
[3] The Hunt and A Cat

This chapter has some blood etc. I don't know if It's for a soft stomach or not but still, I wanted to warn you It's better to be okay than sorry.

The person on the cover is Kurumi btw, What Do you guys think? I will put the image on this comment too. ( Couldn't make her left eye golden clock. So Imagine it. )


In the vast darkness of Kuoh Town, there was an abandoned warehouse where three figures resided: one woman and two men.

The woman was our protagonist, Kurumi Tokisaki. Today marked her "hunt" day, a part of her daily routine. Her mind briefly wandered, but she refocused upon hearing one of the men's muffled screams.

"Ara~ Why are you screaming? Didn't I tell you to shut your mouth?" Kurumi's tone was indifferent, as if addressing the dead. She already considered them as good as dead, knowing that no one would come to save them.

Upon hearing Kurumi's voice, the man who had been screaming ceased, instead beginning to tremble uncontrollably. Just moments ago, he had been selling some suspicious protein. He couldn't comprehend how he had ended up here; when he had opened his eyes, he found himself witnessing this beautiful girl torturing someone without a trace of emotion.

Moments ago, blood and body parts littered the scene, but the shadows had moved as if alive, devouring everything before him. This instilled in him an intense fear of this girl, leaving him unable to think of anything beyond his impending demise, which he knew to be inevitable. 

The other man, on the other hand, had lifeless eyes. He had been present even before the other men who had been devoured just moments ago. Having witnessed countless people being devoured and tortured, he had lost the will to live. As for why he was subjected to this treatment...

Kurumi had encountered this man while he was attempting to sell girls, primarily minors. Though Kurumi was no hero, she couldn't turn a blind eye to such atrocities. Thus, she had decided to administer this punishment to him.


[The Quest 'The Hunt' has been completed. Does the Host wish to claim the rewards now?]

"No. Keep them. I'll open them when I return home," Kurumi responded inwardly as she glanced at the last man remaining for today. She had killed more than twenty people just today, not only ordinary humans but also stray devils. She had obtained this information after torturing and subsequently healing a stray devil with her Zafkiel.

Nevertheless, Kurumi pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the final man. While she had initially entertained the idea of torturing him as well, the lifeless gaze in his eyes told her otherwise. Even if she were to torture him, she doubted she would elicit any reaction that would satisfy her. Therefore, she aimed her musket and shot him in the head, obliterating it into pieces.

After the man fell dead, Kurumi's shadow extended and devoured him, leaving nothing behind.

"Hahh... This was a good hunt— Hm? What's this?" As Kurumi was heading home, she noticed a cat approaching her. Surprisingly, she hadn't sensed its presence at all.

The cat had pitch-black fur and amber eyes that were captivating to behold. Kurumi, despite her usual demeanor, couldn't help but be drawn to them. After all, she had always had a soft spot for cats. Well, more than just a soft spot.

"Ara~ Aren't you cute~?" Kurumi exclaimed as she lifted the cat from the ground and began to pet it, holding it close to her as if afraid to let it go.


The cat meowed and started to purr as she felt Kurumi's head pats.

{How can this girl give such good pats!?} The cat said inwardly. Indeed, this was not a normal cat, as it came here when Kurumi hid this place from normal people.

This cat's name was Kuroka, a Nekomata, and an S-ranked criminal. But at this moment, she was completely at the mercy of Kurumi's hand.

"You are not a normal cat, are you~?" Kurumi said, making Kuroka open her eyes with surprise. After all, almost no one could tell her disguise in her cat form. As for how Kurumi found out? She used the Observe skill.

Normally, this skill only works on protagonists and heroines, but Kurumi used 2000 SC and upgraded the skill, making it not only usable on protagonists and heroines but also on normal people. But once again, on normal people, it gives a little information compared to when used on Protagonists and Heroines.


Kuroka tried to act clueless, but eventually found that Kurumi didn't buy it at all. Kuroka wasn't afraid of her because she was stronger than Kurumi. She was afraid of her pats; those pats just gave her immense pleasure. If Kurumi used them now on her, she wouldn't be able to escape from her grasp. So, even if she didn't want to, Kuroka bounced to the ground from Kurumi's hand, and with a puff of smoke, she transformed into her Nekomata form.

Her Nekomata form was like a big version of her cat form. Black long hair flowed like a dark sky, long enough to reach her plump hips. Traditional black and white Chinese clothes covered her perfect curves, but they were not enough to conceal her impressive E-Cup mountains. Her amber eyes were not like before; they were now glowing in the dark, adding to her charm. But of course, she also had the most ironic traits of a Nekomata: two pairs of fluffy ears on top of her head and three pairs of tails at the back, symbolizing her mid-tier Ultimate-Class status.

(I have a problem with Chinese clothes. They are awesome as fk. No Joking, Also Image of Kuroka in this paragraph. She will be in the harem, and a lover of cats obtains a cat. Also please give me your guy's opinion about the description of her appearance. It's the first time that I've written it myself, I'm curious how I wrote? ChatGPT gave me 5 point on everything lol)

"Are you happy now, Nya~?" Kuroka said with a pout on her milky face, making her even cuter.

Meanwhile, Kurumi was about to have a heart attack. Her heart had a really soft spot for cats and cat-like beings... Well, let's not talk about that. Anyway, as Kurumi saw Kuroka pout, she decided that she needed to get this cat as her pet ASAP!

