
Legendary Evolving Scum System

Hazel was once a young, rich noble with a thousand roads ahead of him until he got kidnapped as a child and forced to live a horrible life until he was put up for ransdom. That life corrupted him, made him scum. He was rescued, but his demeanor had changed to that of a scumbag. He didn’t want to be a scumbag, but he was a scumbag. He pissed off everyone in his mansion, his butlers, his mother, and his countless ex-girlfriends. It was like nothing could fill in the void of what was stolen from him as a child, but that all changed when Hazel finally pissed off a butler too much. He accidentally might have hit his granddaughter in the head with a wine bottle. So what? Hazel didn’t expect to be shot and killed for it. Of course, that all changed when the butler decided to get revenge on him and shoot him in the skull, or was it one of his ex-girlfriends who shot him? All he knows now is that he’s going back in time before he got kidnapped, and in exchange for him getting the Legendary Evolving Scum System, he’ll probably have to do some unscrupulous things to earn the system and his new life. [The Legendary Evolving Scum System has activated] [Bound to host on reincarnation] [First mission: Kill one scumbag] [Forms available: Vampire, Incubus, Sunray Demon] Let the journey begin! Collab between Sunlightglow and Hye4654. Please support Sunlightglow's novels as well! https://www.webnovel.com/book/16176386306205205/The-Sadist-System https://www.webnovel.com/book/16322965706681805/Evil-Is-Death-System https://www.webnovel.com/book/16399049005803005/Daily-Tribulations-of-a-Lazy-Overpowered-God https://www.webnovel.com/book/16553577305359605/Godsmithing-Otaku

hye4654 · Ciudad
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17 Chs

First Transformation

Hazel refused to move as he stood firm in his spot like a solid brick wall stuck in place by concrete. His mother sighed when she faced his strong determination with his unrelenting stare that burned with the desire to not lose this fight.

"Fine," Hazel's mother gave up on going into the fancy clothing store they stood in front of under his unyielding pressure.

A translucent blue screen suddenly popped up in the air near Hazel's face when he thought of the strange dream he was whisked off to before he woke up as he walked around the mall.

[Please go to a private space if you desire to test out your new powers!]

Hazel's mother was able to enter another store as she got tired of only window shopping under her son's careful watchful eyes filled with caution.

"How about this store? Is this store ok with you?" His mother pointed to the lovely store that sold the most elaborate hats and stunning hair accessories.

Hazel shook his head as he wanted to avoid going into other stores. Who knew if the kidnappers would change the location where they would capture him for ransom?

Maybe it was time to test out his new powers?

Hazel whined as he pretended to be in a hurry, "I really have to go to the bathroom this time."

Hazel shook off his mother's hand and ran towards the nearest bathroom. One they had recently passed by. The pair was now broken as his mother stared at him in awe from his newfound strength. She didn't think her little boy would grow up so fast.

However, her eye soon widened with a mix of fear and shock as her mouth got covered by the hand of a person with such big arms that they covered half of her face. His power was like a mountain and she was just a small ant trying to resist as a sea of agony welled up inside of her. The thug pushed a piece of cloth heavily drugged with the smell of chlorophyll as her mind started to get dizzier.

Hazel's mother instantly felt all her remaining strength being profoundly drained as she eventually stopped her attempts at kicking and punching him with her arms and legs. She twisted and opened her small mouth to bite the masked thug to make her escape. But alas, the thug laughed at her small struggles that fought for both her son and her life - it barely made an impact on his tough, well-defined muscles.

The thug threw Hazel's mother onto the floor with irritation as he frowned from the small bite marks on his arm.

"Run Hazel, Run!" Hazel's mother screamed with her last remaining breaths.

Hazel didn't look back as he was busy being chased by one other well-built man that wore a black cap, dark sunglasses and the same masks that covered the remainder of both of their faces.

He didn't feel assured with his properly trained bodyguards that ran after him while abandoning his mother. It was obvious that their orders were to make Hazel their priority from his father.

One of his bodyguards that wore a fine, tailored black suit pulled out a sharp dagger that shined from the strong daylight. He moved quickly as he dodged one of the thug's punches as he swiftly ducked down to create a decent cut on the thug's leg.

The other bodyguards followed suit as some pulled out electric tasers, small knives and small handguns that were hidden inside their vests.

"Fine, shoot me," The thug laughed loudly.

"But do you think you can handle this?" He viciously tilted his head.

The camouflaged passersby who appeared to just be a regular shopper came out of nowhere. He surrounded Hazel and his bodyguards after hearing the signal with a few other shoppers who brazenly walked out of stores. All the remaining shoppers took just a glance at the large men and the weapons that were drawn before they started to run in various directions.

One lady heard gunfire and covered her ears as she dashed towards a man in a skull cap with baggy pants. She thought she was safe before he latched his elbow around his neck and pulled out a gun.

Under the constant ringing of gunfire, that girl's body might soon be like the other shoppers who were caught by the thugs. They used innocent women and men to march towards Hazel's gun blazing protectors as screams filled the air.

The fight where the bodyguards were winning was quickly being overturned as the number of bodyguards slowly fell one by one.

"Run! There's a window in the female bathroom," One of the bodyguards yelled as he fought with his knife, showing a calmness that Hazel couldn't understand.

All the hours of training that went into his bodyguards being selected was being put to the test.

They were supposed to be the best of the best, right now they were clearly losing..

Hazel knew his bodyguards were pitifully and slowly losing the fight. He followed the bodyguard's advice and dashed into the bathroom as he searched for the window.


Hazel covered his ear from the piercing and deadly scream coming from outside the bathroom. It was from one of his most powerful and most familiar bodyguards. The middle-aged man who stood beside him, day in and day out, in his former life yelled out tortured and bated screams as the loud sounds of gunfire didn't seem to stop. Hazel didn't want to imagine the large pools of blood dripping out from such a strong man in a way that resembled his horrible death that led him to this recent reincarnation.

