
Legend of the Wind Mage

Illegal_3 · Fantasía
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19 Chs


"I'm sorry... But we might as well make a party now." Kuroko said.

"Don't worry about it. Party options!" Yui said in response.

'Maybe I'll find out his surname. I'm too shy to ask him and I want to know who he is related to!'.

= Party options.

| View current party | Make a new party | Join party |

"Make a new party."

= Invite Kuroko //ᑌn|⟨n0ሠɴ//?

"Huh? Umm... Yes." Yui answered, perplexed.

The party menu also appeared in Kuroko's view.

= Party invite from Yui Takahashi. Join?

"Yeah." He said.

= Now in a party.

"I also learned a new wind spell that I want to try out."

"And I'll just practice the ones I already know."

So, they started practicing the skills they learned and how to use them better.

"Strong wind! It's unsurprisingly much stronger than the wind spells I have now!" Kuroko exclaimed as he easily blew away a stick that he planted firmly into the ground.

After a long day of repeating the same moves over and over again, Kuroko leveled up his Strong wind skill once and with Yui, she practiced her Blinding light and in the process, stunning Kuroko when he was off guard.

As the sun was slowly setting, and the clouds starting to cycle through the colours of the rainbow, Kuroko asked, "After we practice our moves just a couple more times, should we start talking about tactics because we should try to work together?".


Then Kuroko fired 3 more strong winds before he accidentally blew the cigar out of an old man's mouth.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that." And at that moment he knew, he f##### up. It turns out the old man was actually the Master of the Guards.

'I'm dead. I am going to die. That last time we met? He was going easy... What the hell is this aura?!'

He thought as he noticed the the black smoke with tremendous pressure completely surround the old man and eventually the area around them starts producing fog. By the second, their vision gets worse and worse then finally blinding white eyes shone through the darkness and in less then a split second, it vanished and the master said in his calmest tone of voice possible, "Please. We have no other choice but to kidnap you if you don't agree to my proposal I made earlier.".

"I mean, i have no other choice. And, you are the most powerful people I know at the moment." His voice was shaking from how badly he was coping from the pressure on his body.

"If he joins, may I join as well!?" Yui asked with hope because she wants the opportunity to learn more and be with Kuroko at the same time.

Sorry I hadn't updated... and we are almost at 3k views so I just want to thank you for reading my book that I just randomly came up with the idea of while I was on a walk.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE power stones for me!

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I thank you so much.

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