"You're mine now!" Kurumi exclaimed with a shout as she completely hugged Kuroka, placing her head between her breasts. Kuroka was shorter than Kurumi. Kurumi was 1.72 meters tall while Kuroka was 1.63 meters tall.

Kuroka was dumbfounded. "Mine? What are you talking about?" she wanted to say, but Kurumi's assets were so soft that she couldn't bring the words to her mouth. So she just nodded her head between Kurumi's breasts, completely accepting her fate as a cat.

"Umu! Such an obedient cat~ Let's go home so I can reward you~" Kurumi said with a proud tone. For the last time, she patted Kuroka's head and said, "Transform into your cat form again so I can carry you to my house." Her voice left no room for negotiation, and Kuroka didn't argue back. She transformed into her cat form once again and hopped onto Kurumi's shoulder, making herself comfortable.

{I can't believe I'm adopted as a cat! I'm an S-Class criminal, a mid-tier Ultimate Class powerhouse! But her pats and look so good... Yes, indeed! I'm not her pet; I'm going with her because I want her pats, that's all. Yeah...} Kuroka somewhat convinced herself with her delusional thoughts. If Kurumi saw those thoughts, she would likely chuckle and pat her head more, saying, "How cute you are~".


"Welcome to my house, cute cat~" Kurumi said with a sweet tone that she never used when she arrived in this world. Well, at least for now. Kurumi was really happy that she found something like Kuroka.

"Cute Cat? My name is Kuroka, not cute cat! Nya~" Kuroka said, seeing no point in giving her name. As she was her 'pet' currently anyway.

Kurumi, of course, knew Kuroka's name, but she chose not to address her like that. After all, they just met. If Kurumi called her by her name, it would be awkward and suspicious. But either way, she was happy that Kuroka introduced herself by her name.

"I see, Kuroka, huh~ It's a cute name. My name is Kurumi Tokisaki. You can call me Kurumi~" Kurumi didn't let go of her flirtatious and sweet personality, not even for a second. Kuroka couldn't tell if she was genuine with this personality or not, but she chose to believe it for now.

"Kurumi, huh... It's a good name, Nya~" Kuroka said as she observed Kurumi. Even though Kurumi was currently only a mid-tier High-Class being, she gave off low-tier Ultimate Class vibes. But Kuroka knew that Kurumi was not an Ultimate Class. After all, Ultimate Classes have a 'concept' they select, and their mana density is much higher than that of high-class beings.

Let's take Kuroka as an example. Even though Kuroka forcefully became Ultimate-Class, she still has a concept. However, her concept is quite weak compared to other natural ultimate-class beings.

When someone starts to evolve towards ultimate-class, they begin to comprehend a concept, which is what they have an affinity for. If you have an affinity for fire, you gain the concept of Fire. In Kuroka's case, she has an affinity towards life and nature, an affinity that comes from her Nekomata heritage. Besides those two affinities, she also has a darkness affinity, but she couldn't comprehend it while ascending to Ultimate-Class as she was forced into Ultimate-Class through experiments.

When a being becomes Ultimate-Class, their mana capacity and mana density skyrocket. If you were to compare the mana capacity of 100 ultimate-tier high-class beings, only then would their mana be comparable to that of a low-tier Ultimate-Class being. Additionally, when a being becomes Ultimate-Class, their mana type also changes.

Before becoming Ultimate-Class, they were 'borrowing' mana from the air and converting it to their affinity. But when they become Ultimate-Class, they no longer 'borrow' from the air; instead, they start to 'borrow' from the concept itself. Still, this type of 'borrowing' is limited and can increase as they become 'higher' beings.

(I hope this clarifies some things. I wanted to add something like this. I know it's the same as every fan-fic, but my dumb brain couldn't think of anything better. I hope you guys can forgive me. I will explain more about this later on - when Kurumi becomes an Ultimate Class.)

After exchanging names, they didn't talk anything, and pure silence gained its freedom once again for a while. But everything is not forever, the silence too. Kurumi's sweet voice broke the silence.

"I don't have any room for guests as I got here just a day ago. Is it okay if you sleep with me for a bit?" Kurumi's voice was sweet as before, but a frown was clearly visible on her face. If she were the stronger side in this situation, she wouldn't ask anything and would just grab Kuroka and sleep with her. Even if it's forceful, Kurumi's love for cats was this much. In short, overwhelming.

Kuroka, of course, saw Kurumi's thoughts clear as the sky; Kurumi let her do so. After Kurumi's voice, the silence once again appeared, to only be broken by Kuroka's voice.

"Of course, I can sleep in my cat form right beside you. Thank you, Nya~" Kuroka didn't have any choice regarding this. Yes, she can escape easily. But she wouldn't get any heavenly pat, and a fight with Kurumi currently was not a wise choice. Kuroka didn't know anything about Kurumi, while Kurumi too didn't know anything about Kuroka. Both of them were smart, not stupid; their brains were enough to think logically even in this kind of situation.

With this, both of them slowly walked towards Kurumi's bedroom.

(Lol I will leave it like this.)


Word Count: 2073 (Everything Included)

A Fun Fact: I was so embarrassed while writing Kuroka's 'Nya' thing. Idk why It's embarrassing while It's cute. But It's what it is. 

[1: I know Kurumi is not that tall, but hey. This is fan-fic, I wanted her like that and it will be :>]


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