
The Search

(Master Yen Sid's tower)

The guardian's of light are discussing their findings and come to a conclusion that if they are to find any trace of Sora's whereabouts they will need to go to even harder to reach worlds.

When asking Yen Sid about this he tells them that the 3 most likley world's fitting their description would be Scala ad Caelum, The Final World and The Realm of Darkness. Concluding their meeting they split of into three teams.

Aqua, Ventus and Terra would search the Realm of Darkness again and try and venture deeper in. Roxas, Axel and Xion would search the ruins of Scala ad Caelum. Riku and Kairi would search The Final World.

Mickey, Donald and Goofy would stay on standby to help them if they needed it and to protect the world's in case of an emergency.

They each took their supplies and ventured of in hopes of finding Sora.

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