pls don't repost my fic anywhere, if i ever find out you stole my fic idea you'll regret it. thanks :)

Jungkook's luck seemed to have run out. He couldn't believe he injured his leg just before an important game. The game that if he didn't play, he could lose an opportunity for a scholarship and sponsors. He was careless and now he's got nothing to blame but himself. He had to get stitches for it, and the doctor said he needs to let it heal for weeks. But, Jungkook doesn't have the time to wait for that, so he's made up his mind to find his soulmate. Even though the soulmate culture is kinda odd, he's willing to put up with it if that means he would be healed.

His girlfriend would probably hate him for it but they weren't working out like they used to anyway. they were fighting most days now, and he wasn't really sure anymore if he still loves her or he just loves the idea of her.

So, tomorrow he's gonna go to that Jay dope guy who's an acquaintance of his best friend Namjoon. Joon said that his crack dealer looking acquaintance could help Jungkook find his soulmate. Says, he's selling some kind of drink to help someone find their soulmate in a dream. It sounds crackheady already, but Jungkook's lazy and doesn't know how to find his soulmate, so he's willing to try everything easy to find her.


When Jungkook arrived at Jay Dope's shop, albeit he had quite a hard time because of his leg, the first thing he noticed was the weird but sick figurines, the place looked hippy, but it smelled good. He was still waiting for this Jay Dope guy to show though, and he didn't have to wait long as he appeared a few seconds coming from the back room.

"Hi, how may i help you?" The crack dealer looking guy said. "Uhh, my friend said I could buy a soulmate drink here?" Jungkook timidly said. "Oh, you're looking for your soulmate…why? got sick of your girlfriend already?" Wtf. How did this guy even know he had a girlfriend? he's such a creep.

"Um, how did you even know I had a girlfriend?" he asked, Jay dope just ignored his question. "I'm just gonna get it at the back, cos I keep it cool yk? in the fridge," the weird guy said. He appeared a few seconds after. "That will be one happy memory please." Jay dope says as he hands jungkook the drink. "Huh?" Jungkook asked. "You need to give me one of your happy memories, that's the price I'm asking for the drink." He said. Was he being serious right now? lmao, well if that's really the payment he wants for the drink then so be it. "Uh, don't you know it already? you seemed to know i have a girlfriend so-" Jungkook implied. "Well yes, but I need you to tell me and grant me permission to take it." the guy said. "Oh, okay." Jungkook agrees and tells the weird seller about that time when he got the scar on his left cheek, but he was still happy 'cause he got to beat his older brother and won their bet. The winner would get to play on the computer all week.

Jungkook left the shop feeling a little disoriented, it seemed like he felt sad for some reason he didn't know why? whatever, once he finds his soulmate, he's sure he'll be happy again. During the night, Jungkook took the drink out of his bag. He was gonna try and see if it was really effective, the can was color blue. And there were words written on it. They were: Good night, have a good dream. A dream is a wish your heart makes, whenever you're fast asleep. You'll find your soulmate, they will be the first person you'll see.

What kind of crack is that? isn't the 2nd line some lyrics from a disney song. fck, that drink better be real and effective though, because Jungkook's head hurt after leaving that shop. He drank it and fell asleep soon after. And then he was dreaming, He was in their university, Having a class. But there was no one else, well except now. A girl just came in, she was kinda cute. Shit, is this what the drink's talking about? Is she his soulmate? he went up to her and looked at her closely. he could see her face clearer now. Doe eyes and plump lips. Long lashes. A cute big nose just like his. But she doesn't seem to notice him? he was quite frustrated. The classroom they were on was the room Jungkook used for his psychology class, so does it mean that they shared the same class too?

Well Jungkook was gonna find out soon anyway, tomorrow he'll find you. Before the dream ended, you seem to have dropped your ID in the classroom and Jungkook saw your name. Y/N. great! if this isn't some weird hallucination it'll be easier to find you now.


"Hyung, I hope this really works because I can't wait to be able to walk properly again. I hate these crutches." Jungkook whined.

"Well, did you find her? did the drink work I mean," Namjoon asked, looking at his friend with concerned eyes. "Yes, I think it did. I saw a girl, her pretty features were so clear. her name's Y/N and i think we share the same psychology class."

"Wow. That shit hoseok gave you must've been some really expensive crack huh?" His bestfriend teased. "Hoseok? that's Jay dope's real name? whatever hyung, you were the one who recommended the guy to me in the 1st place. He seems legit though, even if he's such a creep." Jungkook retorted. "Anyway, I need to find y/n and if I'm correct she will be in our psychology class now. So, I'll be going bye." Jungkook said as he hopped away from his friend.

