
Yunjin X M!Reader: Sleepless

Yunjin's POV

Hey, just a quick introduction of myself. My name is Huh Yunjin, I'm an aspiring singer, but still a student in University. I'm currently in a basic programming class and it is the bane of my existence.

It's around 8pm, I looked up as I carried my bag into a new 24/7 cafe near my house, the Kopi Shop. As I walked in, I saw a rather small but cozy cafe, one or two customers, as well as one guy behind the counter of the cafe. I set my stuff down into a small cubby at the corner of the cafe, before ordering a beverage.

I walked up to the counter with a smile on my face, as I was greeted with a stone cold face, with very, and I mean VERY heavy eyebags.

"Hi can I take your order?" The man behind the counter said, as I glanced down at his nametag.

'Ah, Y/N'

"Hi, could I get a Caramel Macchiato?"

He nodded as he keyed in the order, "That will be 3000 won. Can I get a name?"


"Caramel Macchiato for Jennifer!" I heard, as I went to grab my drink, continuing my revision. My course is currently going through basic Python coding, and I know, I know, it's basic coding, but for the even slightly complicated stuff, I couldn't grasp on to it for the life of me.

In the blink of an eye, it's 12.30 am? HOW? I've watched like one 1 hour lecture... I'm gonna flunk this module. As I looked around the cafe, all the other customers were gone. I was the only customer left and the man at the cashier was still there. That's odd, I'd assume the midnight shift people would have taken over by now. Anyways, I quite like this place, drinks were fairly priced, the seats were comfortable and the ambience was good for studying. I'd probably come back again after I get a good night's sleep. As I walked out of the cafe, I smiled and waved goodbye to the cashier, who simply nodded in response and gave back a small smile. Wow, emotions, didn't know he had it in him.

Time skip to the next day

I was settling down in the cafe once again, this time closer to the cashier,when I got a message from Sakura-Unnie.

"Yunjin-ah, how is the studying going?"

I smile as I read through the message, replying, "Not great, this is so annoying to do:("

I ordered a drink again, and curiously, the cashier was the one that was the same as the last day, and he was alone behind the counter, again. Weird, I'd assume someone who was on the midnight shift would have clocked out by now.

"Hi Jennifer, what would you like?" He said once again, his monotonous voice staying the same as always, but I was shocked

'wow, he remembered!'

I smiled back at him and said, "Hi Y/N, any recommendations for me?"

His eyebrow shot up at my sentence, probably surprised I knew his name.

"If you'd like to try something new, I'd recommend Teh C, Hot Milk Tea with Evaporated milk. That would be 1300 won."

"Sounds great" I said back with a smile as I handed over the money.

"Teh C for Jennifer!"

As I settled back into my seat, I took a sip of the beverage. While it wasn't exactly my preferred drink, as I would prefer iced drinks, this tastes great, as I shot a thumbs up at Y/N. I then went down the rabbit hole of coding.

Two Hours later

"What is wrong with this godforsaken code!!!" I said as I facepalmed. I had run the same code almost 10 times over, but nothing changed, and even after various bouts of debugging, which has frustrated me to no end. I tried once again to focus on my work, before something broke me out of my focus

"Teh C for Jennifer!"

Huh? I didn't order a drink. I looked quizzically at Y/N, who simply set the drink down and walked back to making beverages.

I went up to collect the drink, as I shouted a "Thanks" to Y/N, and then I noticed something curious.

A small piece of paper, the words scribbled on it, "Your recursive loop is missing a base case, Logic error=No error popup"

I stared at the paper, wide eyed as I quickly ran back to my computer, and there it was. I actually forgot to implement a base case. I quickly coded it in, and just like that, the problems I had poofed away, just like that. How did he do that? WAIT, how did he know what my code was doing? Looking around at the cafe, I found that I was the only one left in the cafe. I walked up to the counter, saying, "Hi, Y/N, I was wondering, could we talk a little?"

Hearing that, he turned around with a bland face once again, "I'm working."

I looked around the cafe, before looking back at him. "Point taken, what do you want."

"I was wondering, how did you know the problem with my code?"

"I'm just that good." He said with a smirk, as I rolled my eyes


"I've been coding for more than 10 years now, one glance at your code and it was so obvious that there wasn't a base case."

Wow, he was good.

"So, I was wondering, is it possible for you to tutor me a little? Of course when there are customers, you can go to work, but if the shop is empty or you're free, you could come over and assist or teach me some stuff. This way, you get a very loyal customer who orders a steady flow of drinks, and you can earn a little money too?"

"Fine." Y/N said, as he stepped out from behind his booth.

I happily got back to my computer, I could probably pass this time!

Time flew as Y/N started tutoring me. After looking through my code, He actually retaught me everything about coding

"So uncivilized." He grumbled as he looked through a piece of code. Surprisingly, he was infinitely better than my professor. He broke down many complex concepts into small edible and basic concepts.

