white painted room, A very clean room that had many beds. This room was the Medical Room, The Doctor was on her desk working. In one of the many beds inside the Medical Room, There was one bed that was occupied by someone familiar. It was a boy, A 15-year-old boy.

This boy was Leo himself, His Pitch Black hair, and his pale white skin. His injuries were already healed by the Doctor but it seems that he was still unconscious. The Doctor was working on recording the injuries of the kids that manage to survive, This was a piece of bad news for the secret facility.

"70% of the kids were killed by that damn crazy monster." The Doctor stops working on her computer and stretches her body. The Dead bodies would usually be sent through the Doctor so she saw the injuries of each of the dead kids. It was beyond something good, It was like a monster step on their bodies.

"The Bruises, The Blood, The Broken Bones, and Their Frozen faces." The Doctor sighed, She recollected the memories of the time during the dumping of the dead bodies. It was fed to some experimented monsters that were hidden deep underground. The Fate after the kids died was horrible but the Doctor knew that there was nothing she could do about it since she was just an Employee.

Leo, who was on the bed slowly moves. The Sound of him moving echoed in the room, The Doctor quickly notice and saw Leo. It was the kid who was calm, Most of the kids that manage to survive were very injured. Most of them had ugly faces but there were only 2 kids that had a calm face.

"Attention could either save them or speed up their death." The Doctor muttered, She was staring at the two kids that had a calm face even though their body was beaten up by the Crazy man. It was Leo and a White-Silver haired girl name Alex. The two of them were part of the Mysterious Ancient Old Noble families. This fact made the Doctor curious, It may be a coincidence but there was no harm in investigating.

Leo finally opens his eyes revealing the two Azure Blue eyes, His consciousness still needed time to gather information. He slowly looks around and found himself in a white room, He knew that the Secret Facility saved him. His injuries seem to be completely healed.

"You're finally awake, Leo Sinclair." The Doctor spoke towards Leo who was still on his bed, It seems that the first one was finally awake. Many of the kids died but the kid who was betted to be killed was still alive. The Crazy man didn't have time to kill Leo so he had no choice but to leave Leo alive.

The Crazy man's face seems to be very ugly, And most people know why. Leo spits on his face and declared that he won, It was like a slap to the face but judging from the pain the Crazy man gave towards Leo. It was the revenge for punching and kicking his stomach, It was an act of good revenge since it was humiliation at its finest. Being spit on by a kid is something any man wouldn't want, especially when the face itself was spit on.

"Where am I?" Leo did the most common thing anyone would do, It was to asked questions. A cliche thing that would happen if someone is in a place that wasn't familiar or completely known by him. Leo was still a weak guy with skill so he had to make the people here underestimate him.

'Damn, I forgot about the fight.' Leo thought to himself, He seems to be overreacting. The People in the Secret facility won't look to him as a weak kid anymore. He was dumb for putting on a show but it was also a good thing for him, The good show was probably the one that saved him from getting killed by that monster.

"You are in my own Medical Room, My name is Malum. I'm a doctor of this facility, We have met each other in your physical test." The Doctor said towards Leo, It seems that the Kid is forgetful or she probably didn't have huge attention from him during the first meet which made the Kid forget about her.

"Doctor Malum? Can I go back to my Prison Cell?" Leo wanted to go back to his prison cell, There was something he needed to do but doing this in the Medical Room would probably be bad. The Doctor thought about it, She needs to call some soldiers in order to bring Leo back to his cell. It was a weird thing for a kid to go back to his Prison cell, She was sure that most Prison cells are small hell holes.

'My Cover is blown, Judging from how I did during the fight. They might look at me as a brave and skilled 15-year-old boy. But this is within my escape plan so this is acceptable.' Leo thought to himself, He needed to have the reassurance that the Secret Facility would save him. In order to do this, He had to use his skills in order to have them interested in him. This would help him have the backing of the Secret Facility, Someone who is talented in this secret facility would be protected.

'But this would make my experimental death faster.' Leo knew that he would be one of the kids that would be experimented on since he was skillful and talented. They would probably groom him to become powerful so that they can experiment with Leo's body however they want without breaking him

"I understand, I need to call a soldier if you want to go back to your cell."


Leo was currently in his Prison Cell, His cold and serious eyes were seen. It was because he knew that something was up inside his body. The Fight made him realize that he was very weak, It was impossible to beat someone. He needed to become powerful, but if he escapes from this secret facility. Would he become powerful?

