
Legacy of John part 2 The Vampire arc begins

The Vampires have made their appearence as the story continues.

Jason_lang · Fantasía
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21 Chs

Page 16

When Max awakens he was already at his house introuduceing Flare to his parent's John smiles and says "Hey Max I just remembered something very important" Max says "What is it John?" John says "I owe you one for something that you did to me a few years ago" Max says "What does that have to do with anything? Why are you bringing this up now?" John smiles and knocked Max outcold than walks past Flare and says "Come on are you ready?" Flare tilts her head confused "Ready for what?" John says "Ready to meet Max's parent's?" Flare says "Thank you!" John says "No need to thank me I was only getting even for something that happened some time ago" John takes Flare to meet Max's parents. 1 hour later Max awoke to go home to find one of his parents say "Max my boy why have you never told me that you had a girlfriend? A very beautiful one at that!" Max says "What do you mean dad? I don't have a girlfriend" Max walked into the living room he says "Oh no she is not my" Flare runs up to Max and hugs him she says "Honey I was wondering when you would get here!" Max says "How did you find out where I live? Also who let you in my house?" John walked into the room with a glass of soda he says "I let her in Max now we are even for you taking Jasmine to meet my parents" Max's father walks into the room he says "So Flare how long have you known Max for?" Flare says "I just met him today" Max's father says "If that is the case than why are you alreadyin a relationship don't you think that you are moving too fast?"