
the government officials

"How did you know about that?" Wynfir was confused how the girl knew about Zenith being near death. "I was the one trying to stop them from killing you but they killed me instead, how are you still alive?" The girl gave an answer that left worries in Wynfir "I'm the new Beast king and what is your name, is it possible to do that again." the girl gave a reassuring answer. "No they have to use a one of a kind artifact in order to kill you, they already used it, so now they can't do it again."

"That is a relief, so once again what is your name?" "My name is Zinshia and thank you for helping me but how am I alive." "Resurrection magic is how you are alive, why?" Zinshia was shocked. "It was just that I was dead and death is supposed to be irreversible." Wynfir did not know how to respond "Well, let's get back on topic. Who killed you and who tried to kill Zenith."

"That would be the government officials at the town of Emberfair, the citizens had nothing to do with it, but the government feared the beast king so please spare them." Zinshia pleaded to Wynfir not to hurt the common people of Emberfair. "Very well but the people that planned this cannot live where they all are." Zinshia then gave the information Wynfir needed and left for the cleanup.

When Wynfir got into Emberfair he left for the government mansion, as he got there the feeling of death in the air was heavy and the guards were trembling and then ran away. He entered the mansion and found all the guards and officials assembled in front of him. "Give up now and you will live." Wynfir gave an order but they responded definitely. "Attack!"

as the guards charged forward, so did Wynfir. Wynfir used earth magic to create a sword from the ground and swung at the first guard and cut the sword in his hands in half, he then punched the next in the gut and sent him flying. This continued for almost no time at all and all the guards were unarmed and on the ground in pain but non dead.

He went up toward the officials and smiled. Shall we end this here. After he we don't talk about it but they will not ever harm someone else again, ever again.