"The Kick of that Crazy captain was strong." Leo touches his stomach, The pain was not there but he still remembered the pain. The Power that made him fly throughout the Training Ground, The Pain of hitting the wall while also breaking it. This made him realize that the power of the Mana Core wasn't something to be underestimated.

"The Healing and medical Applications of this world is advance, Probably due to the Mana and the Magic that came with it." If it was in the Old World, He was sure that he would die. If He would live, It will take half of a year to completely heal his stomach and broken bones. This was how powerful the Medical applications of this world.

"I need to make my own Mana core but it was written on some page that only 16 years old can make their own Mana Core." Leo knew about this fact, Below 16 years old. The Mana core would be unstable, It will implode and explode while causing a meltdown of mana around it.

"A meltdown of mana is an interesting concept." Leo muttered, A Meltdown of Mana was something very dangerous. This was why the Mana Absorbing and controlling was heavily regulated to avoid meltdowns from happening everywhere. This Meltdown would cause unexplained phenomenons depending on the Elements.

"Now it's time for me to get into the business." Leo said with a serious voice, This has been bothering him for a while but inside his head. He could see something unexpected, It was like a clock counting down. The numbers could be seen going down, It was like some interface of some game.

"The Weird thing that I can see is only explained by one thing...."

"The Leveling System that was given by the Reality Monster." Leo decided to call the weird monster, Reality Monster. It was because there were monsters in this world, It would probably be confusing so Reality Monster was a made-up name that was created by Leo in order to identify the Weird Monster that made him travel towards this world.

"The Current time left is 60 seconds. The moment it counts to Zero, Something weird would probably happen." Leo just stares at the Time counting down, It took a while but 60 seconds later. The Clock timer disappeared, Leo was curious about what would happen. He waited for a while and the things that he waited was finally happening.

[Leveling System is Activating...]

The time has come, Leo heard a notification. He saw an interface in front of him, It was talking about how the Leveling System was currently activating. Leo was patient, so he waited for the Leveling system to finish activating. He knew that this Leveling System would be very important and could possibly affect his entire life.

[Host Name: Leo Sinclair]

"My Name appeared, It called me a host." Leo knew what this meant, It was just like the things that were written on some novels he manages to read before the End. Judging from the name, It was obvious that this would happen. Host, It was a word that had many meanings. Does the Leveling System treat him as a host? With this fact, Can the Leveling System leave his body? This was something he didn't want to happen.

[Chosen by ?????, The Unknown Entity to travel in this World]

"An unknown entity, How normal." Leo sighed, He would just call this Entity. The Reality Monster, He didn't even see what kind of entity it is. Probably some elder god or some weird monster traveling in the cosmos, Leo was spouting bullshit inside his head but this was a kind of thing he would do if something unexplainable happens

[World Scan will now activate]


[Culture, Geography, Biography, History, and Information]

Leo waited for the scanning to be finished, It seems that it was currently scanning the whole world. This Leveling System seems to be completely powerful, But Leo knew that the System was the one that is powerful not him. Breaking his fantasies before he could start it, Leo had to gather some level and study the system.

[Leveling System Initializing...]

[Leveling System Advisor will be created]

"Advisor? That would mean that the Leveling System would create an Advisor that would help me. This is very useful to my journey after leaving or escaping the Secret Facility, I wonder what kind of things the Advisor could do." Leo was surprised and happy at the appearance of the Leveling System. With this kind of System, He didn't need to travel on the most complicated road to become powerful.

[Welcome Master Leo, I am the Advisor of the Leveling System.]

[It is nice to meet you...]


In some dark room, Two people were looking at the Monitor. This Monitor was connected to the Camera that was currently observing the room of Leo. There was someone that tip them that Leo was acting weird, Due to this. They decided to observe the kid and nothing wrong could be found.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, Sir."

"Probably a false alarm, It seems that the kid really just wanted to go back."

"I can understand the reason why Doctor Malum was suspicious, No one would go back to some hell hole. This kid is just probably weird."

"I hope that you're right." The Superior Soldier said while staring at the monitor. The Superior Soldier knew that the only reason someone would go back to some hell hole is to have or do something important. He just hopes that he was wrong about this bad feeling of his.

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