Instead of trying to find a way to open the out-of-reach window, Hazel crammed himself into one of the bathroom stalls and quickly locked himself inside. He leaned against the door to stop himself from collapsing down onto the dirty tiles. His heart thumped loudly as his heart rate increased and he couldn't seem to keep his heart in his chest.

The heart-breaking screams from outside the bathroom didn't seem to stop as each scream got painstakingly louder and more brutal than the former.

'I have to turn. This is the only chance I have.' Hazel was determined that this was a perfect chance to transform into a vampire.

Hazel concentrated on Leyton's vampire form with his keen, razor-sharp elongated teeth and blood red eyes that stared into one's soul.

His body slowly began to tremble and pop before his legs branched out and grew to three times their normal size. His arms went from small to long and wiry with his jaw elongated as his black hair slightly raised and spiked as bolts of electricity suffused in his body.

When he nervously opened the stall, he found a tall man with short black locks and well-built muscles that stared back at him in the mirror. There were no signs of his chubby self from his former life. It was like all his fat turned into well-toned muscles.

When the gunshots finally ceased, a handgun trailed on the ground in front of him as if it was magnetically pulled towards him, falling through the bathroom doorway as if given to him by fate.

He took some deep breaths before picking up the metal gun that was waiting to be grasped. He touched some of its features to check the status of the gun. He unintentionally tugged on the trigger to find his finger stuck on the rig.

'The safety is on,' Hazel sighed in relief as it would only have dragged the attention of the thugs who were clearly winning against his bodyguards.

This reminded him of something.

From a long, long time ago.

Way back in his other life...

In his other life, it was a bright and sunny day like today when he whiffed up a smell of the combination of metal and layers of dust in an underground facility as he slowly stepped down the stairs. He held his father's large hand while venturing into the darkness until a dazzling artificial light shined down on him at the bottom of the spiraling staircase.

"There are some organizations that aren't quite human, son." His father switched to carry him in his strong arms, picking him up in a way much easier than should've been possible..

Hazel saw panels of glass to separate out the people and the shotgun area where bullets were being shot towards the thin pieces of paper that had painted rings of circles. It was almost like a mini dart board to challenge the accuracy of those trying to make a shot..

He quickly covered his ears as he winced from every bullet shot. The nauseating smell of constant gunpowder that filled the air, making the memory all the more potent..

His father smiled while showing him the amazing view of how he trained his family's bodyguards. Hazel thought his father's words were merely a joke that time as he lightheartedly took his words and threw them out of his other ear.

'Maybe father's words were not a joke, but a warning,' Hazel shivered.

'Was he warning me that there were things like vampires? Is there other things he didn't tell me?'

The police dumbfoundedly stood outside as they didn't dare to come in after the mention of potentially endangering the hostages held inside the mall. The police waited as they called for more reinforcements to carefully tread around the highly volatile situation.

Hazel disappointedly sighed at the sight of the useless police as the hands on his watch slowly clicked by every precious second.

'It's either obediently get kidnapped or fight at this rate,' Hazel nearly vomited from the thought.

Hazel was about to open the stall he locked himself in as a girl dropped onto the floor in front of the entrance of the bathroom followed by another gunshot.

Her head was spilling out large pools of crimson liquid that painted the white tiles. Her eyes rolled back as only the white parts of her eyes were scarily seen. The girl's body grew colder with every passing second as her skin became whiter and whiter.

Instead of checking up on the devastated torn up head, Hazel sniffed the smell of appetizing meat. Her alluring blood started to resemble the finest wine he always drank in his former life, maybe even greater and higher in quality.

Maybe his mind was starting to hallucinate as he was fastly getting more immersed in the sight of her blood slowly turning in shades of dazzling gold. He wafted the smell into his nose as he unconsciously walked closer towards the poor girl.

[Consume for 30 experience: +1 Vitality Each Drink]

The same semi-transparent blue screen popped up in front of him just as earlier inside the car.

Hazel decided to follow the mind of the system as he glided his finger inside the pool of blood that didn't seem to stop running out. It was like a generous blood bank that overflowed with its plentiful supply.

He licked his finger to find the taste alarmingly didn't compare to the most delicious meal he had ever consumed in his former life. The slick richness and perfect balance of the blood cells that didn't have any of its flavors overwhelm each other blended into each of the drops of red fluid.

Hazel instantly abandoned his sense of pride as he started to lick the oozing, dirty blood to have more of a taste of the most exquisite drink of his life.

[+ 1 Vitality]

[+ 1 Vitality]

[+ 1 Vitality]

The thug who came into the bathroom to check on his prey dropped his gun in shock. He could have never imagined to run into a crazed psychopath who would drink pouring blood on such filthy bathroom tiles Hazel's great obsession.

The thug pinched his arm to see if he was dreaming only to find the obscure scene in front of him was in fact, true.

Even though he wanted to run out of this horrid scene as soon as possible, he had to finish his job. He sighed as he resolved himself into grabbing the head of Hazel to quickly make his kill.

Instead, he faced Hazel's terrible blood red eyes that burned into his head with sharp elongated fangs on the upper part of his teeth.

'Who was the psycho that dared to disturb my meal?' Hazel fired the gun with no hesitation.

'Anyone who dares to interrupt my meal deserves to die,' Hazel continued to suck the remaining blood on the ground.

The thug didn't have a chance to scream as he instantly collapsed onto the hard, dirty tiles, feeling blood shoot out the back of his head. His eyes rolled back from terror and his mouth was filled with choked bubbles from hypersalivation.

[Scumbag Killed: +30 experience]