

Floating in the middle of the limitless space, his body shone in a Godly light that stood out from the surrounding distant stars.

The mysterious expanse of the universe covered his entire view while the distant worlds flickered in various beautiful lights. Their faint lights blended in with his shining body that seems to explode with divine energy.

He is, or should I say, was Saga.

But now, he deserved to be called the God Slayer Saga.

Behind him are remains of countless planets and stars that had shattered from the previous battles he had from his last enemy - The Dimensional God who holds the key to the World of Dimensions.

Using his uncontainable power, Saga fought not just once but billions of Gods and dimensional Guardians that stood in his way to stop him from his ambition of reaching the peak of existence.

With his ability to control even the law of time and space, Saga had managed to wipe out all beings that could bring a threat to him across all universe and world dimensions.

Not even a God can stop his overwhelming power and supremacy.

Now, Saga has unlocked the highest level of title, power, and existence but a new unexpected problem has come to his surprise.

He can hear you.

"Wait. Who are you?"

Saga asked.

"I demand it. Who are you?"

He added.

"Stop narrating every detail! Show yourself and face me! Are you the next God? Come and I will destroy you!"

Let me remind you and the readers of who I am. Yes. You readers. I want you to read the synopsis. Go, raise your lazy fingers and read the synopsis if you want to follow the story.

If you did, good job. If not, well whatever.

"Hey! I am talking to you! Why are you narrating everything?"

I am Aotn.

"Are you a God? How come, I can't feel your existence? Right now, I have used my omniscient powers and I have just checked every inch of every world, of every galaxy of every universe of every dimension! How come I can't find you?"

Because I made you.

"Pfft! You?! Made me!? Hahahahaha, I am gonna Gugu-gaga you-"

So you recalled now?

"Flunk! This cannot be! That synopsis was real!?"

Told you.

"Flunk! Flunk! Flunk! This just cannot be!"

It is. And it will be like this throughout the story. I will be narrating you, and you will be doing everything I write. Like a puppy following his master! Mwahahahaha!

"Flunk! You are Gugu gaga me! I am gonna Gugu gaga you!"

And don't worry it is not just me who is gonna make this novel.

"Flunking novel this is. what do you mean you are not alone?"

I got readers. And they get to decide on your life too. So brace yourself.

"Am I in a sort of a God's illusion? I am pretty sure I destroyed that Dimensional God. This must be a trick. I need to get out of this spell!"

Nope. it's not a trick. You should be proud you are my MC.

"What flunking MC?"

My main character. The protagonist of the story. The hero!

"You mean your toy? I am Saga! I am a God that destroys other Gods! I have dominated every dimensional space! I am absolute and uncontainable! And you want to control me!? "

To tell you bluntly, first, you are just a main character. Don't think too highly of yourself. You should be happy I made your existence albeit in a digital form inside a phone, a tablet, or a computer.

"What the flunk are you talking about?"

Simply speaking, you just relax and let me do my thing and just enjoy the show.

"Flunk you! I cannot accept this! I fought powerful Gods for millions and billions and trillions of years just to become a toy of a stupid-four-eyed-bored-author-underpaid-office worker?"

That hurts quite a bit you know. I am actually enjoying this. And that "S" word, let's just change that to "Wise."

"Flunk you, wise author! just gugugaga!" (He means F**k you, st*pid Author, Just Die!)

That's more I like it.


So shall we start?

"Flunk you!"

*Inserts a melodic intro sound

Saga had managed to survive from his terrible fate in the forest. A poor couple with no child happens to hear his cries inside the forest and found him. Seeing his cute little eyes and bruises in his soft pinkish skin, the woman's heart was instantly melted and hugged him.

"Flunk this story. Wise Author, can't we just go forward when I am big and strong!? Every second of your narration is gugugaga me!"

Psssh. I am currently building your character. Shut up and talk when I let you. Right now, I want you to act like a humble and cute little child until you grow. Understand?

"How dare you to tell me what and when to spea-umhp!~"

And the poor couple took care of him like their own child with love and comfort. Despite their poor condition, the mere presence of the little child brought life back to their weary eyes and they are greatly inspired to work and give him a bright future.

"Look at him, dear. His eyes glowed so beautifully as if they are full of wisdom! I am sure he would grow up to be a wise gentleman. Who knows? He might walk the path of magic and become one of the finest magicians in our kingdom!" The mother looked at the little child while holding her husband's arm.

"Indeed my love. But remember when we found him? He was full of bruises all over his body but unexpectedly, there was no real damage was done to his body and not even a single fractured bone! This child must have an excellent foundation! He is made to become one of the finest warriors! He will be a general that will lead thousands of armies in the future!" The father excitedly declared.

Both their eyes shone with positivity and excitement as they looked at the cute little, fragile, colorful, beautiful, chubby baby Saga~

"Are you mocking my current state?"

Shut up.

Years had passed and our little hero has finally grown to become a teenage boy and -

"Flunk! Why teenager? Can't I just jump to become a great magician or a general of an army! Why do you have to make me flunking do this?"

