
Legendary Evolving Scum System

Hazel was once a young, rich noble with a thousand roads ahead of him until he got kidnapped as a child and forced to live a horrible life until he was put up for ransdom. That life corrupted him, made him scum. He was rescued, but his demeanor had changed to that of a scumbag. He didn’t want to be a scumbag, but he was a scumbag. He pissed off everyone in his mansion, his butlers, his mother, and his countless ex-girlfriends. It was like nothing could fill in the void of what was stolen from him as a child, but that all changed when Hazel finally pissed off a butler too much. He accidentally might have hit his granddaughter in the head with a wine bottle. So what? Hazel didn’t expect to be shot and killed for it. Of course, that all changed when the butler decided to get revenge on him and shoot him in the skull, or was it one of his ex-girlfriends who shot him? All he knows now is that he’s going back in time before he got kidnapped, and in exchange for him getting the Legendary Evolving Scum System, he’ll probably have to do some unscrupulous things to earn the system and his new life. [The Legendary Evolving Scum System has activated] [Bound to host on reincarnation] [First mission: Kill one scumbag] [Forms available: Vampire, Incubus, Sunray Demon] Let the journey begin! Collab between Sunlightglow and Hye4654. Please support Sunlightglow's novels as well! https://www.webnovel.com/book/16176386306205205/The-Sadist-System https://www.webnovel.com/book/16322965706681805/Evil-Is-Death-System https://www.webnovel.com/book/16399049005803005/Daily-Tribulations-of-a-Lazy-Overpowered-God https://www.webnovel.com/book/16553577305359605/Godsmithing-Otaku

hye4654 · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
17 Chs


In the backseat of a black limousine:

Hazel opened his eyes as he stared up at the stunning pearl skin of his mother. His head comfortably rested on her warm lap as his body felt much smaller.

He looked down at his tiny hands and wondered if him getting murdered was a dream. He frustratingly shook his head as he tried to figure out what happened, but instantly thought of the worst and best case scenarios!

'He had reincarnated?!?' A thought rushed through his mind.

He moved his small fingers and turned his small wrists. For the first time in ages, it felt like his head was clear alongside a well of energy inside of him.

All the emptiness, the lack of caring, and the feeling of being completely alone were replaced with tenderness. He even felt a sprinkle of joy as his mother gently patted his head and rubbed her hand through his brown locks.

He sighed and looked at a small blue window hovering in front of his face. He knew that he did a lot of bad things in his past life and almost all reincarnations had a catch! He searched for something odd about his reincarnation to find that 'catch'.

He rubbed his eyes and thought his eyes were blurry from just waking up, but it was still there in front of him. The blue box was floating in front of his face and slowly coming closer to him.

[Legendary Evolving Stealth System is Activating]

[Bound to Host Hazel on Reincarnation]

[Forms gained in reincarnation: Vampire, Sunrise Demon, Incubus]

[Daily Quests: Requirements to get strong and earn the right to be alive are still pending…]

'I knew it! I knew there'd be a catch to reincarnating!' Hazel tried to remain calm, but was unable to hide the tension on his furrowed, wistful brows. He felt thousands of emotions stirring inside him as his mother analyzed him by studying his features with a peculiar gaze.

Was that the gaze of love?

He felt chills to see her affection as he took deep, slow breaths to calm himself down. He jolted when he spotted the private airport in the window as droplets banged and drummed against the fogged up window.

'This was the worst possible time to reincarnate! If he got on that plane, it would take them to Mexico where he'd get abducted by the men who ruined his life!' Hazel's bright eyes widened from fear and panic.

[Daily Quest has been updated: Go to Mexico and kill your previous abductors]

[Reward: 500 experience for each class]

[Would you like to activate tutorial mode on how to transform into another form?]

"Are you okay?" Hazel's mom continued to brush her hand through his hair.

"Little Boy, don't worry about the plane ride. You won't get airsick, I promise." She smiled with a sweet and ephemeral smile that he always desired since he was young.

Hazel took a deep breath and smiled.

He had to act like a three year old lest he be sent off to a boarding school. Hazel seemed to remember everything from his past life from how to do quadratics and even the basics of geometry. He may have gotten a thirty on his last test, but that didn't mean he wouldn't ace everything at this age level!

However, the thoughts of getting out of where he was and how to not get on that plane ruled over his other thoughts.

