
who is she

I pick up my phone and call my sister. "there was an incident, come dispose of the bodys, I'll be at the office in fifteen,". I tell the person on the other side of the phone. the person on the other side of the phone notifies me that they will deal with the mess, then meet me at base. I walk away with Emily in my arms.

as I walk, I avoid the bodys that lie on the ground. As I leave the ally I pick up there guns and ammo and place all but one in my backpack. the last gun I place in my belt and hide it under my shirt. I put my backpack on my uninjured shoulder. then call a taxi. the driver pulls up to see me holding an unconscious girl. "who is that," challenges the man. "if you must know she is my daughter,". the man looks at us and then replies, "I apologize, I now see. where to?". I reach into my pocket and hand him a slip of paper while opening the back door and climbing in with Emily in my arms. "My name is Aaron, and you are," says the man trying to start a conversation. I role my eyes but tell him, "Elle". why did I tell him he could be from my aunt. could it be that he has the same name as my brother? "Aaron, what is the licence plate of this vehicle," I question the Aaron. "AXW 993, why do you ask," he responds cautiously. "no reason just curious," I respond to him. the rest of the ride is silent and we finally arrive. I hand him the cash then leave him. as I walk in, I am met by my secretary,

Amy. she looks at me and asks concerned, "who is this and what happened to you, should I call the doctor,". I look at her coldly and say, "have Jason find her mother, she was taken, and take her to my office to rest. I will be there after I have someone look at my injury and wash up,". I hand her Emily and walk away.

as I walk away I think of what the man Aaron said, that she looked like me. but how Leah is dead. But who else could look like me? if I did not know better then I would think that she was my daughter. then who is she.

I walk down to the basement and remove my shirt. I reach for the medical tape with my non-injured arm. I remove the bullet that hit my shoulder and I clean my shoulder then I rap it. As I clean up the doctor walks in. "so what happened, this time," she asks. "I was shoot and now it's fine, it stopped bleeding and I cleaned and raped it up. I will be leaving now," I reply to her. "did you stitch it up," she asks. I look at her and shake my head. "you really are an idiot, you need to stitch your self up, or you can wait for me, it is my job to help when you are injured, you pay me to do that, this is my job," the doctor lectured me.

she moves towards me and removes the bandage and stichs me up. after she puts a new bandage back on me. "ok you can leave but try to stay off it for at least a month, that means don't use it excessively for three months, that means no shooting guns, no fighting, no climbing walls, no dancing. do you understand," she tells me. I look at her then ask "then what can I do". the doctor shakes her head then replies, "you can play video games or watch tv, you also should take some time off work," I look at her striate in the eyes and tell her, "I don't have a life outside work, this is all I do. but I will take a two-week leave, only if I can bring Emily,". she looks at me in aw, because I never stop working, and never care for anyone.

I stand up to leave, but before I can the doctor stops me and says, "you need to take some medication with you, here I have some," as she hands me the bag. I stare at her coldly, "don't push your luck," I scold her. I hate drugs and medication. I don't have an illogical reason for it when I was young my aunt drugged me then tried to kill us all. she almost succeeded but I am living proof she failed. that is why I must survive because if they kill me then my people have no chance. she continues to try to kill me, that is why I continually have to deal with assassins. this is why I built my company. why I have to hide who I truly am.

I am extremely sorry for spelling and grammar errors. Although English is my first language, I have really bad spelling and grammar. I will edit them as I post new ones and hopefully, you will still read this story. as for a relies schedule I hope to have an official one soon but for now, I am hoping to update three to seven times a week. I also hope to make more chapters in advance over my upcoming brake so after that I will be posting more often.

Daph14creators' thoughts
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