
Chapter 37: The Hokage's Change

3rd POV:

The sun is about to go down when Kakashi and Minato finished their training for the day. They are both exhausted but they made large progress on their training for Rasengan. Kakashi also practiced mastering the Rasengan because what he needs the most right now is strength. He can do anything to be more powerful as long as no one is being hurt by his actions.

'If I can master the Rasengan, I can try and infuse it with my lightning chakra. Though I failed in my past life, the main reason for my failure is my depression and many missions from the ANBU. This time, I will master it like what Naruto has done no matter how long it takes.' Kakashi resolved himself.

"Kakashi-kun, let's end for today and continue if you have time. We may have to do some missions outside the village because of the aftermath the war has done." Minato told Kakashi. Though the war is over, that doesn't mean that the mission decreased. In fact, it increases but the difficulty is lower like escorting and delivery missions. The likely encounters one has to face are bandits who lost their homes and are trying to rob the merchants or travelers from their journey.

"Yes, Minato-san. Then let's meet tomorrow afternoon and see if we can train here." Kakashi answered Minato.

-The Next Day-

The next day, Team One gathered at their usual meeting place earlier than usual because Tsunade has something to announce. She sent each of them a scroll through a bird which just contains the time they must meet.

"All four of you are here. Well, the Hokage ordered us to not accept any missions outside the village for the time being. I suspect that it has something to do with our mission having the wrong details. Though it is quite natural for a mission to have some wrong information, it is rare for a mission's difficulty to jump that high. And so the Hokage are trying to find ways on how to improve the information we are gathering." At that moment, Kushina seems uncomfortable about something.

"Is it because of me? Because they are trying to avoid me having missions outside the village?" Tsunade then ruffles her student's red hair.

"Well, maybe they have some worries for you but the main thing is that we have a mission inside the Konoha. We are assigned to lead the training of all the aspiring medical ninjas of Konoha and you three are my students so obviously, you will accompany me." All three of them were shocked at the revelation of their master.

"Well, base on what the Hokage said, our schedule will be every morning every day except weekends. And one of us can join another team for their mission if you want to go outside the village but it will be one at a time. We will start tomorrow and it will last a month before the next batch of trainers will replace us. But I will still monitor them even after a month from time to time to ensure that they are doing the correct thing." Tsunade said.

After that, they are all dismissed because Tsunade said that today will be free. Kushina asked all of them to try the new restaurant that just opened. Tsunade refused because of her duties as the head of the Medical Department. Kakashi also refused because of his appointment with Minato. Only Shizune agreed to accompany Kushina because she also wants to try that restaurant. Shiro also went with the two girls because she also wanted to relax before having her training with Ashi.

After some light training, the sun was directly above Konoha and Kakashi went to where they are supposed to meet with Minato. There he saw Minato with Jiraiya on his side writing something.

"Minato-san I am here. It seems like Jiraiya-sama also wants to learn the Rasengan. Am I correct?" Kakashi asked.

Jiraiya stopped writing for a moment and faced Kakashi.

"Yes, I also wanted to learn but Minato said that I must ask first for your permission because you helped him develop it. So, can I also learn it?" Jiraiya asked kindly. He also knew the importance of asking someone to learn the technique they develop out of respect for their hard work.

"I got no problem with you learning it. Minato-san is the one who developed this jutsu and you are his master so I got no problem with it. But just remember to teach it to someone who will not use it to harm innocent people."

Jiraiya agreed happily and so, the three of them started training.

"Oh right, Minato-san. It seems like our team will not be having any mission outside the village for a month but I am only free during the day." Kakashi said while they are having a short break from their training.

"I forgot about that and don't worry, the Hokage issued an order that every ninja must know even the basic Medical Course so almost a quarter of the teams of Konoha will be training for the next month and our team is one of them. Also, every team must send at least one of their members to learn medical ninjutsu which will be under the Advance Medical Course. I guess your team is also included this time. I heard they will be doing it by batch so while some are training, some will be doing missions. It is not yet out for the public and the higher-ups of each clan and some elite ninjas only know about it for now." Minato said as he drinks some water.

"Oh, no, I am not one of the trainees but I am the trainer. We are ordered to train the first batch for the Advance Medical Course. Kushina-san and Shizune are also part of the trainers." Both master and student were surprised at the revelation of Kakashi.

"To think you would be proficient to be teaching others medical ninjutsu. Tsunade really picked the best students for her team." Jiraiya praised Kakashi and his team.

"But, who in your team will be the medical ninja? I heard that the Hyuga clan does not want to learn any ninjutsu except the ones they created and the Uchiha... they are quite prideful in learning from other people." Kakashi asked.

"About that, right now, they are having a meeting about some things and part of the topic is to persuade those two clans to participate. I just hope nothing bad will happen." Jiraiya said with a sigh at the end.

-Konoha Meeting Room-

After a long meeting about various topics concerning the aftermaths of the war, the meeting of all the clan heads and some higher-ups of Konoha, including the Hokage, reached their final topic for the day. That is the cooperation of the clans regarding the Medical Course of Konoha. At this point, Tsunade stood up to discuss the project of the medical department.

"As you may have known from the scroll that was distributed yesterday, we plan on educating every ninja some basic medical knowledge. This plan is also proposed during the Second Ninja War but at that time, you all said that we have no resources to pursue this plan. But now that the war is over, I believe that this is the right time to implement this project. Are there any objections from any of you?"

