
Kissing the Main protagonist Waifu.

This novel will have R+18 scenes after the basic intro chapter, but they will come, so don't worry and enjoy my novel. He was a reincarnated being who took on the form of the main antagonist from a manga he had read, but he passed away before he could finish it. Even though it would happen at the end of the novel, the supreme villain, who started as the protagonist in a small world and reached the tip due to his hidden family line, would not only have the girl he loved from the bottom of his heart taken away but also be killed in the action. Lin Feng and [Stealing Heaven Waifu] System set out on their journey to the top of the world after Lin Feng saved the main protagonist, Waifu, and devoured them before the main character could. The young reincarnate was thus doomed to death upon learning of his fate, but a system gave life to his dead eyes as he began to enjoy life in this world... That is, if the system did not insist on sending him to the death door with each quest... "What the hell, why do I have to save that brat by putting myself in danger of being attacked by Boulder Rhino?" [Host will be given full treatment along with 20 fate point, please consider it.] "Why in hell did I enter the world of the tempest? That ought to be the fate of the main character." [Host will be given full treatment along with fiery Sun Cauldron hidden along with Solar-Lunar heavenly physics from system.]

LineofAshes_Devils · Fantasía
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50 Chs

Shadow Grimmer.

With a leap into the air, Lin Feng was able to avoid that attack. He then stepped on the thick branch that resembled a rod and kicked the demon monkey's face, sending it a dozen steps back.

However, before it could recover from the effects of being dizzy, Lin Feng's sword attack was already on its neck because he had no time to avoid it.

He attempted to block it with a branch but was still pierced, injuring his other arm and rendering him unable to fight Lin Feng.

Soon after finishing that man, Lin Feng sat down next to the tree and observed the other monsters that were scrambling for cover.

However, since they were only grade 1 monsters at best, he had little interest in going after them. After all, finishing in the top 100 would guarantee their entry into the main competition held by all upper sects, where Lin Feng was only aiming for the top 5 at most.

Therefore, he was not in a hurry and waited for the other participants to finish their tasks before chatting briefly and continuing his exploration of the test venue.

"It is fine now that you guys are done with the point collection."

In addition to thanking Lin Feng for his assistance and bringing all nine pieces of Grade 2 jade recovered from the three Demonic monkeys, the trio that Lin Feng had previously shielded returned.

Lin Feng eventually found the new group of monsters after he had finished speaking with them; they were named after Shadow Grimmer due to their origin ability that causes them to materialize from the shadows.

Lin Feng then carried on with his journey. When fully developed, they have two distinct abilities, and because of their power and speed, they can be extremely dangerous to deal with.

Lin Feng put down the training sword and pulled out the sword he had previously used to slay the Demonic Monkey from aunt Bai's case as a result, this time he did not hold back and released his Qi properly without holding back.

When a Shadow Grimmer, who appeared to be a human dwarf-sized creature, jumped down toward him while clenching his fast to make it into a sharp weapon, its hand was nailed with a claw-like weapon.

In contrast, Lin Feng, who was perched on a small hill 3 to 4 meters above the ground, was struck by something that fell from a nearby tree.

While Lin Feng, who was already prepared for it, threw a pill inside his mouth in the same course as he used his light weight technique and kicked twice on the hillside to climb it very quickly, the attacker's claw injured his legs as he instinctively kicked it.

The speed of Lin Feng, who had just appeared next to it and had slashed toward his neck, which was already being blocked by his clipper nail, really terrified the Shadow Grimmer.

However, the Shadow Grimmer never noticed the sword quality, which not only slashed the clipper but also slashed through his neck in the same motion, killing it.

Although two more grimmer were already jumping at Lin Feng at the same time as he was about to exhaust his momentum, Lin Feng blocked one of the fast piercing attacks with his blade but failed to stop the momentum behind it, which sent him falling down from an 8 to 9 meter height.

Where Lin Feng first used his sword to knock down the momentum by nailing it and kicking the wall, which caused him to jump to the other side of the hill.

