
Kryptonite in steven universe

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Universal_01 · Otras
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8 Chs

Chapter 5

(Sorry if this chapter is not to your liking but I didn't have much time to review it)



I sighed, I had just returned from a long mission to a planet with hostile life and I was exhausted, especially because I had not been able to return to my original form at any time.

"My lord should rest"

"You know I can't do that, I summon my diamond"

"But if you go in that condition… .. she said worriedly

"I'll be fine"

'Lie' I don't think I can last long in this form, but not obeying the call of yellow diamond, I don't know how I would react.

"Pearl for now come home"


"Got it my platinum"

Knowing how stubborn I am he just sighed and gave me a hug.

"Take care of yourself"

As I watched her walk away, I noticed how one of my hands returned to normal, I quickly changed it back.

I went to answer the call of my diamond with the nerves increased by what just happened.


"My diamond" I said as she greeted them.

"Oh well you're here" she said without looking at me.

"How was your mission?" I ask without real interest.

"My diamond was successfully completed" I replied politely, as beads of sweat trickled down my face and I moved my constantly changing arms behind my back.

"Well I want you to go to a planet called earth and check how the progress of the colonization is going"

'Earth is a planet I was on a few years ago, honestly, it was one of the most interesting, perhaps because of its superior intelligence, unlike other species, as I was only reconnaissance, I wasn't there for long.'

"Understood" I replied briefly without wanting to end the conversation.

"You may as well ahhhhhh" she cried in surprise before finishing.

'I have a bad feeling' which was quickly fulfilled.

Before I could react, he fired a destabilizing ray at me that impacted me, paralyzed me and began to destroy my physical form.


'So this is what organics call pain'

"I didn't expect you to be a flawed gem" she said in a disgusted voice and looked at me like I was trash.

´Damn it´ apparently without realizing it had returned to normal.

´I guess that´s the end´ I thought while feeling many complicated emotions inside me.

'Defective' was a word that meant a lot to me, from the beginning I was different from others, I was flawed, but I still wanted to serve the diamonds even if I had to reject my true form, how deluded I was, the diamonds only perfection is important, there is no room for a mistake like me.

I guess I was just delaying the inevitable.

I thought as I felt my physical body being destroyed.

"As punishment for deceiving me, you and your pearl will be destroyed."



The only gem I told her my secret, the gem more important to me even than diamonds, her very presence brightens my day, and now she will be destroyed because of me.

'My family'

'Because of me, my fault, my fault Pearl will be... I WILL NOT ALLOW IT!!!!!'

"Aaahhhhhhh" I yelled as I tried to free myself from his destabilizing beam.

To which she responded by increasing the potency.


"You think you can break free defective!!!" I yelled angrily when she felt my resistance.

"Hahahaha Hahahahaha!"

It is true that it does not matter that I am defective as long as Perla accepts me as I am, all these years since my creation I have been someone that I am not just because I cared about the opinions of others and the funniest thing is that I have not even talked to them, I couldn't help but laugh at what an idiot I was. I WILL NO LONGER LET OTHERS AFFECT ME.

I didn't expect her to start laughing in my situation and because of her carelessness I managed to free myself.

She quickly got shocked at my release and yelled "Guards!!"

The guards entered but I left the way they entered before they could react, it was not for nothing that I was a high-ranking gem, my strength and speed were superior to the others.

Once I got out, I kept running, as it was one of the few times that I ran at my maximum speed I felt that something was holding back, as if my body was not capable of going faster but had the capacity to do so, it was a strange and difficult sensation to explain.

Knowing that it was not the time, I decided to put that feeling aside, I called Perla through the communicator.

"Pearl, prepare the ship at the following coordinates" Without letting her answer, I cut the communication and concentrated on hiding and misleading those who followed me, even if they were not able to match my speed or strength and I did not want to risk taking them to the ship and to interrupt the takeoff.

Pearl didn't need explanations, she was smart enough to understand my message.

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After a few minutes of misleading them I went to the coordinates.



There was Pearl waiting me with concern on his face. I ignored the way she called me since I didn't have much energy for that instead we hugged each other.

Even though she was shorter than me she started stroking my head and even though she wasn't a fan of head stroking as she felt it made me look weak 'I'm a combat gem.... though I guess it doesn't matter anymore' one time I put that thought aside and focus on the relaxing sensation.

She usually didn't take the initiative to touch me since she was still treating herself like a servant 'Even though we had kissed on multiple occasions' but upon deducing what happened from our short communication, she felt that she had to comfort me and the only way she could What happened to her was to do what I do with her, which worked.


We stayed for a few minutes, hugging each other while she caressed my head, even lowering it even more to make it easier for her, while I stayed relaxing trying to process what had just happened everything had been so sudden at one moment I was serving the diamonds and the next he was a criminal. She felt sadness, anger, confusion, frustration, but all this calmed down when she felt a few simple pats on the head and a hug.

Once I got my thoughts together we parted ways, I'm glad I lost my pursuers before I got here if we hadn't had to take off with all these messy feelings and I wasn't sure I'd make it.

"Are you OK?" I ask worried.

"Yes, I feel better"


I just nodded as she gave him a little peck on the lips.

To which she just blushed, even though we've already done it she was still embarrassed, which she took advantage of when she wanted to change the subject.

Seeing that my plan had worked I started to walk towards the ship, but before I could take the second step I stopped more specifically Perla stopped me grabbing my arm, I turned around with curiosity as to why I had stopped, since as I said earlier she treated herself like a servant.

She surprised me with the extremely serious face she had as she turned around and even more so with her tone of voice.

"Sure?" the same question as before but now with a demanding tone.

"Yes" I replied with a small smile.

"Then it's okay"

She let go of my clothes and quickly began to apologize for what she had done, I told her it didn't matter, in the end we got on the ship and took off.

................................ ................................ ....................

Yellow Diamond Pov.

"My diamond has detected an unidentified ship"

I listened to my pearl speak, previously she was not in my meeting with the defective one due to an order, although she had already caught up.

"Send an emerald to destroy it"

´There is no room on the mother planet for a defective´

"I understand my diamond"