
[S1] Chapter 1 : Surprise for me

(This section must be the europe map but there is no photo feature here)

Berlin, Deutchland 7 June 1813


Sword ringing over and over again when it's meet at each other. In the middle of the field and under the burning sun, sweat has dominate me.

"Haa!" Shout my partner when giving thrust, but i dodge to the right and bash his wrist with my left hand. And the sword on his arm flying. "Akh.. alright, you're too tought for a man like me, Vincent." Says my partner while holding his bruised wrist.

I do chuckle before answer him. "Everyone need to improve right?" I said to Gali, one of my childhood friends till i got 14 this day.

Suddenly, someone is clapping. "You're really fast to improve Vincent. Sorry but the King and Queen themselves wait for you in castle." Says Sir. William Wallace, the Deutchland Knight and my sword trainer, or at least.. i called him like that because sometimes i just force him to teach me, when he was teaching the troops.

"Alright, i am coming." I reply, then following Sir. William with Gali in my side.

The dazzling doors of Wallacia Castle opened by the Royal Guards for let us in. Inside, i found a dozens of people has gathering for the feast, from merchants that have good relationship with the Royal Family, Knights, and the Noble family from several Domain/Kingdoms of Germania that unified the Deutchland (Germany).

"You're late, Vincent. Like always." Says Wilhelm Walch, King of Deutchland and yes... Also my Father.

"At least he's not coming after the main event, considering that the event was about him." Reply Vivian Walch, Queen of the Deutchland and ofcourse my Mother.

"And at least i am not late for the feast." I am joking while sits beside my Father.

The invited guest talk to each other, and one of them is Gali with his Father. After some minutes, the servants coming with hundreads of food. The Noble and Royal Family got their food lastly, for giving respect to all of invited guest.

"Vincent, i remember something." Says my Father when the foods coming, and make me postpone the feast and talk to him. "You're 14 now, and just ten more years untill you rule over the Deutchland. And remember what i said about John Locke." Continue my Father, then he eat his food even before i can reply him.

I am starring at my plate, while remember about that person. After some minutes of thinking, i get back to the world. I then want to eat the foods, but my Father just bash my hand that hold the spoon.

"Kfft..." My Father can only coughing, and at the same time he pointed to the Merchants, Knights and some Nobles that is in the middle of the pain on their throat. They all holding their throat and struggling to breath.

"Wha.. what is happening." I can't even understand what is going on.

Suddenly the Castle doors swing open and reveal four Guards without flag or not even royal crest, goes in. Some of the Merchants think they're the Royal Guards, and ask for help to them, but they just ignored. Then the real Royal Guards has come to fight them.

I tried to unleash my sword from the scabbard, but then realized that my sword is in the training field. Meantime, i found my Father has Gladius on his waist, but he really need to breath. "Sorry." I said while grab the Gladius and walk to the invaders.

I am in the frontline with the other guards, and have the same amount. I and the Royal Guards are a finest warrior, but they're more thoughter than i think they was. They have kill two of us but no one from them, and left me and one Royal Guards.

"Run!" Says him while trying to brace the invaders, for protecting me.

Without thinking, i am running to the back of dinning table while holding scars on my right upper arm. When i was running, i found two Nobles that still has no effect from the poison or something like that.

"Hey, we need t-" I can't complete my words, because he just pushing me roughly and made me fall and drop my Gladius.

That nobles kneeling and instead of say something, he just lock his eyes to mine. With sudden, the other Nobles behind him has got shot by a bow, and he is looking to the dead bodies. I uses this chance to hit him and running to where the arrow come from.

Without knowing, i met Sir. William with one swordsman and two archers.

"What is happening here Sir. William?" I breath heavily while starring at the entire mess. The invaders from the front doors is walk toward us, and i see others from one of the corridors.

"I Dont know.. but the thing is.. they are still invaders. Follow me everyone!" He says as he lead me and other guards through the corridor.

The corridor we walked is connected to the one of Wallacia's Gardens, but then the invaders has waiting for us in the front of the doors. I turn around and found the same things. We are surrounded.

Think really quick, Sir. William break one of the castle glass. "Jump! The pain is not big as death."

