
Level Up Grim Reaper

Since the beginning of time humans have been fighting a war against demons even as humanity advanced, Demons could still beat them. Until human beings started getting superpowers that could only be seen from comics manga and TV with the help of these powers and with the help of weapons that could be forged with the essence of powerful beasts, humanity was finally able to withstand the force of the demons. Kai Ace a poor city slum on the verge of death and about to be eaten by a demon saw a bright screen with something written on it before he died [Host has reached a near death state, would you like to acquire the grim reaper system] [YES] [NO] And the decision he made that day changed his life forever now follow him as he embarks on his journey as he tries to become stronger while gaining powerful allies but also meeting powerful enemies

Amnotgay · Fantasía
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1 Chs


There's a place in many cities and countries that no one wants to live but they have no choice. A place where the poor and those who can't provide for themselves stay. A place where crime is on the high rise and police barely care about this. A place where only the cunning ever survive and the rest are thrown to the side. It is a place where people get bullied,beaten,starved or even killed but the people still have to continue their lives because they have no other choice, the minute they stop moving the world will catch up to them. And even if someone dies the world will just continue moving and easily find another person to replace their role. This is just how the world worked and no one can stop, the only people who the world wouldn't forget are the truly great people among who are legends. The outskirts had the color of black mixed in with the feeling of corruption and the hopelessness in the people's heart truly made the area feel eerie.

In one of the many streets of the outskirts stood a group of boys. More like a group of boys beating up a lone boy who had no chance to defend himself. The boy in question did not look too good,he was short and thin,very thin and scrawny that you could even see his bones, he had dirty and messed up black hair, he was bruised and injured all through his body and his clothes were torn,if they could be described as clothes they looked more like rags.

These boys were mercilessly beating the lone boy with no pity at all, it looked like they wanted to murder him,it looked like were just trying to kill a beast and not a living and breathing human.

They were using anything at their disposal like their fists,their legs even sticks they could find on the road all they wanted to do was to beat him. And the leader of these boys was just looking at this scene with cold eyes and an indifferent expression as if he had done this hundreds of times.

"So Kai how are you feeling." The boy asked with an angry tone and expression. But his question was only met with silence. Seeing this the boy bent down and rose the other boy's head

"Next time when i tell you to do something you do it and you don't talk back,do you understand me." But the other boy didn't seem affected by this instead he spat a mouthful of blood on the boy's face. Wiping his face free from the blood he quietly said some words

"I'm gonna make you regret the day you were born",after saying this the boy started kicking the thin boy so much that he started vomiting blood and even his gang behind him started looking a bit worried and those who didn't participate in the fighting were looking at the thin boy with eyes of pity. But the leader didn't even stop and continued mercilessly beating him, he looked like it wasn't his own fellow brethren but a rat he was beating up. It felt like the only crime the boy did was breathe the same air as him and even it felt like a grave sin.

In a deep voice someone called out to them

"Hey what are you kids doing there". The owner of the deep voice finally stepped out. The man looked to be in his mid 40s and he had a clean kept beard and he was adorned in a police uniform,Seeing this the boys tried to run,they even forgot about the scrawny boy. But they were a bit slow because the man had already caught up to them.

"All of you your hands where i can see them", hearing this and the sound of a gun clicking they stopped in their movements and turned around.

"I'm gonna take you guys to the police station and get this guy all patched up". The man then came and picked the scrawny boy up and then he started walking and the other boys started following him. While walking they went street to street moving,they moved for so long that the boy had finally regained consciousness. Seeing the surroundings and the man's uniform, he could tell more or less what the situation was about.

"Don't they realize that this is nowhere near the closest police station in fact where going farther and farther from it". But to his utter surprise and shock they didn't seem to notice at all.

Until the scenery around them started changing from house to house, the buildings started to change and even the outskirt boys who had lived all their lives in the outskirts didn't know where they were or were they were going. Until one kid decided to ask the question that was haunting them

"Where are we going because this isn't the way to the police station, but don't get me wrong i don't want to go there".

The man then chuckled with a seemingly nice and indifferent expression but his eyes gave off different feeling,it gave off an evil and cruel look with murderous intent mixed with it. Seeing this look in the man all the boys there shuddered as if there was some kind of unknown evil inside the man waiting to be unleashed,if the boys had followed their instincts that day maybe they would have been able to run away from the horrible event that was about to happen.

