
Legacy of John part 2 The Vampire arc begins

The Vampires have made their appearence as the story continues.

Jason_lang · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Page 19

Joe runs away as the cops that were still alive all began hearing noise as the abandoned slughter house comes to life and the machines start slughtering all of the cops one by one. One of them says "What is going on this building should not have any power at all it was abandoned 29 years ago! So what is going on?" The cop is killed by a sawblade cutting off their head five minuites later. Joe says "Oh no they were all killed I am the only one that is still alive" Joe enters a police car when a Demonic voice says "Yes so where are you going?" Joe says "Who are you? What are you? Did you kill all of those cops? Are you going to kill me now too?" The voice says "I am Jasmine and I am a demon girl yes I killed all of those cops why would I harm you? After all I love you John" Joe says "I am not John" Jasmine says "Oh your not John?" Joe says "No I am not"Huge sharp claws appear on Jasmine's hands where her fingernails were and she lifts up a hand and points it at Joe as she prepares to kill him. Joe says "Wait I was joking I really am John" Jasmine says "Oh my bad I am probably the worst girlfriend ever aren't I?" Joe says "No of course your not I think your a wonderful girlfriend" Jasmine puts her claws away and puts her hand down Joe says "So why did you kill those cops?" Jasmine says "I had to" Joe says "Why is that?" Jasmine says "I could not let them take you to jail I can't lose you"