
Legend of Legendary Summons!

A strange beast—a wolf-pup—born in ruins. Lacking common sense. Will it survive in the world of summons among the cunning and treacherous humans? Or will it become a pet for another summoner? Or, It will take its own fate and do something never done before? You don't have to follow its journey, just read it... Tags: Alchemy, Artifacts, Assassins, Beast Companions, Cunning Protagonist, Demons, Dwarfs, Elves, Evolution, Game Elements, Gods, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Humanoid Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Monster Girls, Monster Tamer, Polygamy, Romantic Subplot, Sexual Cultivation Technique, Summoning Magic, Weak to Strong, World Travel Fandom: Long Live Summons! (No worries, you can read this without reading the original) Support Link: https://www.patreon.com/BoredDreamer Release Schedule: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday. ————————— Cover by LimeBlock (Note: I do not own the cover)

BoredDreamer · Derivados de obras
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76 Chs

In the Den, Again!

After realizing the shocking truth of the two-legged creatures Tian Lang fell in deep contemplation.

Was there any meaning to defeat those two-legged creatures?

Once, they were similar to him.

Having stumpy legs and long, or short, furs.

Maybe even that wriggling thing could turn to another two-legged creature.

Living in the wilderness, they must've also suffered a lot.

Just like he did.

Then it hit him.

Just like he did? Doesn't that mean, one day... he'd also become a two-legged creature?!

Crystals! (A/N: Equivalent to 'Heavens!' for Tian Lang.)

T-then he would also have those twin fleshy mounds?!


T-that... Tian Lang shook his head, gulping and scattering a mouthful of saliva pooled inside his mouth.

He definitely didn't imagine squashing his own fleshy mounds for day and night, AND using them as pillows!

Definitely not, as proof, he gulped another mouthful of saliva, not salivating like an idiot pup he was.

Right, he was an Alpha Male Pup. He should definitely have fleshy mounds bigger and squishier than others!

'Umu, even bigger than those'

By 'those', unquestionably meant the soft bounces still flashing in his eyes...

By the time the dreamy pup woke up from his stupor, he looked through the dark surrounding. Half a feet above his head, a familiar view struck him. For a short moment, he froze. Didn't he break something similar in Hanying's den? Could it be he returned to their den again?!

What to do.

He possessed mighty strength, however, those two-legged creatures were both shrewd and experienced, even equally, if not more, mighty. Especially their packs, Tian Lang couldn't help but admit they were troublesome.

Since he would one day become a two-legged creature, if possible, he wished to learn more about them. Then he remembered what those two eye-catching creatures said. Learning more...

He realized what he had to learn.

But how to do that. They won't just leave him alone...

Suddenly his eyes shone brilliantly!

How could he forget that at first, the creature, Hanying, didn't wish to harm him in any way and even if they didn't treat him not so shabbily, he could definitely learn more about them if such an act continued.

Then why did they suddenly turn hostile?

Because he created a mess of their den?

Because he rejected their nonsense of taming him?

Or, because he attacked them?

Tian Lang felt neither as he noticed one point!

The intelligent, two-legged creatures were low-key!

That's right, else, why would they not fight back when he made a mess of their den?

They only fought back when he showed off his prowess, curiosity got the better of him and he almost forgot that a two-legged creature could treat him like air.

If he remained low-key, they would probably not mind him and even let him wander around their den... probably.

As for the possible reason of him threatening their lives, it didn't even cross his head. Sure, he could threaten a two-legged creature, but only those with small to non-existent fleshy mounds. Let alone the ones with bigger ones and even their unending packs, which left a deep impression in his mind, they probably had everything he couldn't even think of and experienced things he thought existed.

For a second, he felt that was unfair. They were so far that he couldn't even estimate. It was like they were bullying him, like how he did to some poor snakes. Not that he knew fairness or justice.

If it wasn't for the shadow beast he might've already ended in their stomach! Thinking about the positive points, Tian Lang felt hopeful. He would definitely become a two-legged creature with mighty fleshy-mounds!

For that, regardless of the consequences, he had to explore!

Like the eternal truth, success starts from the first step, but Tian Lang, the poor pup, had to stop at his first step, or maybe even back off three steps because–


With an abrupt creaking sound the door to the cave flung open. Better, along with it came a slight amount of light which brightened Tian Lang's view, if only for a short moment as after some shifting and turning noise, the light vanished again. But the noises only got higher and higher.

"Butler An, i-is it really okay, like this?" said a two-legged creature .

"Bullshit! This daddy is experienced in this for years. You're still new so you don't understand. Don't worry, as a respectable butler of the Yue Clan, I will guide you step by step," the other creature chimed in, quite haughtily.


"No buts, I got through so much to give this job to you. You were waiting for this too, don't act innocent."

Tian Lang became slightly curious. They used some terms he couldn't understand, which only heightened his curiosity as he cocked his head out of whatever he was hiding under.

The two creatures had their bodies pressed against the door. Their outer skins unfurled messily, one of them often let out sounds like 'oof, anh~, mmn~, nnnh!' which he couldn't make heads or tails of. He even considered them to be a different language.