'He's so cute when he's focused'

"And that's all of my work for the day. Finished it way faster than I expected, Thanks alot Y/N! You're an amazing teacher." I said, smiling brightly, and gratefully, at my savior. He shot back a small smile, saying, "Thank you for the business, have a good rest of your day."

"Y/N, here's your money." I said as I pulled out some money, before getting interrupted

"It's on the house, hope to see you soon."

I was a little embarrassed, but bowed to him, thanking him for his generosity, and blushed a little. God he's so cute

Third person's POV

As Y/N looked around his cafe, he saw his last few customers finish their beverages. Seeing that, he set a sign on the table

"Cashier on break for 10 minutes."

He went into his small break room, sitting down and getting some shut eye.

He was then violently woken up by the consecutive ringing of a bell, as he shot up from his bed.

'Wait, how?' He thought as he rushed up to the counter to see a slightly annoyed customer, also looking at the clock and seeing that he had slept for an hour!

"I'm so sorry Sir, this drink is on the house."

The man grunted in response, as Y/N took his order

He couldn't shake his confusion though, as he struggled to comprehend what had happened.

'Was it because of...her?'

'The nightmare didn't come... She didn't come'

Yunjin's POV

"Chaewon Unnie, I'm heading out now!" I yelled as I began wearing my shoes.

"The cafe again?" Chaewon asked, a little smirk on her face

"Yeh, wait, what's with that smirk?"

"You seem to be going to that cafe almost every day, Jennifer." Chaewon said, using my english name to tease me even more.

"I just go there to study alright? It has nothing to do with Y/N." I grumbled as I felt myself blush

"That's funny, I never said anything about Y/N." Chaewon smirked, as my face contorted in realisation.

"Aish Unnie, you're so mean." I pouted a little, as Chaewon ran to her room, shouting, "Have fun with your Y/N"

"HE'S NOT MY----oh for fu-"

Sakura then seemingly appeared out of nowhere next to me, "No cursing at home, if Eunchae picks it up...."

"My bad Sakura-Unnie." I smiled sheepishly

"It's fine, go for your date already."

"You too?" I said, groaning at the constant teasing that I was sure was not going to end anytime soon

"Hey Jennifer" I heard as I walked into the cafe. I looked toward the noise and saw Y/N with a small smile on his face. I smiled and waved back at him, sitting in the same spot I did yesterday.

Walking up to the counter, I saw Y/N with someone else? That's weird, I assumed Y/N always worked alone. They were whispering to each other, as I saw Y/N smack that other girl on the shoulder as the only words I could make out was, "the one for you". Hmm, that's weird. Also, are they dating? That would suck...

My train of thought was broken as Y/N walked up to me with slightly less severe eyebags and a small smile.

"Hey Jennifer, what can I get for you today?"

"Hi, can I get a Teh C Siew Dai?"

"Wait, you know what that means?" Y/N said, a look of surprise splashed across his face

"Oh, I looked up the drinks on the menu."

"It's Cantonese I think? I found out about it in coffee shops in Singapore, and they taste awesome. That's why I brought it here."

" Wait, you own this shop?" I said, shocked at the revelation

As he nodded, I asked, "Wait, then why did you work here on your own. Up till today, with her coming," I said, pointing at the other girl behind the counter, " I always saw you work by yourself for what I have to assume is 24 hour shifts. Don't you sleep?"

Y/N gave me a small, seemingly a little sad smile, saying, "Until recently, I didn't have to."

I was about to ask what that meant, before I was interrupted by that girl who was behind the counter, "Sorry to interrupt the date but could you get the queue moving Y/N?"

Y/N glared at the girl who sheepishly chuckled, before running off.

"If you need help with computing, do call for me alright?" Y/N said, as I smiled gratefully and headed to my seat

This time, instead of me being called up, I saw as the girl walked up to me with my beverage. Minji's her name I think? She set my drink on the table, with a paper attached to the base like before, but the handwriting seemed different this time.

" xx-xxxx xxxx That's his number, good luck:)" I looked up in shock as Minji walked to me and whispered, "You were smiling through the whole talk with my brother, in a way that isn't how you look at a friend or acquaintance, it was kinda obvious, Good Luck Jennifer:)."

Hearing that, my blush got even more intense as I did not realize how obvious I was being.

As I did my work, I found myself stealing glances at Y/N, and curiously, I caught him doing the same, as we caught each other's eyes as we both immediately pulled away, for one of them I could swear there were a few times he was blushing? Focus Yunjin...

As I continued my work, I suddenly felt someone near me, looking up to see Y/N standing in front of me.

"Hey, whatcha doin?" Y/N asked as he gestured to the seat in front of me

I nodded as he sat, replying him, "Ahh nothing, I'm about to start the lecture on stacks right now, not fun."