[Warning: disrupting mission will cause termination of reincarnation]

[You must complete the mission and kill your original captors or else the system will be unbound.]

'Are you kidding? There is no way I'm doing this!'

Hazel feigned throwing up as the black limousine parked near the private jet. He remembered that the friendly pilot and the strong bodyguards would be soon killed as they waited by the doors.

Did he really have to go get kidnapped?

It didn't make any sense to Hazel.

'Weren't the first missions when you got the system supposed to be easier? Going back and killing the people who ruined your life first thing was not usually on the beginner's menu!'

"The plane is ready. Should we sedate him?"

"Yes, I wasn't going to, but now he's trembling," His mother passed Hazel to the imposing doctor. The doctor was the one who concluded there was something wrong with him after getting hit in the head with the rock after finding him two years from now.

"I'm sorry little guy, it'll just take me one second to put you to sleep." The doctor tried to console him.

"Mother, stop him!" Hazel said with a sweet voice as he wiped the spittle off his chin, feeling his nerves harder to control as a young child.

"I-I just forgot something back at home! I don't want to go on that plane ride." He desperately grabbed onto his mother's blouse.

"There-there. It's already done," His mother smiled.

"When we get to Mexico, we should already be in the mall and mother can buy all the things she needs to make your father a happy man." She picked Hazel up as his vision started to blur.

"I-I don't want to fall asleep," Hazel complained before his eyes shut.

[Tutorial mode for the Legendary Evolving Scum System is activating]

[You will learn how to use it on your journey to Mexico! while you are asleep]


"There are three types of demons in this world," Hazel heard in his sleep as he opened his eyes, and saw himself sitting in a classroom with a teacher with an extremely large mustache.

"My name is Leyton Finch. We have one new student in the class who will be joining us today." Leyton politely bowed to the audience.

"I'll keep this short, so he can go get kidnapped again," Leyton joked as the rest of the students laughed and turned towards him with disgust and contempt.

"The three types of demons are the good ones, the neutral ones, and the bad ones."

Magical white words appeared on the blackboard as Leyton continued his lecture.

"There are vampires, demons, and various types of incubus and other creatures of the night that prowl in the world of humans and kill them for fun. They are usually the richest most powerful men, but since Hazel here acted worse than almost all of them, he gets to go about the job of being the gatekeeper."

"Come up here Hazel," The teacher gestured to Hazel to come to the front of the classroom.

"Fine, but stop staring at me," Hazel frowned and jumped off his chair as he adjusted to walking with his small legs.

No one ever told you how much easier life was with long legs. You had to put in three times more effort with small legs.

But, that wasn't the point, the point was that he was now in front of the class.

The teacher next to him started to slowly change and transform as he soon turned into a strange looking black skinned demon with red eyes and a menacing stare.

"This is your sunrise demon transformation," The teacher transformed again, but this time into that of a vampire. "This is your vampire transformation…"

"You can also transform into an incubus, but it's not the type you think." The teacher transformed again and became a normal looking man with a business suit. "This is more to deal with female demons. To transform, all you have to do is think of the form you'd like to take."

"Just say vampire!" One boy screamed.

"No, scream Sunrise Demon!" Another girl screamed.

"Screw it! Just do all three at once! I want to see what happens!" A voice came from the classmate beside him.

'Vampire?" Hazel thought before his body suddenly grew and his slender, wiry arms branched out like a tree that just too much miracle growth. His clothes somehow stretched and weaved along his body before a red suit and tie appeared as his teeth painfully burst through his jaw.

It felt like he suddenly had a new muscle in his mouth and he was able to retract his teeth with little effort.

"Well, I know that seemed fast, but that should be enough." Leyton clapped to stop the transformation.

"Man, he transformed and got older? Why can he do that?" Another little boy complained and pointed at Hazel.

"I stay young when I transform, no fair!"

"It's because his life will be ten times harder than any of you nice kids. Now, wake up Hazel. You're in Mexico!" Leyton snapped his fingers as Haze's vision started to waver and swirl.

"Mommy!" Hazel sprang open his eyes as he looked to the right and saw the mall that had haunted his dreams almost every single night in his last life.

"Mommy! I got to go to the bathroom!" Hazel tugged on her long skirt.

"Not now," His mother pointed at the store where he was to be abducted according to the system.

"We just need to get one thing from this shop, and then your mother will be happy. Can you hold it?"