
All in.

"I'm going all in if it's poker." Gypsy said when he switched from his daggers to a small sword that assembled itself impressively from the hilt in a odd magical aura. "Ex equip " The male said with a taunting smile on his elegantly charming face to which Adilita groaned in response. "Nice sword." She remarked making Calico giggle at the tease considering it was a short sword. "It's not the size. It's how many thrusts." Calico blushed in embarrassment and the guard nodded in agreement before catching himself doing so. The group had actually paused for a moment of breathing as more guards began to wake up in slight moans and groans making Calico blush more yet Gypsy rolled his eyes at his sister. One unconscious guard sat up beside the captain. "What happened? The last thing I remember was that it's my son's birthday party." The guard said while holding his concussion on his head making Calico cast a Heal Minora onto him. His eyes opened wide in utter shock as life returned back to his memory banks as the captain once again nodded appreciatively at the healer. However, only physical wounds healed and judging by the horrified gaze upon Adilita he was reliving the trauma already. "So much stomping. why so much stomping?" The guard muttered to himself whileCross noticed the small nuances in this exchange about this group of rebels but one of those is that Adilita's temper didn't stop as she scored a goal of kicking a now groaning guard into his arms. She'd knocked the wind out of his stomach immediately making Cross gulp at seeing the fury in her eyes. "Can we start? I almost get kidnapped and now we're exchanging peace treaties?"

"What's the rush?" Cross asked with a bead of sweat rolling of his face.

"Oh, I don't know? Here's a good one. I want to get as far away from you meatsacks as I can so I can find my father." Adilita answered.

"Ahh, well true. I want to get home to see my child too. I'm sure your father misses you too." The captain said.

"I'm pretty sure he's dead." Calico answered morbidly.

"Who?" The captain and Adilita asked together in same shock.

"Him". Calico pointed to a guard on the ground only to hear him groan loudly while Adilita and the captain sighed in relief as the shock faded away.

"I thought you meant your father?" Gypsy asked then sigh. "Oooh right. you wouldn't look for a dead guy."

Adilita picked up a few weapons from the guards that looked rather high quality as loot and deposited them in hidden places in her clothes. Once again thanking Queen Eliza for her generosity and her handmaidens. Gypsy, being a thief class looked at Adilita with surprise and proceeded to loot his nearest victims too. "Could you at least pretend that I am a threat?" The Captain complained as he prepared his combat form with a wave of warm up movements. Cross drew one of his guns and chambered a few rounds as well while Calico began preparing her party with a line of buffs that included mystical defense, healing, and speed.

With the cards stacked up on both sides Gypsy pulled out a coin with a smile on his face and his cat folk ears perked on ear in anticipation of the ensuing battle. his spiked catlike hair on his appeared to bristle with absolute delight. Even Adilita's eyes flicked to the left and felt a sliver of his electromagnetic waves hit her sensor. She only then realized it was a threatening aura skill that he was using as she noticed the captain had been provoked by such infective eagerness.

With a small flick of his thumb the coin rolled out as both sides waited for the falling coin to land. It took six point five seconds to hit with the sound of gold hitting stone. With the pin drop sound of the coin rolling and spinning then continued to await as Adilita made her calculations of which side it would land. "Heads she said."

"Tails." Cross said as he clipped the edge of the coin making it spin faster with just a tap of his Colt's bullet fire. Adilita's crouch lowered as her A.I. system continued to recalculating the unpredictable results of the battles. The coin continued to spin as if fate had taken over all possible outcomes. The light sprayed rainbows even as Adilita's eyes increased the frame capture of the calculation. She smiled as the coin began to slow down and because of her emotions and her matrix logging new experiences she learned what impatience was as if her maker had planned the most unpredictable things of life. Only on the last three revolutions did Adilita's winning grin vanish as she realized something very important. The coin itself was about to fall when it froze by nature in a way that neither leaned left nor right. "Since you have a son, the team who captures the coin wins and the loser concedes with killing each other." The Android said then extruded her hidden compartment to withdraw her weapon. She fired as soon as the draw was confirmed that the coin would never fall causing the coin to launch with mathematical precision in the center of both sides.


The chaos began once again with everyone counter striking the coin at once. It began as a match of willpower as Cross fired an array of bullets at Gypsy's feet and one against the hilt of his sword which was countered with a swing causing the bullet to deflect into the coin. Adilita immediately set her gun's power setting to low so as not to damage the coin causing it to be snatched an inch away from the Captain's hands.

The fastest gunman versus the greatest intelligence of the century rapidly fired Lazer and bullets making lead melt midair as they guarded both the coin but also colliding ammunition in Sparks. Rays of scorching steel sparked in the air like rapidly twinkling stars as Lazer and steel met thier match against themselves. The coin flew inches from Gypsy's palm as Adilita's calculated trajectory planned a minimum of fifty shots ahead. It was nearly in his hand only to be snatched as Cross unholstered his second weapon from his hip in a blur so quickly that Adilita's calculations read "Error insufficient data.". The coin once again lifted right out of Gypsy's space with the ripples in the air still stinging his palms. He hissed as the coin launched once again into the center before Adilita's calculations once again began predicting heads or tails but her heart already knew that it was meaningless.

"Kokkoro overdrive." She said as her body filled with energy from her core as the overwhelming love filled every part of her circuits and flooded her code with a code that ripped the energy right of the air around her into the body. Magical aura or electric power once again evolved the shy cuteness into a fully matured battle machine.

"Tie." Gypsy hissed furiously as the coin landed once again on its' side but this time the each cracked, ripped, and chaos roared as everyone unleashed power against each other.

Chaos emerged!

The coin landed on heads and fate took full responsibility over the massive flow of power inside Gypsy as he unleashed his most powerful attack. "Limit breaker." He called to make sure his teammates were aware of of his blind destruction at the point of impact. The Captain's guard however was perfect as he pressed his knees into the earth but the sonic shock ripped through his golem styled armor. Crystals shattered as the energy of the impact reduced his defenses down to nothing yet he stood in-

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