"Ahh, OOP(Object Oriented Programming), a great joy to many." Y/N said as he chuckled, setting down to beverages on the table

"Pardon me, but shouldn't you be working? I didn't ask for any help and there are customers right now."

"Oh, well, Minji can handle the crowd for awhile, and well, I wanted to talk to you a little." Y/N said with a shy smile

"Oh, okay..." I said, a small smile on my face, but really nervous. I may be 21 but I've never really, y'know, dated or been in love really. This feeling I'm feeling, was new.

The two of us sat down and for a short while, an air of awkwardness floated in the air, Y/N on multiple occasions looking like he was going to say something, before retracting it. On the other hand, I was too nervous to say anything...It was an odd feeling for me. In my friend group of 5, I was always one of the noisiest and hyper people, but now, in front of him, I...froze. Think Yunjin think!

"So, what made you want to establish a coffee shop?" I asked

"Oh, well, my father loves coffee and teas, so when I was young in Singapore, he would always bring me to coffee shops to drink coffee and tea. So when we moved to Korea, I decided to make this cafe, to sell coffee and tea that I loved, to let others love it too." He said, smiling as I assume he thought of his fond memories.

"That's cool, how much did this place cost though. Land at this place isn't cheap if I remember correctly."

"Oh, that's no worry for me, My dad owns a relatively big company here, so this land is just one of his subsidiaries."

" gasp, NEPOTISM." I jokingly said, as Y/N shrugged.

"So, Y/N, this might be a little quick, but, "

its now or never Yunjin

"Are you in a relationship?"

A look of pain shot past Y/N's face, as he quickly lowered his head.

Huh Yunjin you idiot

"I'm so sorry Y/N, are you okay?"

He looked up at me, his small smile now becoming much smaller, barely a grin.

"No worries, it's just... I was... could we do this else where Jennifer?"

"Sure Y/N. And call me Yunjin."

"Oh, Yunjin, that's a beautiful name." He said, as I blushed at his comment. Even when he was sad and down, he still finds a way to make me feel weak in the knees.

We both walked in the nearby park as I waited for Y/N to be comfortable enough to start talking.

"Yunjin, what I'm about to tell you, do not tell Minji alright? She doesn't know about some details and if she found out, she'd be worried sick, right before whooping my ass."

I nodded as Y/N took a deep breath

"Her name was Diana. And I loved her. We dated for around 5 years, and I thought she was the one. On our 5 anniversary, I booked a hotel room for us. Not to fool around, but to spend quality time with her, cuddling and just resting. I was also going to propose to her. But she didn't show. I went out of the hotel to find her, only to find her near the side of the hotel, making out with some guy I had never seen in my life."

Tears falling from his face as he told me his heartbreaking story, and all I could do was stand there, unsure of what I could do.

"Turns out, she got with me for my money. Everything I bought for her, every gift, every dress, the money I gave her for her shopping sprees, she just gave it to her real boyfriend, as they profited off my ignorance. Once I found out, I immediately cut her off, to which, she shrugged.

"Took enough from you, you idiot", that was how a 5 year relationship ended. You'd think that was where my torture would end, but no. You remember how you talked about me working 24 hour shifts, and not sleeping? And my answer was..."

"You didn't have to." I muttered out, not liking the direction this was going in

"I tried everything I could, I burned everything I even vaguely associated with her, her pictures, her clothes, everything. But it didn't work. Every night. I dream, the same dream. And the dream never ends. I dream of when I was happy. I never remember what actually happened to me in real life, but those dreams feel so...real. And it isn't on repeat. The dreams go linear, as if it was telling me what could have been, if she wasn't tricking me to begin with. I was happy."

"But, if your dreams are what makes you happy, why not sleep more? Enjoy what you can."

"What was that one Batman quote? There can be no true despair without hope. The dreams feel real, but when I wake up, the life that made me happy gets ripped out of my arms as Diana haunts my nights. Every single night. The only thing that hurts more than being stabbed, is taking the sword out, then being stabbed again. Every morning, all I felt was despair as I knew the real world was real, and that my dream was just a dream. No happy ending, no happiness."

"So that's why you didn't sleep... but how? No matter how strong you are, you need sleep."

"I own a coffee shop Yunjin. I sleep for around 10 minutes a day. Any longer, and she comes for me."

I slowly reached for Y/N's hand, but seeing him flinch, I quickly withdrew my hand.

"Sorry, but this isn't a healthy way to cope Y/N... I know I can't say I've been in your shoes, I've never even been in a relationship, but I know that is not healthy."

"I know that Yunjin, but what can I do? I tried to end it all, didn't work." Y/N said, chuckling bitterly.

My eyes widened in shock as I took a close look at Y/N's wrists, seeing small scars across his forearm.

