
Let the Fur Fly

On a warm spring morning Lexi was walking home from school. Lexi is 16 years old today, she is a straight A student and always on time. Lexi has blonde hair, dark olive skin, 5 foot 6 inches tall and shaped like and hour glass. Lexi is the most popular girl in her class. As you can imagine Lexi has alot of guys wanting to be her one and only boyfriend.

Lexi was enjoying her walk home Deep in thought about what she was going to cook herself for dinner. you see she is an only child and both of her parents are dead due to an illness that struck her village when she was just 5years old. her grandmother raised her but she just passed away.

So she lives by her self in the family home. Suddenly, this guy that looked about 20 years old ran into her as he was running away from a group of guys chasing him. he grabbed her and she was dragged right along with him running from these guys.

Lexi asked " what are you doing? why are you dragging me with you? let me go! she demanded! the stranger said with a deep voice " sorry but I can't let go your bag is caught on my jacket. we'll stop once we lost them and I'll get us untangled.

Lexi looked and sure enough he was right, they were snagged together. she seen that if he had not grabbed her arm when her bag got caught she would have fell and gotten hurt.

Finally they had lost the group of guys when they both ducked into a ally way. both breathing hard Lexi looked at the strange man to see what he looked like. he had a blue shirt, black pants and black shoes on. He smelled like the woods and his hair was a silvery white, he had blue eyes like the ocean, his skin was a dark brown like he worked in the fields farming all day and he looked to be 6 foot tall towering over Lexi

As he was untangling his jacket from her bag. Lexi notice that he was hurt. She asked " what happened to you? your bleeding! " his right arm was cut and blood was running down his arm and dripping on to the pavement. The stranger said as he was busy with his hands " I had a misunderstanding with their boss! " he looked up and said " by the way my name is Bryson. what's your? " my names Lexi she replied. Bryson said it so sorry for this. let me take you out to make up for it tomorrow night.

Just as she was about to answer he got his jacket in tangled from her purse and the guys rounded the corner yelling "come back her Bryson you owe me a answer!" Bryson took of and yelled see you where we met tomorrow night! then he was gonna as quickly as he come. this whole ordeal left Lexi confused and tired. so she went home and went to bed.

The next morning Lexi got up and made her breakfast and lunch as she usually does in the mornings.