
Kings Game (18+)

Travis is pulled into the ranks of nobility during a trying time, will he manage to survive the harsh circumstances that await him? Find out here! Disclaimer! This is an 18+ work! Do not read this unless you are 18 or older! Furthermore, this book touches on themes of sex, rape, abuse, and other such topics, if you want nothing to do with that, DO NOT READ! Thank you for your time.

Inker · Fantasía
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: Results

Travis woke up at the crack of dawn. He slowly sat up and put his legs off the bed as he rubbed his eyes. As his mind began to clear, a butler entered his room holding a stack of folded clothes. "Already used to my schedule?" Travis asked jokingly.

"Indeed." The butler said as he approached Travis. "I recommend getting dressed as soon as possible." He said as he placed the clothes on the nightstand. Travis nodded as the butler turned around and exited the room.

Travis got dressed in the outfit that he considered unusual, then began to wake himself up a bit more. 'Everything that happened yesterday really happened, huh?' He pondered to himself as he looked to his nightstand where an iron plate had been placed. 'That's my status?' He asked himself.

Travis picked up the iron tablet and took a look at its contents. It is laid out in quadrants, with each corner referring to one specific portion of his status. In the top left are his attributes, simple things like strength and intelligence.

In the top right are his magical affinities, the bottom left is his talents, and the bottom right is gifts from the gods.


Intelligence: 2

Wisdom: 3

Charisma: 4

Strength: 2

Vitality: 4

Constitution: 5

Endurance: 3

Dexterity: 2

Agility: 3

Luck: 9

(The average for every stat is 2. Nobles typically have 3 or more intelligence.)

Magical Affinity:

Wind: 19%

Fire: 23%

Earth: 49%

Water: 26%

Arcane: 100%

Summoning: 45%

Space: 46 6f 72 74 79 2d 4e 69 6e 65%/%-%/%

Gravity: 67%

Light: 88%

Dark: 100%

(Magical affinity is how easy or difficult it will be to learn a type of magic. It will also tell you how advanced you can get in that type of magic. The percentage represents this value. With 0% you cannot learn it, and with 100% you can easily learn it and perhaps even make drastic breakthroughs in magical research with ease.)


Magic: +3

Farming: +1

Etiquette: +1

Swordsmanship: +1

Bowmanship: -4

Roguery: + 2 (Rogue skills)

Courtship: -1

Craftsmanship: +2

Art: -1

Music: -3

Manipulation: +3

Knife/Needle throwing: -1

Spearmanship: +1

<See more?>

(Average is zero, above average is one, gifted is two, genius is three, super-genius is four, and prodigy is five. The opposite is true for negatives. The see more is a literal button on the tablet, I put it there as he has a number of things with pluses and negatives.)


Blessing of War:

Blessing of Magic:

Blessing of Creation:

Blessing of Secrets:

Blessing of Crafts:

Blessing of Merchants:

Blessing of The Queen of The Gods:

Unique Magic; Creation:

Unique Magic; Contracts:

Unique Magic; Inspire:

Unique Magic; Tame:

Unique Bonus; Mana Increase:

Unique Bonus; Loved by the Gods:

Unique Title; Magic Touched:

Unique Title; Child of Petra:

Unique title; Mind of Labrynthis:

Unique Title; Norwell:

Common Title; Farmer:

Common Title; First born:

Rare Title; Durable:

'That's a lot of information...' Travis thought as he scanned the tablet. 'Quite the luck...' He thought as he continued. 'Why is space just a random collection of numbers and letters? That's... Strange... Not only that but not even one zero... Something isn't right with this.' He continued reading.

'What is up with my talents? Magic is quite high... Oh, well, that sours my mood... Good thing I didn't want to learn how to use a bow... And my art isn't exactly good either... Well, fuck my chance at learning any music ever...' Travis ignored the 'see more' button and continued.

'Isn't this a bit much? So many blessings and unique items...' He thought as his eyes scanned more text. 'What. The. Fuck.' He thought as he read the words, 'loved by the gods'. 'That's not all... I also have unique magics... I should probably keep most of this a secret... Also, why do I have a title that shows me to be the son of my mother? That's just weird...' He thought.

After a few hours, he was taken to breakfast. "So, have you read it?" Shaun asked.

"Yeah." Travis said. "Where would you like me to begin?" He asked as he pulled the iron tablet up from his lap.

"Begin from the left, go right, and work your way down." Shaun responded.

"Okay..." Travis said as he readied himself to read. "My highest attribute is luck, which is nine." Travis said as he looked at the group of people who are eating. Overtaken by shock, everyone at the table coughed and nearly choked in surprise.

"Nine!?" Harry asked. Travis nodded, unsure if that was a lot. Shaun cleared his throat.

"The average amount for every attribute is two, the fact that you have nine is astonishing. Tell me, what is your second highest?" Shaun asked.

"Uhm... Constitution at five, then Charisma and vitality at four, everything else is two or three." Travis said. After a few moments of silence, Harry looked at Travis.

