

The sweet air wrapped around the king like a heavy coat of chain mail as he descended the staircase to the throne room with a sword by his side...., his presence prompted everyone to stand up, they salute before he motioned them to sit back down....

He majestically sat on the prestigious throne of Saruza kingdom, adjust his royal attire before raising his gaze to the two seers he had summoned from the neighbouring villages.....

His eyes flickered to his wife who was sitting a few pace at his right hand side, then his daughter, Maria, sited at his left hand side...., a cruel smile circle his lips before he opened his mouth to talk....

"So what have the gods planned for my future....?"King Zaran asked...

The seers look at each other each wondering who to talk first....

"I asked a question..."King Zaran growled...

One of the seer lean forward, he crunched down, took out his materials and began to muffle incantations..., a strange cold overwhelmed him and he quickly opened his eyes and turn to face the king.....

"What did the gods say....?"King Zaran asked immediately...

The seer's lip quivered as his mouth got scared to speak what was revealed to him...

"Tell me.."King Zaran snarled angrily...

The seer stood up and look at the other seer..,fear licking his spines.....

"I believe you're not deaf, tell me what the gods said about my future..."

Drowned in his own terror, the seer opened his mouth to talk but came out of his mouth was riddled in tremors.....

"Guards..."King Zaran growled...

"The....."The seer stammered as the guards began to approach him with a stick....

"Are you ready to tell me what the gods revealed...?"The king queried

The seer nodded sharply..., he glance at the other seer, then at the king's family before finally falling his gaze on the king again....

"I..."The seer stuttered.."The gods...

"The gods what...?"King Zaran interjects furiously..."Do you need help forcing the words out of your mouth...speak you fool..."

The seer swallowed, his stomach rumbling with terror at the revelation....

"The gods..."He mutter...."The gods said you'll die...."

For a moment, king Zaran sat glaring at him, the words ringing over and over in his head.., then a tiny sneer sting the corners of his mouth and what followed was a distorted annoying laughter from him...

The laughter quickly cease making frown lines revisit his face... , when he stood up, the seer flinch and took a step back...

"Is that what the gods revealed...?"King Zaran growled without an atom of softness in his voice....

Heart beating irregularly, the seer nodded before saying the words out...."I saw you, coughing blood, then you died...."

The king glowered at him before a devilish sneer creep into the corners of his mouth...."And did the gods say when and where I'll die....?"

"That I do not know great king..."The seer said,voice a bit shaken from fear..."But the gods never lie..."

"The gods never lie.."The king reiterated angrily...., with eyes smouldering with anger, he took out the sword....

The seer'd heart raced with tremendous speed when the sharp edges of the sword glided at his vision....

"Do you know how I got this sword...?"King Zaran asked walking to the seer who keep stepping backward as he approach...

"I..,I..."He stammered as he stare at the sword..

"It was given to me by lord Lakuyada of Zulugua himself...."The king said..."With this sword, he slayed his enemies....."

The seer nearly collaspe from the foreboding terror tearing him from the inside....

"And with this sword..."The king continue...."He became the new god of the other world after the defeat of ogini....."

"Your majesty..."The seer said shapily...."Those were the words of the gods, not my words...."

"Tell the gods they are fools..."The king retorted.....

"Forgive me your majesty..."The seer lamented and fell to his knees...."For I speak not my words but what was revealed by the gods...."

"You're right...."King Zaran said turning around...."You speak not your words but the words of the gods..., which is why, I will send you to relay my message to them....."

"Your majesty...I...

Great anger overwhelming him, Kjng Zaran quickly turn around and cut off the seer's head, the sudden movement splashing the seer's blood on his face and the walls of the palace...

Everyone present got struck with fear as they watch the seer's head fall from his neck....

"Tell the gods, they cannot decide my fate...."King Zaran added furiously before turning to face the other seer....

Hands shaking, the other seer quickly threw his items down and began his incantation, after just a second, he looked back at the king...

"What did the gods say about my future...?"The king asked...

Heart pulsating, the other seer look at the detached head of the first seer before he glance back to face the king....

"Great king..."He said bowing at his feet..."The gods has blessed you..., they rejoice in your glory, they've given you eternal life and they've made you the greatest king that will walk the surface of this earth....These are the words of the gods great king...may you reign forever..."

King Zaran laughed, before retreating to sit on his throne....

"Reward him..."He said to his guards...."Invite everyone, let's bash in wine, food and music, because it has been revealed that I, king Zaran the 2nd, will live and reign forever...."

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