"This can't be the answer Y/N..."

"I know, and I think I've found the answer."

"What is it" I asked, curious and hopeful that maybe Y/N could find some way to deal with all the pain he felt.


As Y/N said that, I gulped and began to blink rapidly. Me? How could I be the answer?

"Je- Yunjin, The dream always come for me in less than 20 minutes, so I conditioned myself to take short 10 minute break. But that day, after we talked, we spent time together, something changed. The dream didn't come. She didn't come for me. You're the key Yunjin."

Still confused, I froze, only asking, "What?"

"I need your help Yunjin. I know this is a lot to ask of someone I barely know, but I have a proposition for you. You get a lifetime of free food and drinks from my cafe, I'll give you free help for your computing module or whatever I can help with, and in return you come over to the cafe whenever you're free." He said, with a small hopeful smile

By then, I had more or less regained my bearings, chuckling at his offer as I saw his smile diminish.

"How about, none of that, and we just be friends. I'll come over when I can, I already do that I'm not gonna lie, and we can text if you want. Not sure if that will have the same effect, but, worth a shot right?" I said with a small smile

Y/N looked shocked at my proposition.

"You'd do that for me?"

"Of Course, you seem like a great guy and I'd help anyone in need."

"Thanks Jen." Y/N said with that cute smile of his, as my heart panged at that nickname

"No worries Y/N, happy to help. Shall we head back?"

Y/N nodded, as we both walked towards the cafe. Just then, a question popped to my head

"Wait, Y/N, something I just realized, you told me you coded for around 10 years already, why aren't you doing something related to that?"

"Who said I wasn't?" Y/N said with a smirk, as I tilted my head

"I stay awake for 23 hours a day on average, I have more than enough time for this."

"Oh right." I said as I sheepishly scratched my head

Suddenly beep

Sakura: Yunjin ah, when are you gonna get home, dinner is gonna be ready soon. If you don't get home in time you know we won't hear the end of it from Chaewon.

I hurriedly texted back, "Unnie, I'm hanging out with Y/N right now!"

"Even better, ask him along, Chaewon always makes too much"

I was stunned as Y/N noticed the shock on my face, looking curiously at me.

I looked up at him and stuttered, "Well, erm, my unnie asked me to invite you for dinner with us. It's okay if you-"


His willingness shocked me. I didn't think he would be so open to it

"W-What about the cafe?"

"Oh, since I recently slept, I decided to hire some temporary help, so that I can test if I can sleep longer. I can call her right now to help Minji."

Still stunned, I nodded. Thanks to Sakura, her crush was going to be eating dinner with me and my chaotic ass friends. Do I thank her or curse her

He quickly dialed a number, "Hi, Hanni, yes, so sorry to trouble you but could you come in to work now? I'll pay double for the hours. Ahh, that's great, thank you so much."

Y/N shot a charming smile at me, as he said, "Shall we?"

I fumbled around my pockets as, wait, where are my keys??? I continued fumbling around, looking for my keys as Y/N chuckled. I turned and pouted, "Hey, that's not nice, I'm struggling and you're laughing at me."

"It's hooked on your finger Jen. You took it out on the escalator up." Y/N gestured, chuckling.

I looked down at my hand and, nice one Yunjin, you're a genius. I quickly buried my face in my hands.

"Don't do that Jen, you're blocking yo-" I could have sworn Y/N was about to deliver a cheesy ass line, before Chaewon opened the door.

"Hi, You must be Y/N, Yunjin has been talking a lot about you. I'm Chaewon, come in, make yourself at home." Chaewon said with a smile.

"A lot huh?" Y/N said, smiling at me as I felt my face go warm, flipping off Chaewon who just stuck her tongue out at me

As I walked in with Y/N, I saw as he was quickly tackled by a blur.

"Ahhhh, Yunjin's Boyfriend, Nice to meet you, I'm Eunchae."

"He's not my boyfriend Eunchae-ah, and don't hug people before you know if they're comfortable with it." I chided the young girl as she pouted and hugged Y/N tighter

"It's fine Jen, she's just excited to meet someone new."

"See, he's cooler than you Unnie" Eunchae said as she stuck her tongue out at me, before letting Y/N out of the embrace to bring him to the dinner table

"Jen huh?" I turned around and saw Kazuha looking at me with a teasing smile.

"Quit it alright, you guys are embarrassing me in front of my-"

"boyfriend?" Kazuha interjected, playfully jabbing me

"Oh for gods sake." I said, trying desperately to keep from blushing.

"Dinners ready!" Sakura shouted out as she served up the dishes and 6 plates.

