

"Be careful who you talk to. The street ain't nice"



Reed was glaring at me, his hot breath fanning my face. I raised an eyebrow acting innocent. He pushed his phone to my face and I had to tint my head to the back to see it clearly. It was of course the picture.

"Wow Reed, 2.5k likes" I said and smiled sweetly at him.

"Why did you post it?" He asked trying to control his anger.

"I didn't post anything" I said pouting. I was enjoying his anger.

"Your name is boldly written. 'Raphaella Woods rocks'"

"Bom! Surprise!"  I smirked "how do you like your private pictures being posted?"

He glared at me and I glared back. "This isn't over" he snatched my books from me throwing it on the floor and walking away. I immediately followed him to drag him back and make him pick everything up. But Charlotte stopped me and dragged me back.

"The last thing I want is a fight between you and that Asshole. Here I'll pick it up" she bent down to pick it and I scoffed.

Once she was done, she handed it to me and we walked off to History. Trish had Chemistry so she went the other direction.

News spread really fast in this school so I wasn't surprised that teachers were also giving me dirty looks.

"How do you even sleep?" Mrs Luis our french teacher asked once as she passed me in the hallway. I rolled my eyes.

Soon lunch break came and three of us, Trish, Charlotte and I made our way to the cafeteria. Once I was done getting my food, we quickly paid and was walking back to our table peacefully when a nerd stopped me.

She had thick, wavy, unbrushed long brunette hair, straight nose, plum pink lips. Her eyes were covered with her bangs plus the thick nerdy glasses. She wore a baggy jean, and a big rainbow hoodie. She had pink sneakers on and a cute pink bow.

What is she? First grade?

She would have been pretty if she just brush, trimmed her hair and choose the right outfit.

I raised my eyebrows

"So, you're the infamous Raphaella?" She asked. Okay, she's brave "I-"

Trish cut her short with a snort "boy, this girl is Ug-ly!" She bursted out laughing and I had to bite my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing.

"I hate you guys!" She yelled "and you, Raphaella, you should go for anger management class! You're a monster! How can you even sleep? Destroying  Kal's parents car?!"

"This nerd got some gut" Charlotte said.

Who did this nerd this she is?! I don't even talk to her much less ask for her opinion. She scoffed at us and was about to walk away when I dragged her back, pushed her to the ground and emptied my food tray on her and so did my friend and Tish immediately to pictures.

"I need more followers on insta"

Once we were done, we dumped the food tray on her and I bent down taking off her glass coming face to face with her big green eyes stained with tears.

"Be careful who you talk to. The street ain't nice" I said and with that my friends and I walked to our table. I brought out my maths book and began solving my assignment while Charlotte and Trish went to get another food. They came back few minutes later and I quickly shoved my math book away and began eating.

It was giving me a headache.

Someone banged on the table and I jumped mistakenly spilling my juice into my pizza. I quickly looked up into an unfamiliar green eyes. I moved my head a little to the back to get a clear view of the person. And when I did I just snorted.

It was, Forrest Maximilian.

I didn't know much about him, I only saw him in few of my classes and in the hallway.

He always moved in three's. Always had a frown on his face. I don't know if he talked to people.

What did he want?

"Get up, go to the football field and apologize to Fiona" he commanded. I stared at him in shock then bursted out laughing. Did he know me? I've never apologized to my friends and now he wanted me to apologize to Fiona? Who the hell was Fiona?

"Who the hell is Fiona?" Trish asked

"The nerd you guys just bullied"

"Next question!" Charlotte said smirking "who is she to you? Your girlfriend? Oh, is it the badboy and nerd love story?"

"Why should I apologize?" I asked

"Firstly, she's my sister. And you'll apologize because I said so"

"Right. I'm not apologizing and I don't feel sorry. Your sister should learn how to shut the hell up"

He picked me up. Literally.

Reed came running towards us. What did he want?

"Hey..' he chuckled then scoffed at me "I know my sister is a bitch, but-" he didn't complete the sentence because Forrest pushed him and he fell.

He pushed my brother and he fell. U pushed Forrest hard making him let go of me and stumbled up. I rushed to Reed and helped him up.

"Learn to mind your business Reed. You-"

I didn't finish since Forrest grabbed my hair hard. I stormed on his feet and he let go. I quickly hit him where the sun doesn't shine and punched his face. He was about to come for me, pure hatred and fury but, Fiona stopped him.

"Please don't" she sobbed. I scoffed. What an idiot.

"Ms. Woods, Mr. Maximilian. My office. NOW!" The principal voice said through the speaker. Forrest stormed out I shoved my math book inside my bag then picked up my pizza and threw it at Fiona.

"Witch" I said and walked passed her.

I made my way to the office, the hallway where empty except teachers walking around and of course, giving me dirty looks. He principal wasn't smiling either.

This is gonna be along day