
Konoha: The Template System

Kazuki granted the power of a template system leaves his mark in the dangerous ninja world, an arduous journey. {The Template "Tobirama Senju" has been extracted to 30%} Advanced chapters on P@treon.com/Gojo6666.

Tobi_444 · Cómic
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144 Chs

Chapter 27 Appearance

Land of Rivers.

A long river stretching miles and on both sides huge towering trees, this was the biggest river in this land, cutting through the equally large forest.

Swish! Swish!

A group of ten or so shinobi with the konoha protector on their foreheads leaped from tree to tree as they advanced through the woodland.

Leading them was a woman with blonde hair and donning gray battle gear, behind her was a squad all composed of Jonin.

"If possible, I would really like to know how you trained water style to that degree at such a young age, Kazuki-Kun."

"As you may know already, I'm not good in a frontal battle and have to first hide myself to fight. If,  with your training method, I can learn some strong jutsu quickly, it'll be a great help!"

Behind Tsunade conversed two figures, one having blue hair and the other silver.

The man with blue hair and a sunny smile on his handsome face was actually asking someone who looked half his age for Ninjutsu advice.

"I don't have such a magical learning method; guess I just have a natural strong affinity for water style."

Answered Kazuki in a straightforward manner, his strong water style was attributed to the template of Senju Tobirama, and even if he were to guide Dan Kato next to him, he wouldn't learn as quickly as him.

"Is that so? But… I really want to become stronger."

At his answer, Dan was obviously disappointed, with his eyes on Tsunade in front and the desire to get stronger clear on his face.

He wants to feel confident about himself, that he can always protect Tsunade, whatever the situation.

"But if you like to train with me, you're most welcome; you can't give up before even trying, right?"

"Haha! That's right! I'll be sure to make time to train with you, Kazuki-Kun."

But Kazuki's next words faded the disappointed look on Dan's face, laughing and promising to train together with him.


Seeing him laughing, Kazuki shaking his head just chuckled and even Tsunade who was hearing their conversation smiling a little.

"Take Nawaki for training when you have time Dan; he needs it the most."

Suddenly Tsunade remembered her brother back in the stronghold recovering from his injuries, his main chakra element was water as well and training under Kazuki can help him get stronger probably.

"You don't mind an extra training partner, right Kazuki-Kun?" Asked Dan turning his face to look at Kazuki.

"Yes, I don'___


Kazuki stopped talking midway, and with a serious face, he jumped down from the tree and landed on the smooth grass, closing his eyes and touching the ground with two fingers.


"What happened?"

Kazuki's movements astonished the rest of the group, causing them to stop and approach him. Tsunade asking with a concerned look.

The squad of ten was on the way to the towns destroyed by sand shinobi and help those who can still be saved from the poison.

Jiraiya didn't even had to convince Tsunade to help the poisoned people, she taking the initiative to go and detoxify.

Tsunade with a small platoon departed from sand stronghold as she couldn't take too many with her.

Just in case of a surprise attack at the stronghold they needed to have as much as power as possible to counterattack in her absence.

Jiraiya and Orochimaru also stayed at the stronghold, while Dan and Kazuki were included in the platoon.

Even in case of an attack, everyone felt that Tsunade, Dan and Kazuki would be more than enough to handle it.

Yet still an additional seven jonin were sent on the persistence of a Nara Jonin who was overly-cautious.

The rest of the platoon members also looked at Kazuki who had his fingers placed on the surface and eyes closed, none of them had felt anything.

"It's too late already! get ready for a tough fight because they are coming!"

In the worried eyes of everyone Kazuki with a solemn face opened his eyes and the words leaving his mouth brought great dread to everyone.


Tsunade and others didn't even get a chance to ask who as the sound of wind rustling fell in their ears and in a few seconds some figures flashed out of the forest around them.

Before Tsunade and others stood only three figures but the pressure they brought to everyone off the charts, Tsunade having sweat rolling down her brows already.

One was a girl with orange and some strands of green hair, Pakura of the scorch release.

The second was off the same age as the girl, having auburn hair and a slash mark on his closed right eye.

Though the one who brought the most dread to everyone was the man who stood at front, donning a white haori and his dark blue hair rustling in the air.

The Third Kazekage.

20 chapters ahead on p@treon.com/Gojo6666.