The man just chuckled and shrugged the question off

"I changed my mind, kids like you shouldn't experience the terrors of a cell, your still too young in fact you shouldn't even be thinking of getting into a cell."

Hearing this all the boys were happy and grateful that they weren't going to prison anymore, so much that they didn't notice the strange way the man was acting and it was only the scrawny boy who felt it."

Finally they reached a house in the outskirts that was very fascinating,it was a kind of house that wasn't usually seen here because it was grand compared to all the houses around, it could make you wonder why no one had stolen anything from the house or at least try and damage it because it was spotless.

The house was painted white all through out with the only exception being the gates which were gold in color with fascinating engravings on the gate, the house was very large something you wouldn't see in a house in this type of location.

And when he took them inside the house was even more beautiful. At the entrance a few paintings were lined up at the wall,that looked quite exquisite. And at the inside the walls were painted white just like outside. The furniture was very nice too something that looked like it was bought from the city and not at the outskirts.

But this made the scrawny boy think very deeply

"If the man had this much money then he wouldn't live in the outskirts due to how much crime was on the rise around here.

And besides no matter how high in the police someone is in, they don't get paid this much and why doesn't anyone rob the house."

Thoughts of the man being a gang leader entered Kai's thoughts but he quickly dismissed them because if he was a gang boss he wouldn't need to pamper them and take them to his house after all guys like them wouldn't be scared and would just get them to do what they need without stressing themselves. 

Not to mention everyone outside knew the man but Kai couldn't just get the feeling out of his head that something was wrong. The man just seemed to nice and it felt weird because only saints can be that good.

"Since your all here why don't you guys stay for dinner".

Hearing this the boys agreed because who would pass away free food, no one would do that at least people like them wouldn't. With a large smile they all agreed except for Kai who didn't want to be there it was giving him terrible vibes.

"Sorry but it's getting kind of late and i need to go home because my parents are expecting to not be home late". But of course that was a lie he didn't have parents because the both of them had died so long ago that he didn't even remember their faces but they didn't need to know that.

Hearing this that man looked a bit depressed while the boys seemed super happy probably because there would be more food for them and they wouldn't have to share with him.

So after saying what he needed to say he turned around to leave but the strange man came and blocked his way.

"Why do you want to leave you just got here and you haven't even eaten,i have seen your body your parents don't do a good job in feeding you,

Oh and don't worry about and going home late because i have a car and i can drop you home if need be"

Hearing this Kai reluctantly agreed and went back to where the other boys were staying, seeing this the boys were a bit angry before but they shrugged it off because there was still going to be free food and that was enough to remove their anger and if it wasn't enough they could just bully him in giving them his food.

So all said and done they went to the dining and sat while they chatted and waited for the man. The man excused himself and went upstairs to go and do something which he stayed upstairs for some time. In the mean time the boys were just sitting down and relaxing,they were all together while Kai was on his own sitting by himself minding his own business. After all they weren't friends and these were the boys who were beating him up mercilessly without fail just imagine thinking about what would happen if the police man hadn't arrived at the scene, they probably would have killed him or at the very least seriously injure them. And even if they didn't want to kill him the leader of the group surely would.

The only other boy who wasn't very happy or jumping over free food was the leader of the group who's name was Nolan.

"I'm not shocked that he isn't affected after all with how rich his father is he would probably be able to buy five houses just like this. Thinking about all of this were the least of his worries because the man had finally come down after he finished everything he was doing. He excused himself from the children so he could go and prepare the supper.

So they were just lazing around without doing anything so Kai went to the kitchen to go and see what he was doing there.

When he entered the kitchen he saw that the man had already started and he was currently chopping vegetables and meat for the food. Seeing the man like this it made him think that he wasn't a police man but a high class chef.

Seeing Kai enter the man just smiled and continued his work. Kai gave him a smile back and started looking around seeing how spotless the kitchen was made him appreciate the man's maintenance skill.

"But these all look like they haven't been touched by anyone even the house looks like it hasn't been touched either."

But not even focusing on him the man cooked the food without stopping for a break once and the man was truly skilled,he seriously seemed like a professional.

He continued like this until he was finally done, seeing this Kai helped the man take the food to the dining in which all the boys were waiting patiently for it.

After setting the food the man seemed to satisfied somewhat.

"Oh i forgot how rude of me I forgot to tell you guys my name,if you would want to know my name is Wayne".

After saying this he let out a smile which made Kai shiver.