Soon, we sat around the table as I was sat, of course, next to Y/N

"So Y/N, We've all heard a lot about you from Yunjin, but would you like to introduce yourself?" Chaewon asked

"Erm, Okay, my name is Kim Y/N, I own the Kopi Shop nearby. I'm Singaporean, I learned Coding there around 10 years ago, but when my Father's business moved it's HQ to Korea around 5 and a half years ago, I followed along. Now, on top of being a barista at my shop, I help to handle the backend coding on some of my father's more important projects."

"Ohh, that's interesting, what's your father's company?"

"{insert famous company}"

The girls at the table were all shocked. That company was huge in Korea!

"Whoa Yunjin, you didn't tell us this. I should have cooked something better!" Sakura exclaimed, feeling a little bad that she had not cooked much

"No worries Sakura, I haven't even been home for about 3 months, I basically live at the cafe, so this food you so generously prepared for me is like a feast, not to mention it tastes delicious."

"Yunjin-ah, your boyfriend is such a sweet talker." Sakura said teasingly. These 4 girls want me to die of embarrassment, I just know it

Before I could shoot back, Kazuha piped up, "Why don't you go home? I'm sure with the amount of money your parents make, your home must be a palace. Why make yourself stay in a cafe."

"Oh, well, I basically don't sleep so there's no point, besides, the cafe calms me down."

I could see Kazuha about to ask about the sleeping part, but knowing that led us to a rabbit hole that would probably make Y/N uncomfortable, I quickly tried to steer the conversation another way, starting to talk about how the cafe's food was awesome, which got Eunchae excited.

"Y/N, can I get a discount?" Eunchae quickly asked.

I chuckled and shook my head at the little kid, before hearing, "Sure, you girls are welcome to my cafe anytime, any friend of Jen's is a friend of mine."

That nickname again. The way he said it, all I feel are butterflies

The night continued like this, as we ate, we chatted, talked about each other's lives, talked about university, throw in a tease directed at yours truly, and the dinner seemed to go by in a flash

"It was great to get to know you girls, but I'm afraid I have to go now. Thank you guys for having me." Y/N said, bowing towards us

"Anytime Y/N, I have a feeling I'll be seeing him around here very often soon." Chaewon said, whispering that last part to me, as I nudged Chaewon in embarrassment

"Let's go Y/N, I'll walk you to the lobby."

As we walked out of the apartment, I looked away from him as much as I could, the night had been embarrassing enough, if he caught me blushing AGAIN, I'd seem so weird

"Your friends seem like really nice people, they really love you." Y/N said with a small smile

"They do, now if they would just stop teasing me so much." I said, with a small pout, as Y/N laughed. I pouted even more, saying, "You're so mean!"

"I'm sorry Jen, it's just, y'know, you're really cute when you pout."

Hearing that, the floodgates were open. I could probably pass as a tomato at the farmer's market. God this is embarrassing.

"S-stop it..."

"I'm sorry Jen. I'll go now okay?"

Hearing that, I gave a small sad smile, as I saw him walk away, before he backtracked, saying, "Oh right, I was going to give you my number, it's -"

"No need for that, Minji already gave it to me." I said, showing him the paper Minji handed to me earlier

"Aish that girl. Alright then, I won't hold you up longer, I'll see you tomorrow Jen."

"Wait, before you go, hand me your phone."

Y/N looked at me quizzically but complied, as I took his phone, saving my number in his phone as "Jen", then handing it back to him. Seeing what I had done, he chuckled and waved at me, before walking out.

"See You Y/N" I said, as I saw his silhouette slowly disappear into the dark

As I walked back into my room, I quickly jumped into my bed and yelled in my pillow

I think I've fallen, hard

Third Person's POV

The next day, at around 8am, Hanni was just about to head home, saying goodbye to Y/N and Minji as Y/N's face suddenly contorted into one of agony and fear

'No, it can't be, this is real, this is real, this is real, no no no no no no, she's back' He thought, as he quickly ran into the back of the kitchen, locking himself in a small room as he began to hyperventilate.

"This isn't happening, this isn't real, SHE ISNT HERE!! NO!" He screamed as he felt his lungs empty out, a panic attack creeping up on him.

Minji quickly ran to the room, trying to get in but try as she might, nothing seemed to work.

Then, she saw his phone on the floor. She knew even if she could open the door, she couldn't calm him down. Only...she could.

Minji quickly took his phone, opening the contact book to find her number, then dialing it.

"What's going on Y/N" A groggy voice emitted from the phone

"This isn't Y/N, Jennifer, it's Minji. I need you to come to the cafe now. Its an emergency, my brother needs you."

Hearing that, Yunjin immediately hung up the phone, bolting out of bed, running out of the apartment as Chaewon looked on, confused.

What's happening?

Third person's POV

Yunjin ran as fast as her legs could take her, thanking the heavens that she lived close enough to the cafe.

"Please be okay Y/N" Yunjin muttered to herself as she neared the cafe. She saw Hanni standing near the back of the counter, as Minji was arguing with some woman.