I follow his orders to jump, then sliding through the castle roof before land roughly on the roads. I got no real injuries except some of bruises.

After that, Sir. William coming with the same method while the others fighting behind. The second after he lands, he running and i following close. We running through the marketplace of Berlin, and for sometimes we accidently hit some civilians. Even with the busy of Berlin, the civilians realize the things. Like why did the Prince running with fearful face.

Not far from castle, we meet another Guards without flags, but now with their horse. They're dismounting for fighting against us.

"Get behind me Vincent!" Shout Sir. William because i have no more swords. Or.. just look like have no swords.

I always put two hidden blade in my lower arms, that have no vision if looked from outside. I cast the blades and help Sir. William because the situation can be more difficult.

Sir. William get surprised when he sees me in the fight scene, meanwhile the guards also surprised with my hidden blade that basically just owned by Templar member. I have no more afraid to fight at close range, because my blade is really fast and very light.

Block and counter attack happen for at least a minute, untill i thrust the guards right to the heart. Meanwhile, Sir. William wipe his cheek that has decorated by fresh blood.

"Finally you use the gift from Queen Anne two years ago for killing bad guys." He says with little joke. And without knowing, we got followed by other invaders behind. "Mount that horse and show them your skill of horse riding."

I mount a white horse, and Sir. William got the gray ones, and we are riding to outside of Berlin side by side.

I follow Sir. William without asking where we gonna go, because we actually have gone really far from Berlin.

Afternoon change to Noon right before dusk coming. Finally, Sir. William loose his velocity, and ride the horse slowly.

I speed my horse up little bit till i got to his side. "Rostock?" I asking while enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Rostock. I never goes this far, but i know this is Rostock, one of Deutchland city that has quite big role for economy, especially for wheat export.

"It is. I have little family here, and you also need to hide for some years." He answered while exploring the city with mid-high crowd civilian with their own activity.

I think for some second about this long term decision. "How long?" I just barely understand what was happening.

"Quite long to make you understand how diplomacy works, and knowing blades more deeply. I can't lie about this all, and you has saw everything with your own eyes." He says with the intention of the death King and Queen. "The Noble was... Indirectly claim your thrones, knowing that there's no others Royal Family, and even if you still alive, they are going to made fake news about your death."

"Why we d... What if.. we just attack them? We got plenty of good warriors, right?"

"Too late. They're attack and dismantle us from inside. Tomorrow like it or not, the Noble that still alive is going to rule over Deutchland, and we can't just go against him/her without preparation. And like i said, you need a training before that moment comes. And also, you're too young for the crown."

I just nod and claim the reality that has actually happened. My Father and Mother has died. Some of the innocent Nobles dies. Same things happen to Merchants. But i dont know what happened to Gali and his Father yet.

"Here." Says Sir. William while stopping the horse in the front of a medium sized house, that has river flow beside it.

I dismount the horse and tied her to one of the fences. Then follow Sir. William to the front doors.

He knocks the doors for several times, untill a woman in the same age with Sir. William coming. "A... My Prince, son of the King and Queen." She says while trying to kneel, but i stopped her.

"I am not person like that. Also.. call me by name. " I said.

"Sorry my Pr- i mean Vincent." She says with surprised face because my behavior. "So e.. i see my husband bring you here, what is happening?"

"So honey, the King and Queen has killed in action. There is an ambush." Says Sir. William that made his wife shocked for the second time, but this time she was crying and hugging his husband.

I am not confuse why she cried. I know she's going to feel that way, because his husband has serve the Thrones for at least 30 years ago, right when the civil wars happened.

After that, we are going inside while recounting what was happened in Berlin. Then, the dusk comes and all of us is going to sleep in our own room. When i got to my room i can't stop thinking about how long i need to hiding. But... if this is for my country, then, i am gonna do it.

P.s for Englishman/Englishwoman : i am not that good at grammatical and even with English language lol. If there is some kind of mistake on writing, then let me know.

P.s for Indonesian (my homeland) : bukan mau sombong ya.-. tapi demi pasar. Yang ver. Indo bakal di update kalo ada yang minta.

Thanks :3

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