
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · Fantasía
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33 Chs

The Blood Woman

Gaia's equipment is ready with a bottle of water and three pairs of clothes that he would use as a replacement during his journey.

The first thing that immediately entered his mind was to return to Varys Desi. The place where the Taurus Zodiac comes from. He hopes that when he gets back to their Desi, maybe he can find a way to restore his neck tattoo and regain his strength permanently.

When he came out of his room, he was met by a Taurus who was ordered by Lord Egon to investigate the chaos that happened on Velos Desi.

Even though Gaia no longer has all his strength with him, His fellow Taurus still thinks highly of him and still shows him respect. He asked him where he was planning to go, but he could not say that he was leaving the border of VEA or where his destination would be.

Because of Gaia's silence, The Taurus in front of him didn't bother to ask any more questions, and he was intimidated just by the presence of Gaia himself. He just introduced himself as Amon. Lord Egon's right hand, and he also said that he looked up to Gaia for being the High Guardian, and one day he wanted to be like him.

Gaia was impressed by Amon's ambition, and he just gave him a piece of advice. He said that no matter what happens or what the royalties ask him to do, he must know for himself how to balance the right work with the wrong because later on, he will regret every move that will make in the future.

He also said that Amon should never take away from his character of being a Taurus to be observant and should always think in the right direction.

Amon was even more impressed with Gaia because of what he heard that he said in front of him. he bowed in front of Gaia, and Gaia immediately left for his destination Varys Desi.


On the other side, where Sirius is, he is currently looking for a way to approach the glowing object that is on the floor inside Velos Desi.

he couldn't enter because even if he made a small move and planned to get close to it, he expected many arrows to immediately attack and aim at him.

He suddenly remembered that the blood ring he was wearing had been recharged before he left and it comes up to his mind that it maybe the perfect chance to use the rings power again.

He tried to use its power but the arrows immediately reacted around him and it started shooting arrows everywhere. It keeps on firing nonstop consuming the corpses of the remaining velums and monsters to keep producing arrows that were made by blood scattered around.

a loud scream of a high-pitched voice came from within. stop that! it hurts! shouted a horrible voice.

My suspicions were correct! the owner of that glowing object is still alive. Sirius said to himself.

Sirius cast a defensive spell and he snapped his finger.

he wanted to summon Gaia to provide him some aid on what he was doing but when he tried to reach out Gaia using his magic, he couldn't connect thru him.

He was not in his room and he could not feel Gaia's presence throughout the whole land of VEA.

Sirius felt a little annoyed as he was thinking of using Gaia as a pawn in getting the glowing thing that he was curious about.

Although Gaia is a High Guardian and has helped him a lot, He was thinking to dispose Gaia because of the shame of being defeated by amateur travelers. Gaia brought shame to his name so he wanted to demote him from his title as High Guardian and make him a sacrifice for his blood ring.

It seems that Sirius had nothing to do and he didn't want anyone else to know what he was doing in the Velos Desi, so he had no choice but to take the shiny thing by himself.

he doubled the spell defense he had cast on himself and slowly approached inside. the arrows immediately reacted and he began to shoot him on a rapid and continuous speed. There were so many arrows constantly trying to destroy his barrier as he approached.

While approaching the shining thing, he saw that there was another person alive lying inside and asking for help. this man is still alive but the arrow stuck in his leg continues to absorb the man's blood and it is impossible for him to live because if someone removes the arrows on his legs, then his blood will just keep on bursting and he will die immediately.

Sirius thought that rescuing this man will not gain anything for him so he decided to point his blood ring at the man and turned him into a huge orc monster. what are you doing! it hurts! very painful! the man that has been turn into a monster begged as Gaia used him as a shield for arrows that continued to attack him.

when Sirius reached the glowing object, there was a hand that still holding a necklace was revealed to him. he was surprised to see that the one in the center of the sparkling necklace was the same as the gem in the center of his ring.

he stepped on the necklace and broke the gem inside it. the smell of blood became pungent all around the whole Velos Desi and the arrows made of blood gradually disappeared and returning into liquid form that makes a lot more foul smell on the surroundings.

he shook his clothes to remove some remaining blood stains and at the same time the monster he created fell down with an arrow cut all over his body.

Just a moments after he had destroyed the gem on the necklace, he heard a woman laughing and the blood vapors around him were condensing and forming the image of a woman with her face covered. it has long hair a short pair of clothes and a crest on the chest that marks the house of CLEA.

That crest! that is the symbol of the house of CLEA. What are you doing here! asked Sirius.

Why do you have to destroy my plan? The death of the Velum that I gave the necklace was about to pay off and will become a powerful Ziukai with the abilities of a Sagittarius but you destroyed my plan! angry words of an unrecognizable woman.

Sirius was angry because Velos Desi is owned by the house of VEA because it is still close to their border. he thinks that the house of CLEA has a plan to harm their constituents. but he preferred not to introduce himself as a royalty and maintain anonymous for a while.

the woman made of blood got angry she screamed very loudly and the same time, many blades sprouted from underground destroying everything.

Sirius felt in great danger so he immediately cast a teleportation spell to escape immediately.

It's a good thing that his teleport reached before he was hit by that dangerous blades.

he doesn't know who and what the people of the house of CLEA are aiming for in Velos Desi but because of what they did, Sirius got pissed and he sure will never forgive them.