
Konoha Seven Taste House

Rumor has it that such a restaurant has existed since the beginning of Konoha. It is open from early in the morning and closes at dawn. The fragrance permeates the small space, which is intoxicating. People call it Qiweiju.

daoistestt · Cómic
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34 Chs

Chapter 4 Ninja Cooking!

"Xiaozhen, you didn't even fix the stove, how do you cook? Didn't you say go to my house?"

Mito was puzzled.

"Hey, sister, we are ninjas! How can we cook with common sense."

As Zhenxiu said, he fastened the black hairband on his forehead again, and the red hair fluttered with the wind.

"You are so embarrassed to say that you are a ninja. If my father heard this, he would be a little relieved."

Mito relentlessly vomit.


Zhen Xiu grinned and put the iron pot on the table, and then his hands were printed!

"This is... the seal of Shui Dun?"

Mito was taken aback, unexpectedly that Zhenxiu would use ninjutsu.

"Water escape! Condensation!"

I saw that after Zhenxiu's hands were sealed, a large amount of water appeared above the iron pan.


Water flows into the pot!

Between the pillars was slightly surprised, and secretly said in his heart: "This kind of moisture can be directly condensed from the air, even if the water escape is not weak. This boy..."

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Zhenxiu's hands danced again.

"The technique of earth clone!"

A figure drilled out of the ground, exactly like Zhenxiu.

"Tu Dun? You kid has learned a lot of ninjutsu in the past two years."

Mito was surprised again.

She found that Zhenxiu seemed a little different from the ones she knew.

Actually, the ninja talent of Zhenxiu is quite good, but he is not interested in this Dao.

In the past two years when he was on the move, if he hadn't had any abilities in real cultivation, he would have been chopped out long ago.

After all, this world is not peaceful.

"It's still early!"

Zhenxiu knotted his hands again.

"Soil escape! The technique of the stove!"


A quaint stove drilled out of the ground, just to withstand the iron pan filled with clear water.

Mito: "..."

Between the columns: "..."

What kind of weird ninjutsu are these?

And this is not over yet.

I saw soil avatar with hands and hands!

"Fire escape! Ignition technique!"

Hot flames gushed out from the mouth of the earth clone.

The flame rushed into the stove, and the dark stove was lit up instantly.

The flame began to heat the iron pan.

In an instant, the clear water in the pot had already shown signs of boiling.

This operation shocked Mito and Zhuma, and neither of them had any comments for a while.

Only then did Zhenxiu's right hand reach into the bag he was carrying, grabbed the Qingjiang vegetable, and threw it into the sky.

"Water escape! The technique of water bullets!"

The truly cultivated Shui Dun attacked again, and the powerful current washed the Qingjiang vegetables in the air.

Every Qingjiang vegetable became extremely clean under the scouring of water bullets.

Under the shining of the sun, a faint blue-green light was emitted.

Coupled with the splashing of water droplets, a faint rainbow straddles the Qingjiang vegetable and the iron pot.

"What a nice view."

When Mito saw the rainbow, his eyes widened.

However, Zhu Jian praised in his heart: "Shui Dun, Tu Dun, Huo Dun, this young boy has mastered the three chakra attribute changes, and he is very skilled. It is really Mito's younger brother."

I don't know what Zhu Jian's thoughts are. At this moment, he is just about to start cooking!

He didn't know when he had already held a kitchen knife in his right hand, and Zhenxiu rose into the air.

Knife light flashes!

The Qingjiang vegetables in the sky that had just been washed by the water escaped instantly torn apart.

The leaves of each Qingjiang vegetable are perfectly cut by the blade.

The decomposition was completed without harming any part of the leaf.

This knife technique is perfect!


The pillars couldn't help but praised.

This kind of knife is really easy.

Although Zhujian doesn't know the best dishes, he still knows how to deal with swords.

It's a pity that this kind of knife is used for cooking.

After the Qingjiang vegetable was cut open, it fell into the iron pan.

The boiling water rushed up and wrapped Qingjiang vegetables.

At this time, Zhen Xiu took out three cloves of garlic, and when the kitchen knife moved, the garlic instantly turned into garlic paste.

Put down the kitchen knife, pick up the frying spoon, and gently fish.

All the Qingjiang vegetables flew out and went straight into the sky.

Zhenxiu took the opportunity to pour the boiling water out of the pot, and the fire of the earth clone increased the firepower.

The wok dries instantly!


Pour in cooking oil and heat up!

Pour the minced garlic into the cooking oil heated to 70% oil temperature.


Big fire and incense!

A seductive sound erupted from the iron pan.

At the same time, the fragrance of garlic wafted out.

"smell good."

Mito and Zhuma said at the same time.

The garlic fragrant from the fire is the most attractive.

At this time, the half-cooled Qingjiang vegetables in the sky also fell into the iron pan.

Fire escape again!

Zhenxiu grabbed the handle of the iron pan with his left hand and rolled up and down.

Bump the pot!

When the frying spoon moves, the fire is turned off!

Qingjiang dishes gleamed in the hot flame.

One second!

Dissipate the flame, so as not to fry the Qingjiang vegetables at too high temperature.

It's just right now!

The white salt grains were sprinkled into the pot by Zhenxiu and blended with the green Qingjiang cuisine.

The flame is gone!

Qingjiang dishes out of the pot!

The earth clone dissipated!

Zhenxiu grabbed the stove with his right hand, and a khaki dish was actually condensed.

The Qingjiang vegetables were poured into it, and it looked verdant.

Scent overflowing!

The emerald appearance didn't seem to have been stir-fried.

But the alluring fragrance has it all.

Zhenxiu grinned and pushed Qing Jiang Cai to the two of them.

"Really made special! Stir-fried Qingjiang cuisine! Please enjoy."

Two pairs of chopsticks were placed in front of Mito and Zhujian, indicating that they could start eating.

Mito and Zhushi glanced at each other, and they were not welcome.

One person picked up a pair of openings and picked up a piece of Qingjiang vegetable leaves.

The leaves of Qingjiang Cai are oval, bluish-green, the plant shape is corset, and the stems are white and thick.

This leaf is very complete, without too much processing, and retains the shape of Qingjiang cuisine to the greatest extent.

The enticing aroma aroused the appetites of the two.

Between the pillars could not help saying: "I'm moving!"

After speaking, put the Qingjiang vegetable leaves in the mouth.


The crisp taste bursts out in the mouth!

Afterwards, the moisture in the leaves of the Qingjiang vegetable where was located escaped, carrying the smell of garlic, directly to the taste buds.

The crisp and juicy stems were fully revealed at this moment.

After removing the aroma of garlic, the original taste of Qingjiang cuisine is also outlined.

The two complement each other. Garlic is not overwhelming, nor does Qingjiang cuisine lose its true qualities.

Two more bites, the tenacity of the blade burst out.

Unlike the plump stems, the leaves appear to be much thinner.

But the unique taste contained in it is the most favorite.

Compared to vegetable stems, vegetable leaves are more popular.

At this moment, the fragrance in the blades that was previously locked by the high-temperature oil swept like a storm after being bitten off.

The taste buds that have just experienced the plump vegetable stems are now being moved by the aroma of Qingjiang vegetables.

The little Qingjiang cuisine has set off a storm of taste in Mito's mouth!

The pillar closed his eyes with enjoyment, and then suddenly opened!

"good to eat!"