
Kogoro Mouri - Private Eye

"You may see my sleeping form, but you never see the needle that prick me. You may smell my tobacco, but you never smell the missing cat that bit me. You may have seen my show, but I'm no longer a puppet for the MC! Can't you see?... I'm Kogoro Mouri! I'll sleep for myself." *** A man of culture was reborn as Kogoro Mouri. Could he survive the crime-ridden world, and become the best detective in the world? Read to find out! *** Please support me by sharing this fic with your friends, or you can go to my p@treon, ko-fi, or directly to my paypal with the username segalengko69 Thank you!

Sega_Lengko · Cómic
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63 Chs

My First Episode Started As I Expected!

Still at the diner table, Ran hesitantly spoke about another thing stuck in her mind.

"Dad, Mom… I went to Professor Agasa yesterday to ask about Shinichi because I haven't heard from him, and there's this poor little boy named Conan whom Professor Agasa said was left alone by his parents."

Ran fidgeted, feeling unsure of her words, before she made up her mind and continued.

"He also said since he was going to be busy for a while, to take the child to live with us. I was going to bring Conan-kun here yesterday, but then remembered Mom is coming back, so I figured I'd ask first. What do you think?"

Eri only raised one eyebrow at the request, and then she looked at Kogoro for his opinion.

Kogoro coughed lightly, then said "Well, you always wanted a little brother, so I would not mind taking him in. But Ran, are you sure there's nothing wrong with the boy? What if he is just running away from home, and his parents are looking for him right now? "

At that, Ran deflated a little bit. But she persevered because she really felt bad for Conan! Her eyes showed her confidence, and Kogoro knew that he should take a step back if he didn't want to start a shouting match with his daughter.

"Dad, there's no way Professor Agasa would ask us for help if Conan-kun was going to be a trouble for us!"

Kogoro remained silent for a little bit, before he passed the decision to Eri.

"Well, if your Mom doesn't mind, then we could take him in!" He nudged Eri with his elbow, urging her to speak.

"What do you think, Eri?"

Eri looked at the father and daughter pair, feeling helpless. "Well, I wouldn't mind, but keep in mind that you would have to take care of him, Ran! Mom and Dad would be no less busy than Professor Agasa, what with your Dad's new job."

Ran's eyes lit up, her joy was so infectious her parents started smiling too. It took a second for Ran to register her mother's last sentence. A questioning look appeared on her face.

"What job?"

Kogoro smiled, "Well, Dad's been recruited by a talent agency. Now, Kogoro Mouri is not just a Detective. I am also…"

Kogoro stood up from his sitting position, and grabbed the fork left on his plate and used it as a makeshift microphone, before he screamed the rest of the words like a rockstar from the eighties, "...a sing~er!!!"

Ran and even Eri was stupefied by the very strange sight of this silly apron-wearing uncle belting like Axl Lily!

Ran looked at her Mom, "...Is that true?"

Eri coughed, before she adopted a more certain expression than she actually was. "Well, a talent agency indeed contacted your Dad yesterday, and we had already signed a one year deal. He will be starting his training next Monday. Anyway, what about that kid, Conan-kun, was it? When will we get to meet him?"

She abruptly changed the topic, and it didn't go unnoticed by Kogoro. 'Hehe, you can doubt me now, but once you see all the aunties plaza dancing to my song, you'll know I'm the real deal!'

Kogoro looked sleazy with his smile. Seeing him smiling, Eri felt a chill running down the nape of her neck.

"Ah, if Mom and Dad can wait, I'll bring him over now!" Ran grew excited at the prospect of taking care of the boy, and it didn't go unnoticed by Kogoro. 'Haha, as expected of my daughter, her maternal instinct is very high! Truly, only this bro could have a daughter like her!'

Kogoro looked even sleazier with his grin. Seeing him grinning, Ran felt a shudder running through her whole body.

Both women finally could not bear it anymore, and brought their plates to the dishwasher, whispering to one another.

Kogoro was surprised at the abrupt move, and exclaimed while holding out his plate, "Hey! What about mine?"

At that, he just heard a chorus of 'Do it yourself!' from the retreating two.

Kogoro grumbled, downing his last gulp of cool coffee, and proceeded to clean up all the cutlery before he went on with his day.


Ran took a bath first, so she could bring Conan to the house early. Eri took the second, while Kogoro had already taken one before he made breakfast.

Not fifteen minutes after she finished her bath, Ran rushed to the door, shouting "I'll be back with Conan-kun!"

Kogoro just shook his head from the couch, while holding his Maple Phone, looking through the comment on his web novel!

'Let's see. Oh! A new comment from Godly_Primordial-san. Hmmm… as expected, he couldn't accept the incest part. Maybe I need to tone down the smut in the next few chapters? I do want to write more mysteries, but I wonder which case I can use? Maybe from Kindama of Gindaichi? Or Qin Detective School? Wait, weren't they from the same author?'

Kogoro huffed, feeling frustrated. 'If only my life is a web novel, I could check the paragraph comment for advice!'

Kogoro kept scrolling down, and saw a familiar name that made his eyes lit up! He clicked the name and typed a comment, muttering along like an old man. "Dear bro… Draconic_Knight… I hope you like… the last chapter… Thank you… for… your support… and send!"

Draconic_Knight was one of Kogoro's avid supporters. He didn't know where they were from, but he was not a man without principle. He would treat all the people who supported him with respect and love, but not in an inappropriate way!

Truthfully, Kogoro still hadn't made any money from writing online, but he believed that if he kept on writing, people would notice his talent!

Just when Kogoro was about to upload the new chapter to his web novel, his wife called him from the front door. "Dear, Ran is back!"

Kogoro's furrowed brows relaxed, and he smiled like an ugly bastard would when they saw their favorite JK with her nerdy boyfriend; and whispered, "Hello, money bag!"

~To Be Continued~




A/N: Yee haw! I don't know what that phrase means, but I'm using it everyday when I wake up. As usual, you can find the link to my patréon, ko-fi, and paypal below.

Do consider supporting if you like what you read and want to free my time so I can write more! As always, big thanks to my patron Dragon_knight240 and to all the loyal readers of this story. You da reel MVP!


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