I told you it's character building.

"I demand you to - Uhmp~"

Ahem, Now our little hero stood at the front of the academy gate to decide what path he is about to choose. He stood outside with a half-finished apple in his hand, a little notebook for writing. He slowly moved together with the crowd of other children who were eagerly brought by their parents.

Except for Saga, he was alone when he arrived at the front gate. Just a year ago, his mother and father had died a tragic accident because of a certain baron's suspicion of them stealing some food from him. And now, Saga was left to take care of himself.

He was informed that passing to become an apprentice of the academy in either Way of Magic or Way of Strength means his food and shelter are answered for life.

Most teens that wanted to become apprentices had already arrived an hour ago. Saga had arrived late due to the academy's distant location and Saga has no other means than to walk on foot. It took him five days to reach the academy and his stock foods have long depleted two days ago.

He had only to managed this far by eating edible wild plants and fruits along the way which also costs him to get late on the opening. With such a long journey, his clean white clothes have turned to brown and his rubber slippers are filled with holes from overuse. His messy brown hair waved in the air and he had an incredible sweaty smell.


Just when he was about to enter the gate, a speeding carriage happens to arrive and despite seeing the young man, the chariot's driver who looked to be in his fifties with a big black mustache and bulging tummy did not hesitate to ram into him.

It was a well-decorated enclosed- carriage plated with gold and silver. Inside it is people of noble blood intending to register for the academy.

Fortunately, Saga was fast enough to step back, narrowly dodging the oncoming carriage.

"Step aside peasant! Kind of you don't deserve to step into the academy!" The driver scolded Saga with a condescending tone, seeing that the later only wore a peasant's dirty dress.

("Flunk it! Let me gugugaga that arrogant ant! I will- umhhp~")

"I am sorry, sorry. I did not mean to block the way, sir. Please go on ahead." Saga knew that messing up against the nobles would only bring in further trouble. Unlike the other Saga I knew, who only spews nonsense and acts as if he was a mighty being.

("I am a mighty being! I am -umhp~")

"It is good that you know you place rat. Milady is about to come down, don't let your stinky air pollute our noble space and move away far from here." The driver had finally stopped the carriage and came down to open the carriage door.

Saga decided to step back and let them go in first. The arrogant driver opened the door and a young beautiful girl stepped out with shyness and elegance.

Saga's eyes could not help but look at her and become starstruck. His heart skipped a beat and he was rotted on the spot.

("What. The. Flunk! Seriously you Wise Aotn? Is this romance? You want me to fall in love with that human ant? This is a load of crap! I will not fall in -umph~)

While Saga was immersed in his dreamland, the arrogant driver has already left and the young beautiful girl had hurriedly entered the academy gates knowing that she was already late.


The high and sturdy academy gates that only open once every year is now starting to close by itself thanks to its magical function. Its creaking sound snapped Saga from his dreamland and the latter quickly rushed to enter the gate at the last second.



Saga has made it inside in a sliding fashion.

He stood up with a slight proud feeling inside after the slide, he slapped the dust in his clothes and walked towards the academy entrance.

He had made up his mind that he will follow the Path of Magic as he was always delighted in the mere thought of magic. To be able to wield the elements according to your will, to move distance with a mere thought and to do the impossible. The Path of Magic is filled with mystery and wond-

"Stop! I want to follow the path of Strenght! Without Strength, you won't last long to early strong enemies! You need to man up you Wise Author!"

So you are the author now?

"I am just saying strength is much better. It's a no brainer question."

So are you calling me an idiot now?

"You can put it that way."

I got an idea. Let's ask them.


Yes. Them.


Hi everyone!

Thank you for reading the first chapter of The Adventures of Gugugaga.

As you have read, yes. This is an interactive novel and the story will be made not just by me, but you as well. That's right mah friend. With you!

I. want. you!

(Insert I want you poster here)

The life of our God-to-Peasant MC will be in our hands. What major decisions he makes, what skills he gets to use, what crazy ideas we have, let's do it.

Every end of the chapter, I will add the Chapter of the Day Options that will ultimately decide the flow of the story. That doesn't mean I do not have a plot. It's just its an ever-changing one. But the general direction is there so relax and chill bro.

That means this story is not just mine, but yours as well. So that I don't have to take in every blame from that ungrateful bastard. You get the share as well.

Anyway for today's Chapter of the Day Options:

1. Which Way should our MC go?

Post "Way of Magic" or "Way of Strength" in the comment section and depending on which gets the more votes, our MC will have no choice but to do that. Now, isn't that cool!?

2. Bet you didn't expect this. In the next chapter, our MC will be facing an option between certain abilities. Which one do you think should he first learn?


1. Element based Arts

2. Speed Based Arts

3. Fart Bomb Ultimate Technique.

(I have a bad feeling about this)

Don't forget to like, share, comment, Drop a beautiful review, and add this to your library. I will be in your care *bow down

The next chapter will be released when this chapter get enough comments.


iamnaz7creators' thoughts