When he entered the classroom, the first thing his eyes focuses on is finding you. But maybe he was too early because you weren't there yet. He was almost worried you were absent when he noticed your form entering the class, you took a seat in the middle and Jungkook decided he had to talk to you now. Seeing as the seat beside you was still empty, he went and sat next to you.

"Oh, i forgot to put some stuff there but my friend is coming, can you maybe transfer?" You said kindly to him, but immediately regretted it when you saw his injured leg. You just noticed it right now. "Um… It's kind of hard for me to stand up right now, my leg's kinda throbbing. Can I just sit next to you please?" Jungkook half lied, it was kinda true anyway his leg was being a pain in his dumb ass. "Oh, okay. I guess my friend can just sit at the back." you meekly replied. "Y/N. your name's y/n right?" He knows you? this popular jock knows you? "Yes, but how do you know me?" "I know you because I think you're my soulmate." He replied, shocking you. He must be joking right? how could you two be soulmates you both were so different? He was hot and you weren't really that hot.

"Are you pranking me or something? cause I don't have time for your jokes right now, mr.soccer player." You retorted. "I'm not y/n, you need to believe me. I drank a soulmate finding drink and I dreamt about you. And I didn't even know you, I didn't even realize we shared the same class until today." Well, at least he looked sincere when he confessed that to you. "Well, why did you want to find me anyway?" You asked. "Because I kinda wanna ask you for a favor. It's about my leg…"

Is he gonna say what you think he's gonna say, because you feel uncomfortable already. "Can you kiss me to heal me? I really need your help baby. I can't afford to miss the game, my scholarship (and sponsors- but he didn't say it) is on the line, my life depends on it. Please y/n…?" He pleaded. damn, you hate those big beautiful doe eyes- they were staring right through your soul. It didn't help that he was so close to you now, you could smell his sweet scent, and you can't deny how handsomer he is up close.

"Don't call me baby, cause I'm not your baby." You said though the pet name made your heart skip a little. "And don't you have a girlfriend? what is she gonna feel when she finds out your kissing other girls? Also, I don't even know you and I sure as hell won't kiss a stranger. What if you just want to get in my pants? What if you're a horny fck boy?" You said to him. "You say you don't know me, but you knew I had a girlfriend? how did you know that then? were you interested in me?" He says and you're completely caught off guard.

"As if. My friend told me, she likes to gossip about people." you replied. "Well, Why don't we get to know each other? Hi, my name's Jeon Jungkook and I'm a soccer player. My girlfriend and I are having a rough time right now, but that doesn't mean I'm a fckboy looking for chicks to pick up." He says smiling stupidly at you. You already hate his smile.

"Hello, Jungkook. I'm y/n and I actually don't fucking care. I'm sure you can wait a few weeks for your leg to heal, because I sure as hell won't be kissing you." You snapped at him. "Wtf. C'mon y/n don't you have a heart? I could lose a scholarship opportunity here, If you help me, promise I'll help you back when you're sick. Namjoon even said that a soulmate's kiss doesn't only have amazing healing properties, but also luck." He begged. Luck? well if that means winning the lottery, you could use some of that. You were broke too. anyway wasn't he rich? why did he need a scholarship then?

"I need the scholarship cause my parents won't pay for my tuition anymore. They didn't like that I played soccer. They said I should've focused more on my education. But, I wanna play it's my dream you know?" He said sadly, he looked so cute with a pout on his handsome face. And you were starting to get him. You wanna follow your dreams too, If you had one- because right now you didn't even know what's going on with your life.

"If I agree to help you, What about your girlfriend? Wait- why can't we take a blood transfusion instead? I heard it has the same healing effect." You suggested. "B-Blood transfusion? Idk, that seems more exhausting to me. What if you're not healthy enough for a blood transfusion? And It would take up quite a lot of blood too. Doesn't kissing seem a better option? I won't owe you more?" He persuaded.

"I'm not really that comfortable with kissing you while you have a girlfriend, Jungkook. And maybe even if you didn't have one too." You confessed honestly. "I don't wanna take advantage on you too, Y/N. But, I'm kinda afraid of needles and blood…" Oh. So that's why he doesn't wanna do a blood transfusion.

"Well, what are we gonna do? I wanna help you but idk if I can." You sighed. "You're really gonna help me now? that's so great y/n! I could kiss you- oh. lol." he squealed.

"You should just kiss him, you lucky whore." A voice familiar to you said, it was from behind you. "Wtf Charlie? why are you eavesdropping on a personal conversation?" You glared at her. "Well, you two weren't really being quiet about it, the whole class could hear you if they wanted too. Also, I'm just proving a point. Why don't you just kiss mr. handsome here? It's a win-win situation. He gets healed, and you both get your luck. Why are you hesitating so much anyway? You like kissing. Scratch that- you get off to it, it's kinda your kink. Maybe because you've never been k-" You Interrupted her before she could say something even worse.