While oblivious why they were shaking their hips and moving back and front and his vision was far from perfect as he could only see from the backside, he tried to memorize all the sounds as much as possible.

Very soon he was bored, their rhythmic 'pah-pah-pah' even distracted him from a proper sleep not to mention the occasional screams irritated him to no end.

If it wasn't for the two-day chase burned in his body muscles, new trouble might've been knocking at their door.

All of sudden they leaned on the door with a big scream. Haggard, they breathed heavily. Earning a disdainful glance from the indifferent pup, how could such small movements be so straining? As expected of small moundy creatures.


His ears twitched as they started talking in their usual language. "Butler An, y-you did it in-?!"

"Enough slacking. Get going unless you wanna say bye to your luxury job. Don't even try saying a word to the fourth lady,"


Tian Lang lazily watched their play. The creature wanted to say something but in the end left, swallowing its words.

The door creaked again and Tian Lang finally got a glint of the outside view. Unlike some more structures which he expected, it looked beautiful with arranged greeneries and sunshine, and even slight sounds of liquid splashing reached his keen hearing.

"Hah~ didn't expect this job to yield side results. Sigh~ If only my job was out of the Yue family I'd have more freedom. Still, this job ends soon~" The other creature arranged its outer skin and laughed merrily. Glancing inside the cave, which was a storeroom and makeshift library, it muttered, "soon," and left.

Tian Lang wanted to take the moment and leave this dark cave but with a 'Bang!' his path got blocked.

For a moment he had the urge to break out, but just a moment ago he resolved to stay put and not get caught. However, he wasn't the type to stay put. Like a kid who can't keep his head straight. He had to keep himself busy with something.

As he strolled in the darkness, a fishy smell irritated his nostrils. Annoyingly, unlike other smells, it's like it stuck on his nose and refused to let go. No matter what, he couldn't get rid of this smell and had to bear with it.

Before he hadn't realized but the cave was larger than Hanying's. Though it had no such appeal as most of the things looked old and unattractive. Very soon, Tian Lang's eyes shone brightly in the dimly lit cave. He found something interesting, in fact, something that caused him to be chased after.

The Rectangular Blocks!

Because Tian Lang wanted to see those blocks which could be unfurled and turned, he fought and was chased later on.

And to think there were so many!

He immediately noticed one laid on top of a small table and unfurled it. In no time, he felt sluggish. This was nowhere near that rectangular block! It looked the same, could be unfurled and turned too, but there were only orderly criss-cross black things in it. Let alone that it had no illustrations, it also lacked the runes he found comfortable, it was thoroughly different from Hanying's book.


Suddenly a sharp tearing sound echoed causing the engrossed and startled pup to jump two meters back. Even after inspecting his surroundings multiple times, he failed to notice any source of the noise. Hesitant he still approached the block which fell on the ground, only to freak out!

Four straight cuts went through the middle of the block to the end. It didn't take long for the pup to bring out his paws and move the claws before his face. Even kids would understand when they made a mistake. It was no different for the pup. He knew he was screwed.

Those two-legged creatures seemed to care about these blocks a lot and even brought them out from nowhere during the battles and he just clawed one, clawed.


Tian Lang whined, head hanging down.

The last thing he wanted was another chase for days.


As if to mock his fate, the door slowly slid open bringing a small but slightly rhythmic aged noise.

It was unknown where Tian Lang got the wit from but he quickly ducked his body away below one of the bulky looking tables.

Along with small steps, the two-legged creature entered the cave. Pinching its nose, it let the windows open, inviting the yellow rays of light inside the cave. Being shorter than average didn't stop it from understanding what happened here, alas, it was in no position to argue.

Almost unconsciously it sat in its usual position and even reached out its hand to turn the rectangular block, but half-way its hand froze as the hand failed to touch anything.

"Weird, I'm sure the book of [Comprehensive Knowledge of Abyss] was here. Did I finish it?" The creature wondered but quickly shook its head, "No, I still remember there was [Human Blood Sacrifice] and [Demon Gate] left."

Sure of its knowledge, it began to approach the shelves where large amounts of books were maintained with great care but before it could, something brushed past its leg.

Surprised, it looked down, only to find the book it was searching for.

"These maids, let me complain to Fourth Mother and I'll see how you still dare to fool around during your job!" It snorted but when it touched the book, an odd expression revealed in its face.

Without saying anything it realized, this book was cut with something really sharp. Else, how could half of the 4-inch thick book have such sharp cuts? Especially the chipped corners didn't seem like any normal sharp object either.


With its extensive knowledge, the answer came without any doubt.

Doubt and confusion filled its eyes, there was even a slight fear but after noticing the distance between the claws, it calmed down. The distance between each pup told it, the beast should only be a pup. Even if it was weak, handling a pup shouldn't be a problem.

Feeling something, the creature lowered its head and peered at the end of the tables—

And a pair of blue glowing orbs met the creature's!