Yunjin's POV

Once I reached, I quickly ran to Minji, "Minji-ah, where is he?"

"I think he's having a panic attack, he needs you." Minji said as she gestured me to the back

I saw as the woman arguing with Minji tried to move forward, while Minji blocked her still

"You've done enough." She said coldly.

I ignored all of this though, only one thing was important right now

I slowly knocked the door.

"Y/N, you there?" I asked as gently as I could. I didn't want to trigger him more than he already was.

"J-Jen? Is that you?" I heard as Y/N's once monotonous voice that had turned lively for me, sound so sad, and broken. It broke my heart to hear him like this.

"Yes Y/N, it's me. Are you okay?" I asked, as I slowly leaned on the door

"She's here...she's here, I thought I finally escaped from her, from all of this." He said, sobbing and sniffling in between words.

"Oh, it's her." I mumbled to myself, finally realizing what happened.

Then, the door open as I saw Y/N sitting on the ground, eyes puffy and hugging his knees.

"Sit with me?" He whispered.

I was going to sit down with him immediately, before, remembering, something Eunchae once told her

"No matter what happened, food always makes things better."

"Hang on, I'll be back alright Y/N?" I said, gesturing towards the cafe

He nodded slightly and forced out a small smile

Once I went out, I saw the woman Minji Unnie was arguing took a seat, looking angry as she crossed her arms, with Minji looking pissed, though her face softened once she saw me.

"Jennifer, how's my brother? Is he out?" She asked worriedly

"He asked me to sit with him, but I was hoping to get him some of his favorite snacks? A friend of mine once told me that food cheers anyone up, hopefully it works for Y/N." I said with a small smile, as Minji's face lit up

"Ah, Y/N's favorite, classic chocolate chip cookies. I'll get you a plate." Minji hurriedly said, running around the shop as she quickly assembled the plate for her brother

As I was about to head back to Y/N, Minji quickly grabbed me by the arm, "I can't thank you enough for this Jennifer."

"Of course, no worries Minji." I said, giving her a small smile as I ran back to the room

"Y/N, it's me." I said as I knocked on the door, as Y/N opened the door, his face lighting up as he saw the plate of cookies I brought, as I chuckled at his grabby hands.

"Aish you little baby, here, eat up." I said as I handed Y/N the cookies

Y/N squeezed himself into the corner, patting the now empty area, big enough for one person, looking expectantly at me.

I blushed subconsciously, realizing what Y/N wanted.

It felt a little like I was taking advantage of him in his state...

but if it makes him feel better.

As I sat down, Y/N asked, "Hey Jen?"

I hummed in response, trying to adjust myself in my seat

"Could you hold me?"

Hearing that, I felt as my knees went weak and my heart was about to burst out of my chest

"I'm sorry Jen, that was inap-"

"It's fine Y/N, come here." I said as I extended my arms, inviting him in.

He purred a little, content as he snuggled into me, resting his head on my shoulder, as I pat his back, feeling his breath slow down a little as he calmed down.

"Thank you Jen." Y/N said, looking up at me

"You're welcome Y/N." I said back, before muttering under my breath, "I want to do this again."

"What was that Jen?" he asked.

I was about to break into a ramble before I heard Minji knock on the door

Whew, saved by the bell

"Am I interrupting something?" Minji asked teasingly, as she wriggled her eyebrows at me, as I averted my gaze to not embarrass myself

"Is she still there?" Y/N asked softly, as Minji's face turned somber again, nodding.

"If I talk to her again, I'm going to kill her." Minji said as she gritted her teeth, evidently harboring a huge grudge against this woman for breaking her brother's heart

"Minji, could you take care of your brother here? I'll talk to her." I said to Minji, who nodded back at me, as I patted Y/N on the head, prompting him to get up.

As I walked out of the room, I saw the woman from earlier eyeing me, trying to figure me out. I took a seat in front of her, a look of confusion evident on her face.

"I presume you are Diana." I said, a look of steely resolve on my face

" I am, and what are you doing here Jennifer?"

I scoffed, guessing she heard Minji call me just now.

"My name is Yunjin, my friends call me Jennifer. You shouldn't even be talking to me. I'll keep this short. Leave. Y/N doesn't want you back, he does not want to see you, all you're bringing him is pain, so, if your time together with him meant even an ounce to you, you will leave now, and you will not come back." I said as I stared straight at her

"Who the fuck do you think you are huh? Y/N is MY lover. If he talks to me, he'll come back to me, I just know it, so you should get the fuck out of my way unless you want to get hurt." Diana said, trying to intimidate me into running away. Bitch I'm Huh Yunjin, I'm not moving

"I'm someone who cares about Y/N, and in that capacity, I am once again asking you nicely, to leave, before further action gets taken." I said, glaring at her once again as she was shocked by what I said

"You insolent bitch!" She shouted, raising her hand to slap me.

