
Legacy of John part 2 The Vampire arc begins

The Vampires have made their appearence as the story continues.

Jason_lang · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Page 7

The Vampire attacks John breaking his arms and legs he says "Well looks like you let those pals of yours die" John enters his Limit breaking power the Vampire says "Oh looks like I was right you have no control over your power we would have to fix that" John and the Vampire battle it out however they seemed to be evenly matched until the Vampire says "Oh shit his power it doubled?" The Vampire army attacks John. John takes out all of them and than goes for the finishing blow on the Vampire's leader however as his fist connects in the final blow his power returns to normal. The Vampire laughs and says "I've won!" They knock John out than takes him back to Deadman's hospital they say "My queen I have him" The Vampire collapses to the ground. The Vampire queen says "What happened to you?" The princess easedrops on the conversation. The Vampire says "He did this he is very powerful but he has no control of his power he wiped out the entire army by himself and he almost beat me thankfully he lost his power at the last moment allowing me to beat him" The Vampire queen says "This man must not be allowed to be an enemy of us I want you to keep an eye on him at all times!" The Vampire prncess says "Mom I could have him right?" The Vampire queen says "Why do you ask?" The Vampire princess says "I want him he is mine!" The Vampire queen says "Yes dear but can you control him?" The Vampire princess says "I don't know"