All of the people present agreed to the project except two people. The Clan Head of Uchiha and Hyuga Clan.

"The Hyuga Clan agrees in this project but we would like not to participate. It is against our ancestors' will to accept any help from other people outside the clan." The head of the Hyuga Clan, Hitome Hyuga explained.

"The Uchiha Clan on the other hand accepts this and will gladly cooperate but in one condition." The young Clan Head of the Uchiha, Fugaku Uchiha said.

"And what will your condition be?" This time, the Hokage asked.

"We want our clan to be relocated to our original place before the Konoha Military Police Force was created by the Second Hokage." Fugaku answered without any fear or hesitation.

"Well, I agree with your condition. In fact, I was thinking of relocating the Uchiha after the death of Danzo and the council but I have no excuse to suddenly relocate you so this is a good chance to do it. Will that be all, Fugaku?" Hiruzen asked.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. Thank you very much." Fugaku wasn't expecting the Hokage to easily agree in relocating their clan. He expected to have some reluctance and conditions.

"As for you Hitomi, you said that you don't like being helped by other people outside your clan right? Then you, the Hyuga Clan, can leave Konoha and not receive any help from us from now on."

Everyone was shocked by what they just heard from the Third Hokage. He was known by all to be kind and a peace-loving Hokage who will give his best for the sake of peace and his village. But at this moment, he just said something that may endanger Konoha if another war broke out.

"What are you saying, Hokage-sama! The Hyuga Clan have been loyal to you and Konoha way back during the foundation of the village and now you are saying that we should just leave!!! Do you know how much you will lose if we leave?" Hitomi was beyond furious that he almost activated his Byakugan from what he just heard.

"Well honestly, we would lose almost none if the Hyuga left Konoha." Hiruzen said with a smile on his face.

Everyone was shocked again by what they just heard from their Hokage. Even Tsunade is surprised. Initially, she would force the Hyuga and Uchiha by showing her strength but never in her life will she expect her sensei to say these words.

"Oh come on. Do I really have to tell you how useless the Hyuga Clan is in Konoha? Well, listen carefully. First of all, ever since the foundation of Konoha, the Hyuga Clan has produced only fifteen elite ninjas, and all of them are the Clan Heads. You have not produced any Kage-level ninja ever since then. At this moment, only ten Hyuga members are Jonin and not a single elite jonin. That means it will barely affect our strength. Second, I admit that your tracking, observing, and spying skills are valuable assets to Konoha but those can be replaced by the Aburame and Inuzuka Clan. And lastly, you have the ability to see the inside of the human body and can be an advantage for medical ninjas but here you are, saying that you will not join because of your ancestors. Basically, you are currently a fucking parasite to Konoha. Receiving our help but not receiving yours." Hiruzen said and ends with a cloud of smoke from his smoking pipe.

Everyone who heard what the Hokage said was just shocked but at the same time, reached the same conclusion, "The Hyuga really are useless as of now."

"Oh, and also, if you are thinking of joining other villages, don't bother because I will wipe you out before you even step out of Konoha. I am not called the God of Shinobi of this era for nothing you know. I will defeat you all alone if needed. So, will you accept our offer or... be wiped out of existence?" Hiruzen said again but this time, a heavy pressure was bringing everyone down in the room except Tsunade and Sakumo.

"We... will cooperate, Hokage-sama..." Hitomi said weakly as he just barely held himself from passing out.

"Good. Now the meeting ends. I am quite hungry you know." Hiruzen said with a smile on his face.

-Hokage's Office-

After the long meeting with the higher ups and Clan Heads of Konoha, Tsunade and Hiruzen went back to the Hokage's office. Tsunade seems confused by her master's attitude and way of speaking and so she can't help but ask.

"What happened to you back there? Aren't you someone who will do anything to have peace? With what you said back there, the Hyuga can have a reason to do a coup d'état against us. What were you thinking?" Tsunade asked with a bit of confusion in her voice.

"As I said, they can't do that because they knew what I said back then are all true and I can handle them alone if they really did a coup. But I am sure that they won't. I have received information of both the main and branch clan of Hyuga and almost ninety percent of them seem to not accept the way their clan is running." Hiruzen answered. This time, Tsunade seems to understand what his master is saying.

"But how did you get those pieces of information? Surely you didn't ask them because they would find it suspicious if you did?" Tsunade asked again.

"Oh, I just ordered some of my ANBU which is dressed up as a civilian ever since they have been an ANBU to talk to some Hyuga members when they are on duty. Even inside Konoha, I have spies you know. Most of the members that they talked to were from the branch family. Some also spill that a few main family members also dislikes how the Hyuga higher-ups are running things. I've been doing gathering information for months now so it is reliable."

'I guess he is pretty reliable as a Hokage huh.'

"And before you get amazed by what I have done, I just started to change after the council disappeared. Now I can move freely without those nuisances. And maybe my view of how things work changed a little bit." Hiruzen interrupts Tsunade's thoughts.

'At least he changed...' Tsunade thought to herself and was relieved at how his master is doing.

I don't know how but... I finished a a chapter earlier than expected so here you go.

Oh and also, can anyone review my fanfic. I am just curious on what you think about it.

VermillionAcecreators' thoughts
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