I was just about to block her hand, but just then, I saw someone grab her hand mid-air. Y/N.

"Diana, leave now." He said coldly, not looking at her, as she smiled

"Y/N, baby, please, can we talk? I want to explain my side. That guy wa-"

"LEAVE." Y/N turned, yelling at Diana as her face turned to shock, surprised that Y/N would shout at her.

I quickly patted Y/N on the back, trying to calm him down to avoid another possible incident. Also it hurt to see him like this...

Minji quickly ran to Y/N holding him as I turned to Diana

"This is your last warning. This can and will be considered harassment, and the relevant authorities will be informed. Leave." I said, fed up with her.

She rolled her eyes, saying, "Fine, I'll go, you gold digging bitch."

I laughed loudly as I heard that, "Well, coming from you! That's rich! HAHAHAHA!"

She turned around, fuming as she stormed out of the cafe

As soon as she left, Y/N immediately tackled me into a hug

"Thank you so much Jen." He said, crying a little

"My Pleasure." I said, still blushing at the skinship

3rd person's POV

For the next 2 months, Yunjin carried on her almost daily visits to the cafe, being greeted by Y/N's smiling face. Y/N also had a rotating staff of help now that he could sleep peacefully, mostly Minji's friends. Yunjin has gotten close to Y/N, very close. She feels so woozy around Y/N, but has been very uncertain "He doesn't like me back" she says, "I don't like him." she lies. It has gotten to the point where Yunjin's Friends and Minji's friends, self dubbed Lesserafim and Newjeans respectively, are actively trying to set them up to get together. Today is the fruition of all their planning. With Yunjin's classes and Y/N working, it was hard for the girls to organize for them to actually hang out, not just sitting around in the cafe.

Yunjin was told to dress up nicely, Sakura was bringing her and the girls to a restaurant to celebrate some event Yunjin had never heard of before. At least that's what she was told

Y/N was told to wear a suit, not dress sloppily(like he was accustomed, Minji said, Y/N did not deny). She said she was going to bring him out to a restaurant for some Sister Brother bonding time. Y/N insisted that he could bond with her over a cup of coffee. Minji insisted otherwise

Yunjin's POV

Alright, so Sakura said to go to the table, there will be a booking under Kim? Apparently Chaewon placed the reservations for us.

"Hi, 7.30pm reservation under Kim?" I said, smiling as the host smiled, flipping through his book saying, "Ah yes, 7:30, Kim, Table for 2. Your friend is inside already."

Despite my confusion, I smiled, not wanting to be rude.

'Wait table for two? Wh---Oh no, Oh no those fu-' I thought to myself as I was led to the table, as I saw Y/N, a look of shock appearing on his face, mirroring mine.

"Jen? What are you doing here? I was supposed to meet Min- Oh. They finally did it." Y/N said, a look of realization finally crossing his face

"It appears we've both been bamboozled." I said sheepishly, as Y/N mirrored my smile

"It appears that way. You look beautiful by the way, that dress really looks great on you." Y/N said, a faint blush appearing on my face.

"T-Thank you Y/N, you look really great in that suit too." I said, barely stringing my words together.

I then looked around, seeing that the entire restaurant had been cleared out, with only me, Y/N, and the wait staff around, one of whom approached our table, setting down candles and setting down a bottle of wine.

"I think it's fair to say Minji and the girls have been planning this for awhile." Y/N said, chuckling at the extravagant set up, as I chuckled in response.

"Well, then let's not waste their efforts shall we?" I said as we began to order our dinner, then began chatting like we always did, regardless of where we were at, cafe or not, it was no different. The two of us seemed to never run out of topics to chat about, once spending 3 hours arguing about whether water was wet. As we continued our conversation, I found myself staring at Y/N again, noticing his weird little ticks, like scrunching his nose when he likes what he's eating, the way his ears point upward when he talks about Singapore, the way...the way he looks at me when he thinks I'm not looking. The way he smiles whenever I complain too much about my lecturer, or the way he looks at me when I talk about how Kazuha and Eunchae teased me at home. My heart couldn't take it. I wanted to tell him everything, everything, how I felt, how I wanted him to be my first and last, how much I wanted to hold him like I did those months ago. But no. I can't do this to him. I don't want to talk about relationships and all that with him, he suffered enough from a relationship, I don't want to remind him of all that pain and hurt he went through.

"You take that back Huh Yunjin!" Y/N exclaimed as I chuckled at him

"I've said it once, I'll say it again, Pokemon Platinum is superior in everyway to Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Better Champion, better starters, better story." I said, sticking my tongue out at him as he laughed at my childishness

As we both laughed, my hand accidentally swiped my spoon off the table.

