
The ride

*Authors note*

I sincerely apologize for the lateness in updating. I have been hooked up in different endeavors. A girl has got to work. lol. So here's a new chapter***


Over the next couple of days Amira perfected her horse riding. Her father had been home for days. When he wasn't training with her, he was writing letters or just sitting under the tree shade nursing his bowl of groomed herbs as prepared by her mother.

Amira looked at her father who seemed more than comfortable to be laying as lazily as he could. She wanted more lessons. "Let's take the horse for a little throttle father!" she screamed at him

He raised his index finger and waved it side to side, signaling his refusal. Amira bounced off the horse and rushed up to him. She shook him and pled. "Just one more lesson father"

"Just once" he said and dragged himself up. They throttled through the coast, traveling everywhere and nowhere but never leaving the boundary. They stopped at intervals to feed the horse and allow it some rest. Amira intertwined her arm with her father's as he took her about showing and teaching her about the world around her. He talked about the trees and the herbs and fruits they produced. The lifeforms in the soil and trees were by far the ugliest of things she had ever seen and she wasted no time in voicing her disgust. "Why's it so ugly father?" she asked

He gave a throaty laugh, the question had been unexpected "Well, I don't know child, does it look appealing enough for you to eat?"

"Nay! Father! Who could eat them?"

He smiled "So you see why it's ugly? It lives longer that way"

"People could still squash it without eating it" she said

"That is true" he admitted in defeat

Then, the came across the earth that was most moist. She took off her shoes and sunk her feet in, she hummed like she had just tasted something divine. "Try it father" she urged him. He hesitated a bit before submitting to her wish. He couldn't help the sigh that escaped his lips the moment his feet came in contact with the cold moist earth. Soon, they were frolicking, body deep, hair soiled and face stained in earth. Their laughter so loud, it could be heard distance away. One would think Amira was her father's consort.

They had spent more time than planned. In a hurry, they mounted the horse and headed back. Their ride back was solemn but not void of laughter and jokes. The stream was in the opposite direction of home, it ruled out their chances of getting a bath first. Mother would be pissed, Amira thought to herself.

They arrived. Zeph secured the horse in its abode and proceeded to taking his daughter in. Eura was pissed, as was expected. The slight furrowing of her brows and the fake smile she plastered on her face gave her away. "Welcome. Quite a while I have waited for you." She sized them up, soaked in dirt, bushy hair, they looked like they had fun. She felt a pang of jealousy course through her but she reigned it in. "You have a guest. He has been waiting for a while. Important matters he said. You should keep him waiting no longer" she said.

"If he has waited this long, a little longer would make no difference. Keep him entertained till I'm cleaned up" he said and rushed to his quarters.

Amira wasted no time in rushing to her quarters, she didn't want to stay a moment longer in her mother's presence.

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