

Two friends Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha created a village in hopes that it will be the place where everyone can live in peace

But after Madara lost his brother he lost it and started destroying his very own dreams that he created alongside his friend

He controlled Kyuubi and fought Hashirama, but he lost and the Kyuubi was sealed inside Hashirama wife Uzumaki Mito

For a time, things were peaceful Hashirama helped train one of Tobirama's students, Hiruzen Sarutobi he got to spoil his first grandchild, Tsunade.

But the peace Hashirama had worked so hard for was starting to unravel at some point, Takigakure sent Kakuzu to assassinate him. Although he defeated Kakuzu, other wars began to break out, and it was during the First Shinobi World War that Hashirama, eager to form a lasting peace with the other villages, convened a Kage Summit so that he could share the tailed beasts Konoha had acquired with them, thus balancing power amongst them.

Ultimately, Hashirama's wish for peace would not come to fruition during his lifetime and he died while Konohagakure began to flourish.


The Villages thought Konoha lost their power, Madara Uchiha died, Hashirama Senju died and nothing was there to stop the war, there was no superior power and every single village started to fight one another in order to show superiority

But they were wrong, everyone was wrong, Tobirama Senju the younger brother who did nothing till now, flourish he practically destroyed every single village he created tons of Jutsus his leadership made the Konohagakure the mightiest of Villages, it was even mighty than it was during the time of Hashirama or Madara, even though the two were strong, it was of no doubt the younger Senju Tobirama, was one fearsome leader

Konoha won the war thanks to Tobirama Senju, Tobirama becomes the First name inside of Bingo Book, it was to be said that bingo book was published because of fearsome Senju

After First war was over, Tobirama was out to sign the peace treaty with Kumo when they betrayed and somehow manage to seriously hurt Tobirama using ambush

Sarutobi Hiruzen was chosen as the Third Hokage by the Second Hokage on his death Bed

Soon the second world war was started, Konoha lost Both Senjus, it should be said that Konoha position was the weakest among the five elemental nations

But Hiruzen showed why was he chosen as the third Hokage, He alongside his trusted Companion Hatake Sakumo thwarted his enemy's

Hiruzen name was widespread among the five nations, Hatake Sakumo was Renown as the mightiest Kenjutsu user that ever existed

But Hiruzen was not Tobirama, During the Latter Half of the second war entire Senju clan died, with the only remaining clan member being Tsunade

It was during the end of the Second World War where our Story Start

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