
Let me love you better

I become the wife of the character I'm simping for.

NIRRIN · Historia
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15 Chs

Chapter 9

Today, Krios will go to the capital to do some business and now I'm left here by myself. I decided to take every work I have and do them in the garden because today's weather is good and I don't want to put in to waste. When I arrive at the garden, Elen immediately pour me a drink and place some sweets beside the tea. The whole time I'm doing my work was peaceful, Elen is sitting beside me and she is doing some broidery. But that peaceful time immediately disappears when the head butler come running towards us. He looks so pale, like as if he just has seen a ghost in front of him.

"M-my lady! Marquess Richard and Marchioness Ruth are now in the mansion."

Oh? They come earlier than I expected huh. I only look cold to the head butler and tell him to let them in and make sure they're comfortable. I take my time to walk back towards the mansion and when I enter the mansion, I immediately walk towards one of the drawing room and from outside, I can hear my parent's voice. I open the door and my parents immediately turn their face towards me. I sit in front of them and cross my legs in front of them.

"Hello my precious daughter. How have you been? We never got the chance to make some time to visit you after your wedding."

I gave them my sweet smile and reply, "It's fine Mother, beside I already knew how busy you both are." Their face immediately light up and my mother started to fidget her fingers, like as if she's being shy about what she's about to say. She takes a deep breath and started to speak.

"Liliana, about your siblings and me and your father's allowance, I believe we didn't receive it this month. Is there something wrong?"

Something wrong? There is, and that is your gambling addiction, my father's mistresses, my two brother's addiction to drug. Way back when the real Liliana is still living at her family's house, they treated her like as if she's the lowest person they have meet. Liliana only has a beauty that can't compare to anyone else, but if we talk about her abilities? She has none, she's not smart, she's not talented at all and she's too innocent. That's why when the King showered her with love and affections, she immediately turned her back from Krios.

I smile at my suppose-to-be parents and hand them a piece of paper and what's written on that piece of paper are all of their expenses after I got married. They immediately turn pale and their smiley face immediately disappear and their true color appear. They stand up and slam the poor piece of paper into the center table. They are fuming with anger and I can see fire in their eyes. My mother immediately started to rant and ask about what is written on the piece of paper.

"What's the meaning of this Liliana?!", my mom said while holding the piece of paper of her hand. I look coldly at her and gave her my sweetest smile before replying, "Oh, that piece of paper shows how much gold coins I have given to you Mother and I think that is already enough." My mother lean forward to slap me but I immediately caught her hand and hold her hand tightly. My mom shriek in pain as I have no intention to immediately let go of her hand.

"You- stupid girl! What do you think you are doing to your mother?! Is this what I taught you when you are still growing up?" I laugh at her remarks; she has the nerve to ask me that when she never really teach anything to the real Liliana!

"Is there even something you have taught to me when I'm still growing up? There is none mother." I let go of her hand and sit down. I calm myself and say; "I will cut off the monthly allowance I'm sending to OUR family. Beside, mother and father are an adults and has a business of its own. Also, my two older brothers are already a full-pledge adult so I have no reason to send them their monthly allowance. That is all I want to say, please find your way out of the mansion and have a nice day." I stand up and walk out the room. I can still hear my mother calling my name even I'm already a few steps from the drawing room. I walk back to the garden and sit there for a few minutes. I start to massage my forehead and sigh deeply. Now, one problem has been solved and I know there would be more to come in the near future. I saw Elen's concerned face and I smile at him to insure her that I'm fine.

Just after a few minutes, I heard some noises coming from the mansion and then, I saw two tall men walking furiously towards my direction and I immediately recognizes those faces. The men on the left, who is tall, with silver messy hair and he's wearing a fancy clothes and that guy is Louis Loubutin, the eldest son of the Loubutin family and the next in line to inherit the tittle of Marquess of Loubutin. The men on the right side, who is also tall, with silver long hair and he's also wearing a fancy clothes and that guy is Luke Loubutin, the second son of Marquess Loubutin. Because he is on the second line of being the heir of Loubutin, Luke knew that he has no chance to inherit the tittle so he lives his life being astray from the right path. When both of them arrive in front of me, Louis was fuming with anger while Luke was just standing there like a little kid over its parents back.

"What have you done?!" Louis shouts at me but before I reply, I lift up my cup of tea and take a sip before looking back at him. I gave him a cold gaze before I smile so sweetly to him and replied, "Oh my brother, you can talk to me without shouting and what about my actions? Are you also going to contradict to my actions?" I swear I can see fire on his eyes right now and he inhale deeply before replying, "Why did you do it? Why did you cut off sending money to our family?! Now that the Duke started to dote on you, you just can't cut us off! You are acting like as if we're not a family." I cough at his remarks; we are what? A family? I took a sip from my tea before saying the worst remarks he has heard in his entire life.

"We are what now? A family, oh I see, so a family are those type of people who would use their one and only daughter for their own greediness. No wonder why we are so perfect family, because all this time, I know that all of you are just using me to satisfy all of your desires in this world! I don't know why I only realizes this now, because never once in my whole life, you- my family treated me nice."

I didn't wait any of the two of them reply and I just stand up and leave. As I was about to leave, I told the butler to guide them to their way out. As soon as I enter my room, I immediately lay down and stare at the ceiling. I did the right thing right? They have been abusing Liliana and Krios since the beginning but why do I feel so sad and down? Maybe is it because there is still some part of the real Liliana left in this body?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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