"Oops, I'll get that" I said as I bent down, grabbing the spoon from the ground, but hitting something on the way up. Y/N's hand. He covered the edge of the table. That was it. I don't know why, but that was it.

"I knew you were going to hit that corner Jen, aish so clumsy." He said, smiling at his accurate prediction.

Its now or never Jennifer, You're never going to get a chance like this again, take it.

"I love you!" I said, shutting my eyes as I blurted out the three words I've been dying to say, before covering my face with my hands to hide my blush.

"What?" Y/N said, his face frozen in shock

"I said I love you Kim Y/N!" I shouted out once again, as Y/N's face remained frozen.

"I--I--I'm sorry Jen, I can't do this." Y/N said, tears threatening to spill out from his eyes as he quickly ran to the toilet.

'Nice Going Jennifer. You're a genius.' I thought to myself as I quietly sobbed

I knew it. I was right. Y/N and I were just friends, and I've just triggered him again

20 minutes had passed, and Y/N still had not returned. I was getting a little worried.

I quickly walked to the men's bathroom(its not weird, the restaurant is empty), seeing the door lock and hearing Y/N sobbing behind it.

"Y/N, are you there?" I whispered softly

"I'm sorry Jen, I'm sorry, I can't do this. Us being close friends is one thing, but being together...I'm not good enough for you Jen. You deserve someone better. I'm...broken. Too broken to be good enough for you. I was burned, and I don't know if I could ever be in a healthy relationship again. I don't want to hurt you Jen. I'm sorry." Y/N said between small sniffs

Hearing that, my face dropped a little, as I sat down, back on the door as I said, "Y/N-ah, I know where you're coming from. But I don't think it's because you aren't good enough for me, or because you're broken. You were betrayed, backstabbed and manipulated, plagued with nightly horrors, and you deserve sometime to heal. I'll be here for you regardless, no matter as your Significant other, friend or customer. I won't leave, regardless but... I have a request to make. If you do get better, if you find yourself open to love once again, please love me." I said, trying to force out a smile to keep the tears away

I then found myself falling backwards as the door sprung open, and my head fell snugly into the arms of Y/N, who hugged me tightly.

"I do love you Jen. Maybe I have all this time." Y/N whispered

I froze in shock. He likes me too?

"Jen, I know I'm broken, and I'll be hard to love, but do you think we co-"

"Yes" I said, staring him in the eyes, as I saw him recoil a little at the speed of my reply

"But I didn-" Y/N stuttered out as he blushed

"Oh for god sakes Y/N I know what you're going to say, now shut up and kiss me." I said, pulling Y/N's lips in for a kiss. This wasn't a kiss of lust. It was pure, it was...love.

Pulling away from the kiss, I looked at Y/N as we both blushed at what just happened.

"Soooooo" I said, unsure what to do now. This was my first time and I was a little lost.

"Well, first things first, let's start things proper. Shall we?" Y/N said, extending his hand to me as I grabbed it, walking out of the restaurant with him, hand in hand

We walked into an all but familiar place. The cafe.

Y/N stood outside the doors of the cafe, before getting down on one knee.

"Umm, Y/N, isn't marriage a little early?" I chuckled

"Aish Jen, I'm trying to be romantic." Y/N said, pouting a little

"Alright go on go on."

"Jen, this is where we met, where we became friends, where you helped me with...her, and where we fell for each other, so it's only right that I do this here. Huh Yunjin, will you do me the honors, of being my girlfriend, now and forever?"

"No." I said, stone-faced as Y/N was shocked.

I gently caressed his face, saying, "I won't be your girlfriend forever, because one day, I'll be your wife."

Y/N immediately grabbed me, hugging me tightly as he spun me around, jumping in joy, before setting me down, and engulfing my lips in a passionate kiss once again.

Suddenly, we saw as confetti was popped and we saw 9 familiar faces show up around us

"Wait, how?" Y/N said

"We have been siblings for over 18 years, I know you very well my man." Minji said, smirking at Y/N as he nudged her on the shoulder

"So you guys saw everything?" I asked shyly, looking at my friends.

"I think Eunchae saw too much." Sakura said, smirking at me as I blushed a crimson red.

"I took pictures!" Eunchae said, as my eyes widened in shock

"GET OVER HERE YOU SMILEY POTATO!" I shouted as I began chasing Eunchae around, before finally stopping when she hid behind Chaewon

Then, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist as Y/N said, "What's going on honey?"

Hearing that, all my aggression melted away and I too, melted away, unable to comprehend anything.

"N-Nothing much Babe" I stuttered out

"Babe? That's so lame." Y/N teased, as he kissed me on the forehead.

"Don't worry though Jen, you have the rest of your life to find a nickname for me." Y/N said, hugging me as I held him tightly.

"I love you." I whispered

"I love you too Jen." Y/N whispered back

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