However, one of the attackers also followed the same action and path, sneering and slashing at Lin Feng.

"Fuck, you're looking down on me, Huh! Then take this one sneering bastard. " Lin Feng, who has learned the Yin-Yang twist, spun his body in the air as he gave his opponent provocative looks.

This created momentum that the sword used to pierce the enemy's neck and kill it used to carry.

Grimmer had a clear advantage in the middle of the air, where there was no base, because he was moving in the same direction as where he needed to slash.

The momentum was therefore already at his side, but he never imagined Lin Feng would be able to use his body to rotate in such an odd way that not only was his attack parried, but his sword also generated enough momentum to kill with only a small amount of Qi covering the sword tip.

Since his partner had already been killed in such a unique way, Lin Feng pulled out a dagger and stabbed the hill on the other side while kicking the wall to create a dent large enough for stepping.

He looked at his adversary, who was wryly watching him, as he performed this.

However, he was responsible for this night duty, and since he couldn't shout or call for help because of how far away their camp was, he was left with no choice but to engage Lin Feng in combat.

While using that twist in the air, Lin Feng felt that he had grasped something new in that moment about the Ying-Yang twisting method, so he wanted to hurriedly digest it in a quiet area.

So, using the dagger as a step, Lin feng once more employed Flying Light wind and felt his body growing more agile as he stepped on the knife and suddenly materialized right in front of Grimmer, who was unsure of what to do but had never anticipated that his opponent's speed would be this quick.

As a result, the first variation of the 7 Strike Ember style emphasizes unnoticed fire that erupts suddenly and silently to kill an opponent.

His head was already falling down the area and he had a shocked expression on his face when it finally dawned on him that his neck had developed a thin line from which blood was dripping.

Cut into four pieces, the grimmer's head was a jumble, and Lin Feng was just venting because he thought that perhaps because of the grimmer's presence, he might have forgotten some crucial information from his understanding of the Ying-Yang twist.

Which, though it was just a dark cave and nothing else, had just occurred to him.

He hurried back to the quiet location he had previously discovered to process his knowledge.

Even though dawn was approaching and night was already over, the area he was in was clouded over, and mist also began to form, making the entire scene gloomy and dark.

Due to his enhanced senses, Lin Feng was able to see things much more clearly as he moved toward the area that might be home to the camp of those shadow grimmer.

One of the few advantages that most inexperienced cultivators or cultivators without Spiritual sense enviously coveted was already having visibility in this region. Since the Shadow Grimmer were born with blind eyes but strong senses, the area's lack of visibility was ultimately to blame for its lack of safety.

He was caught in their attack yesterday because of their sense-perception ability, which allowed them to detect and see any movement in the immediate vicinity. Although they have Grade 2 strength, they possess a wide range of skills that completely negate any limitations they might have had as a normal, peak Grade 2 threat.

[Name: Lin Feng.]

[Age: 14 year 2 months.]

[Cultivation: 8th Layer of Qi gathering Realm.]

[Karma Point: 34.97 KP/]

[System Shop: Open]

[Skills: 7 Layer Gathering Chant (Perfect Stage); 7-Slash of Ember [type: sword] (Perfect Stage); Flying Light Wind (Advance Stage); True Yang Gathering Chant (Basic Stage); Ying-Yang Twisting Body Refining Art (Volume 1) (First mastery);]

[Item Present: Enlightment CardX 10 + Training Card X10 + Recovery Card X2 +Yin Exploding Pill X 10…]

[Quest: ↴]

[Yang Embodiment]

[All status + 10% increment]

[Qi Recovery Rate + 40% for first time and then + 20% afterward]

// Hello guys, I hope you are starting to enjoy my novel which has not started for a long period of time, but wanting to see how far my ranking is faring off against the other readers, I hope you guys can leave behind an obligatory review behind...

Hoping that you guys like it, I hope to see some nice review and will continue to post 2 chapter at least and above depending upon my work schedule each day and will continue to increase the number of chapters depending upon the Power Stone I will get from those who want to support this novel.//



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