"Do you... No, of course, you do not..." Harry said with a sigh.

"Essentially, you have four attributes which at the very least double the average, and several others which are at least above average, do you not realize how astounding that is?" Shaun asked. After a few moments of thinking, Travis opened his mouth.

"Now that I think about it, shopkeeps are a lot more willing to barter with me than anyone else I've met... Also, the number of times I have found loose silvers and dodged your son's swords... Huh... Never really thought too deeply about it..." Travis said. Shaun and Harry sighed.

"Okay, what's next?" Shaun asked.

"Oh, okay, my magical affinities." Travis said. Shaun, Harry, and Mrs, Gallavan began to pay noticeably more attention once the word magical was said. "My lowest is 19%, and that is in wind. Oh, and don't worry, I know this one is unusual." Travis said.

"Well, at least you know that much... Even among us nobles, the number of people who do not have even one zero is quite low." Harry said.

"That is correct. Usually, nobles would have one or two zeros, followed by one or two percentages that are lower than thirty, and the rest would be thirty or above, if they were lucky, they may even have one or two that are above eighty." Shaun explained. Travis twitched.

"Maybe I should skip this one, I think I may give you a heart attack..." Travis said awkwardly.

"No, tell me your highest." Shaun said. After a few moments of silence, Travis sighed,

"I have two one hundred percents." He said. These words were followed by a frozen scene of silence. It seemed as if time had stopped and Travis was just an observer. After a few moments, Travis put down the tablet, stood up and walked over to Harry and Shaun.

He waved his hands in front of their eyes, attempting to get their attention, but he failed. He decided to return to his seat and wait with the tablet in hand. After another few seconds, Harry and Shaun went into a position that seemed to signify deep contemplation.

It took around a minute before Shaun began asking questions again. "Are you sure?" He asked.

"Yeah." Travis said simply.

"You can imagine that this is hard to believe, yes?" Harry asked. Travis nodded.

"There is a reason as to why I said I didn't want to tell you." Travis said.

"I see that now... Nevertheless, please, continue, tell us what they are." Shaun said.

"Arcane and dark, I also have an eighty-eight percent in light." Travis said. Mrs. Gallavan cleared her throat.

"To start with, the dark and arcane elements are rare, hard to comprehend, and even those who have had arcane in history have only had, at most, sixty-seven percent. Furthermore, to have Dark magic at such a high percentage as well as Light is rare in and of itself since they are polar opposites." She explained.

"That... I didn't know..." Travis said. 'So, why am I this lucky? Oh yeah, my luck stat..." Travis thought.

"That's enough information from that segment for now, let's move onto something a little less surprising... Hopefully..." Shaun said as he sat back in his seat.

"I have two plus threes in the main section, they are in magic and manipulation. I have negative three to music, and a negative four to bowmanship, I have a plus one in swordsmanship, etiquette, and spearmanship, and I have a negative one to courtship." Travis labeled the ones that caught his eye first.

"It's unfortunate your musical talent is so low; the swordsmanship should be useful, though it is counteracted by the lack of bow talent... You will certainly have difficulties hunting at the very least." Shaun thought aloud. "You will certainly do well in magic classes though." He finished with a few extra sentences.

"So... That was probably the most normal section... Do you want all of the 'gifts' or just the most normal ones?" Travis asked. After Travis had spoken, you could visually tell that Shaun's mind had stopped working for a moment.

'The very fact that he can tell that something in that list is abnormal means it is something of a scale that may even be frightening...' Shaun thought. "Servants, leave." Shaun said. Quickly, the servants left the room. "Tell me all of them, if I say it doesn't leave this room, it does not leave this room, understood?" Shaun asked with a strict tone. Everyone nodded.

"I was originally unsure as to whether or not to tell anyone these, but whatever, the time for not sharing has passed." Travis said as he looked at the tablet and got ready to read the first one. "I have many blessings, The blessings of war, magic, creation, secrets, crafts, merchants, and the queen of the gods." Travis listed each of the blessings.

"That is... A lot... Most people only get one or two..." Harry said.

"That's the second most normal part..." Travis said.

"Heh?" Harry made a surprised expression.

"Next are the..." Travis paused, unsure as to whether or not to tell them.

"Continue." Shaun said. Travis hesitated, then continued.

"Okay, well, here goes... Unique Magic Creation, Contracts, Inspire, and Tame; Unique Bonuses Mana Increase and Loved by the Gods; Unique Titles Magic Touched, Child of Petra, Mind of Labrynthis, and Norwell. And that does it for unique items." Travis listed.

"Travis." Shaun said, drawing Travis's attention. "Choose two blessings that you are allowed to tell others. As for the unique items, do not tell anyone. What else do you have?" He asked.

"Okay. I have two common titles and one rare title." Travis responded.

"Those should be fine to tell others. What blessings will you choose?" Shaun asked.

"Magic and secrets. It makes the most sense to me." Travis said.

"Alright, do not tell anybody of any other blessings." Shaun said. Travis nodded.

"That is indeed my plan." He said mildly sarcastically.