
Curing The Lord

Shuang used a small porcelain bowl and put a medicinal powder on it. Then she opened a small bottle of red liquid and mixed it with the powder. Using a small silver spoon, she stirred the two and after a while, the colored red liquid transformed into black as the medicinal powder dissolved. Then she handed the small bowl to Madam Gu who was watching at the side.

"The Lord's body is already stiffening and so his tongue was affected. You need to feed it to him by using the mouth to mouth way and this medicine is the last one I have." Shuang said as she reminded that she has no other antidote in her possession, though she still have a lot in her but she's not that generous. Besides, she wants to used this situation in her personal interest.

Xiao Liling carefully took the small bowl as her hands trembled a little. She walked slowly to the bedside and slowly sit beside her lying husband. Her eyes didn't leaved the bowl as she was afraid that it may spilled. And using her mouth, she fed it to her husband carefully.

Doctor Yun stopped rebuking when the Gu family did not heed him and observed intently to the Lord's condition when the Madam fed the liquid medicine.

Gu Jingshen, Gu Jiaolian and Uncle Jiang were nervously waiting to the result as they watched and waited at the side.

Shuang was the only relaxed at the moment. She leisurely sit comfortably in the couch as he observed the Madam feeding the antidote. Her obsidian eyes were void of emotions.

Xiao Liling finished feeding the liquid medicine without spilling. She watched her husband nervously as she waited for any sign of reaction from the medicine.

The other four standing people were the same as well as they nervously observed the dark skinned man in the bed.

After a while, there was no sign of changing from the Lord's health condition.

The worried Gu Jingshen turned to looked at the leisurely sitting girl.

" Young Master Gu, I know you worked hard and suffered. I understand that you didn't succeeded to get the real antidote as the dark forest is very dangerous. Please do not blame yourself in this matter...Though the Lord's condition is.....but this subject is still glad that the Young Master returned home safe." Doctor Yun consoled.

"Big Brother, Doctor Yun is right. As much as we want to, Father's condition is really out of our hands. Mother and I were really worried when you stubbornly went to the dark forest. We really don't know what to do if we will loose you too." Gu Jiaolian was already crying at the side as well as Madam Gu in the bedside while holding her husband's darkened hand.

"Young Miss Ren..." Uncle Jiang's very worried voice called out the young girl's name.

"Assistant Jiang. I know how worried and how you felt towards the Lord's condition. As I said, only the Purple Blood Flower can help to cure the Lord's condition. Stop trusting your hope to a young lady's words who's not even a doctor." Doctor Yun voiced out his irritation when he saw Assistant Jiang was still trying to asked about the girl's 'useless antidote'.

"Doctor Yun, please observed your words. Young Miss Ren is still my guest." Gu Jingshen sounded displeased to Doctor Yun's way of wording.

Doctor Yun's face flushed as he felt angered and embarrassed by Gu Jingshen's scolding and sided the Young Lady instead. He wanted to argue but forced himself to stop.

"This subject asked for forgiveness for being rude to Young Master Gu's guests." Doctor Yun cupped his hands to Gu Jingshen as he slightly bowed his head to the floor and Gu Jingshen failed to notice the oddity in the man's eyes.