
Force Summoned

Land of Dawn: Extreme Edition

Chapter 1

Force Summoned

On that day, a grim reminder befell on all the inhabitants of the Land of Dawn that there's something that even them can't be opposed alone.

It spread like a wild fire and began covering the entire landmasses with a pure darkness.

Every empire began to organized a forces to fight it but their resistances was futile thus pushing everyone to the brink of extinction.

In the end, the god called all the heroes to defeat it.


I, Gushion was one of the well known «Chosen Hero»es by the god.

Assassin was the only job I known. I support my life with this kind of work but for unknown reason,the god picked me as to be a [Hero].

After that, it change the way of my life by protecting the people in needs. Then, one day a call from the god fell on to me.

A day where I was on patrol, the sky turned cloudy and a strong wind blew. I look at the sky to see what's going on.

I thought there was a storm coming, but strange things happened.

A pillar of light shone in every city. I think the light was around the heroes located. It was so bright that you can see it far, far away.

The light pierce through the clouds then through the sky.

I was, too, in the middle of bright light. A windows shown on the front of my vision with written something like this.

["Hero Gushion has been force summoned. Teleporting in 5 second"]

My body floats to the air, next a blinding light shone intensely. I reflexively cover my eyes with my arms.

After a seemingly change location, the light that block my vision faded, thus abling myself to see the surrounding. I, then slowly descending from the air.

Stepping on this dark floor as I look around.

I saw a familiar faces. All 81 chosen heroes were standing here in this infinite darkness.

We were still able see each other due to by an unknown dimly blue light aura that covering to each of us.

Lunox was the one who first break the silence.

"Where are we?"

Tigreal followed it by another question.

"Yeah, and why did the god forced us to summoned here?"

Hayabusa concerned ask too.

"why is it now, when this time the people needs us?"

Then everyone began agreeing, nodding and asking the same question. Next to react was Zilong, he angrily said.

"What kind of crap is this? Forcing us to teleport out of nowhere. Bring me back now!"

A new window pop out in everyone eyes. There's a new words written in it.

[ "Welcome Chosen Heroes. I first deeply apologies on this unannounce summoned. Thus, I will give you one of the «Skin» on the image you desired of as a compensation."]

Zilong seems pissed-off. He then shouted.

"Compensation?a skin for this mess? Compensation my @ss!"

He then followed.

"Come out! Show yourself here!?"

While he continue to rants, an additional window shown. A mutiple images comes out; where a picture of mine, equiped with different looks, clothes and equipment came to view. There's even a similiar buff written below in every skin's images.

Since they all had same effect, so I just pick the first image; the «Moonlight Sonata».

They see that it was useless yelling around here; since no one answering. They then followed what the windows told them.

After we all pick the skin we want, a notification shown.

[ A new event has been implemented called "Land of Dawn: Extreme Edition" ]

Followed by another window with description.

[ «Land of Dawn: Extreme Edition»

"Heroes must participate on this event.

All of you, the chosen heroes will be teleported on a certain location with a team composed of two.

Each members of a team must complete the objective set upon every area that the team designated.

After the completion of objective, one must reach the «Light of Relocation» to finish the task then will be proceed to the next area.

But fret not, since you will be able to regenerate 5% of your total mana and can resurrected close to your teammate when you died.

«One must reach the end.»

Upon succeeding, all of you will receive a gift pertaining to your achievement thus marking the end of the event." ]

They anxiously talk to themselves. Even I was wondering, 'why we were been forced to summoned in the first place here?'

I noticed the two bar at my upper left vision. It had a symbol of HP for color green which at the top and MP at the blue bar on below.

'I wonder what's that'

While thinking just like that, a window with the information pop out of nowhere.

[«Health Points»

HP stands for Health points. It shows how many life force left to you.

Warning: If your health points reached zero, you will die.

«Mana Points»

MP stands for Mana points. It show how many magic left on your body.

Warning: If your Mana points reached zero, you will received a buff of «Paralysis». You will unable to move your body until it replenish up to 5% of your total magic.]

'I see so that's what it was.'

After a minute, a last notification came in.

[ "My heroes, continue to strive for the better of people leaning to each one of you. I wish you best of luck."

Event begin in 10 second]

Countdown begin, then a circle of light drawn below our feet. A light shine vertical; covering every one of us. Our vision block by another intense light then a feeling came to us like our body was sucking into something.

Zilong said something again.

"Great, here we go again!."

We then teleported.


Dark clouds covered the entire sky with a Lightning flashing out of it. Hot atmosphere touched our skin.

The temperature was so high that it feels like we were been cooking in a fire.

A river of magma flowing down the cliffs from the left and right side of my view.

At the center of my vision, a volcano standing with a dark fumes releasing from its mouth then rising to the clouds.

There's an old looking fortified watchtower standing at the foot of the volcano with a bunch of tents built around it.

Me and my teammate, hero Lesley were appeared at the center of a seemingly military encampment.

Lesley curiously look around. I did the same thing. She then asked.

"Ahh.....where...are we?"

I replied to her.

"Sorry, I don't know."

She meekly said.


A notification window appeared in front of my eyes.

[ You has been entered the "Fiery Red Island" area.]

It must be what this place called.

A soldier came out at one of the tent then run at the opposite of the tower.

A new window came with the objective written on it.

[ "Protect the tower from the invasion of Lava Golem."

The tower must survive until the magicians safely teleport the books, items and document pertaining the region.

Countdown: 30 minutes]

After reading the objective, an alarm bell rang around the camp. Soldiers comes out one by one at every tent built.

A commander of the army shouted.

"My soldiers, you know that there's no escaped from this hellish place!. I'll let you all choose, die without doing anything or die fighting!."

The soldiers stamped their foot on the ground. They then pulled the sword from the scabbard and placed on their left chest with a straighten back.

The commander look satisfied. He took a breathe then yelled.

"We will fight to death....For the glory of the empire!"

The soldiers shouted in agreement.


The commander yelled.


Then his troops march in unison with haste toward the opposite side of the tower.

The commander then look at me and lesley. He then said.

"What are the both of you waiting for?"

I look at lesley but she began walking to the troops direction. I, too followed quickly.

-End of Chapter One

"NanaNanana Nananananananana Jaeger! Nailed it"

Hoooo! Bring it on!

If you find any grammatical error, wrong spelling, wrong punctuation usage or fault on my story, let me know( if you had a time to do so.)

Feel free to criticize my work.

Thank you

Kazuto_Hououincreators' thoughts