"Charlie you need to shut the fck up, before I fcking lose it and murder you right now." You warned your friend looking at her right in the eye, You were annoyed at her talkativeness. "You have a kiss kink?" Jungkook's cute dumb ass asked, you felt really embarrassed now. "No, I don't. She's just lying cause she wants me to make out with you and tell her the details after." You lied, well half lied cause Charlie would probably want you to tell her the details after smooching with someone hot.

"I am not lying. Believe me soccer player, she'd die to kiss someone hot like you." Charlie then winked at your hot soulmate. "That's it. I'm sure you don't mind if I tell yoongi you have a crush on him right now, I'm really gonna get up and talk to him now-" You stand up, moving as if to go to min yoongi's whereabouts which you actually didn't know. All you know was that he was a music major and he seemed cold to people in a hot kinda way, or more like hot for your friend kinda way.

"No! y/n wait please I'm so sorry! you're a virgin and you're lesbian. Sorry kook, I was lying." She screamed. You sat back down, "Yeah, you better shut that mouth if you don't want yoongi to know." You smirked evilly at your friend. She just nodded submissively. "Um, y/n about us kissing? I could just tell my girlfriend and if she allows me, will you do it?" Jungkook said, you almost forgot about him. "Fine, but let me think about it for a bit too. (it'll be my first kiss you know, she said in her head) If I do it, you're really gonna owe me big time. And I'm not joking when I say I want a lifetime supply of Banana sundaes. At my fave icecream shop okay?"

"Sure. I'm a fan of sweet things too you know?" He said, you just smiled at him. We must really be soulmates then. The bell rang just then, your professor was absent but she left some activity for you guys to do, so that's why you were able to converse freely and for a long time.


To Babe 💓: 7:30

baby, can we talk?

To Jungkook 💟: 7:35

baby idk im kinda busy and going thru a lot right now maybe later?

To Babe 💓: 7:36

but baby it's important, it's about my injured leg.

To Jungkook 💟: 7:37

omg baby i forgot u were hurt. are you feeling better now? I wish i could kiss it better but I'm just too busy.

To Babe 💓: 7:38

I'm not. that's why I'm asking you something that can help to make it better.

To Jungkook 💟: 7:39

Well what is it love?

To Babe 💓: 7:40

I found my soulmate… and you do know that I have to kiss her to heal me right? So I'm asking if you're okay with it, it's for my scholarship babe and sponsors I really need them.

To Jungkook 💟: 7:42

Wow. Why didn't you tell me right away then? Fine, I'm letting you fool around with her just one time. And on one condition.

To Babe 💓: 7:43

You're always busy that's why i couldn't tell you. And it's not fooling around I'm just gonna kiss her a bit, you know how magical but crazy the soulmate bond works. What's your condition though?

To Jungkook 💟: 7:45

Don't ever fall in love with her.

To Babe 💓: 7:46

Of course, that's not gonna happen.

To Jungkook 💟: 7:47

Well you better make sure it doesn't. i gtg. love u tho 💋

To Babe 💓: 7:48

bye love u 2 ♥️

Well now that my girlfriend's agreed, I gotta let y/n know so we could get on with it right away. I wanna be able to join our practices again and prepare for the game, it's in 2 weeks. I still need to convince y/n more though, maybe I could ask her to eat icecream with me at her favourite place? yes, mayhaps that would work. I'm gonna text her since we had exchanged numbers before going home after that class the other day.

Jungkook: 8:15 pm

Y/N, guess what? she agreed. she's okay with us kissing to heal me.

Y/N: 8:17

wow…that's cool, i guess…so we're really doing it then?

Jungkook: 8:18

of course! i mean u want to right? I was gonna ask you to eat with me at your favorite ice cream shop. You can order everything you like. u can bring charlie too if u want.

Y/N: 8:19

Wow kook, that'd be awesome. Idk if i'll bring her tho, she has the tendency to babble a lot 😪

Jungkook: 8:20

So u're going? yey. let's meet up tomorrow. I can't wait to kiss you. I mean- to heal my leg! hehe

Y/N: 8:21

oh okay hehe. sure let's meet up at noon and discuss when to do it ughhhh.

Jungkook: 8:22

well see u tom! kooknyt

Y/N: 8:23

kooknyt too i guess shsh rest ur foot well!

Jungkook: 8:24

thanks! i will

it's funny but you couldn't help that you kinda cared about your soulmate, he was cute and kind. And you did really want his leg to get better. You're just anxious that you have to kiss him to do it. And you will have to get over it soon, because you need to help him. Hopefully things will turn out fine, and after this, your life will be the same old boring shit that it was- just like before.

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