
King Of Necromancer

Blood! Everywhere is the blood. How could my life turn into hell in a single moment? The world is ending. Monsters from legends appear everywhere. They eat people, conquer the streets, and begin to make dungeons everywhere. ---------------------------- That day a voice came from the sky, "Your world now belongs to us, you shall give us entertainment. Be ready the merging will start in 30 minutes" changing everything. the people started panicking," What is happening " "What was that voice" As we thought that it was some prank it was then the voice was heard again "System initiating, evolving the primitive species, giving the random class and skills associated." when that voice came, I, Avi, was on the metro train, then suddenly a blue screen came in front of my eyes "Random class selection beginning" after that voice said that, suddenly some cards came out from the blue screen, the voice said "Choose one of the cards as your class" and in panic, I chose one of the many cards, [ Congratulations on getting a unique class, Necromancer, the skills will now be allocated.] [ check your status for more information, be sure to survive ] _________ [Author Note: The start of 8 to 10 chapters might be at a slow pace because I want to properly introduce MC, I just can't jump on the main story. So please bear it for a while.] Note: The cover is mine and also this cover is made by Author A4KL.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Hell [1]

"Miss it's about time to head back home, Chairman order." A driver said to a young woman with long black hair.

"OK, brig car at the front gate of the university." The lady said to her driver, receiving his order driver bowed slightly before leaving for the parking area.

"Understood, Miss Aina."

That woman is Aina, the Daughter of the chairman who runs many companies.

Her Father is also a board member of the University she is in.

In short, she is a super-rich woman.


Letting out a sign from her mouth, Aina's thoughts went back to today's cricket match.

Since her father was a board member of the university he was invited to watch the final match of the cricket tournament.

But he couldn't come because of his busy schedule, so she had to attend to her father's place.

Of course, no one knows that she is going to watch today's cricket instead of her Father.

Aina did not even tell her friends, because she had to sit in the VIP Box with other members of the board.

So she kept this a secret from everyone else.

And that is one of the reasons she didn't reply to Avi when he asked her to come and watch the match.

But it doesn't matter anyway, at the end of the game she did see his play.

'Is he okay? after receiving that hard ball on his head?'

She thought about the last over of the match, even for her who rarely watches cricket, knows that was an intentional play by the Bowler.


"Miss Aina, Car is ready." Her driver called her as he stopped the car in front of her, breaking from her thought.

"Coming," she said as she walked to the university gate.


She opened the door and was about to sit down but her eye caught sight familiar person walking ahead of her, some distance away from her Avi was walking, with bandages around his head.

His attention was on his phone as he walked toward the train station that was ten minutes away from the university.

'maybe I should say something to cheer him up?'


Ains closed the door of the car, driver gave her a confused glance.

"Please tell Dad that I'm going to be late."

"Miss, you can't do that. You know that master will be angry."

"Please make some excuses, thanks I'm going now," Aina said as she walked toward the train station.

The driver just stood there dumbfounded by her behaviour.

"She is acting strange today." the driver muttered to himself while thinking of an excuse for Aina


"One ticket to Kindivali," I take one ticket from the ticket window after paying Five rupees.

The employee gives me a weird glance, probably because of the white bandages around my head.

We'll anyway who cares about what other people think? I have more important things to do than thinking what other people think of me.

And what are those important things? Well for starters 'How I'm going to explain how I received this wound on my head to mom?'

I am scared of her whenever this type of situation arises now and then.

Thinking like this brings back an old memory of mine.

When I was in high school, I was bullied by one of my classmates very badly and my mom found out even though I tried to hide it.

And guess what she did? She goes to the bully's house and beats up his mom instead.

'That was the first time I ever had seen Mom that much angry.'

We'll After that incident no one ever tried to bully me again and I got my normal high school back.

I thought as I hopped on the train. I searched for available seats so I could sit on it.

My head is already hurting. Thankfully I was able to find a seat and sit on it.

I took out my phone from my jeans pocket and started to read a novel on the web novel app, I read before going to bed yesterday night.

The novel name is [ Extra pages: the Author Odyssey from Ink Waver122]

As I lost on the chapters, someone tapped my shoulder, I raised my head reflexively. pair of eyes were staring straight at me. They belonged to Aina.

I forgot to breathe for a moment as I found myself lost in her eyes.

"Why are you staring this hard at me?" Aina asked me, waking up from my one-moment dream.

"Kuu, kuu no it's nothing." I caugh, as I make a lame excuse.

Aina sat down as soon as the seat next to me became vacant. A subtle scent came from her shoulders, making me nervous.

Came to think of it she has a car driver that takes her home, so why is she on a subway train?

My curiosity picked up, I could not help but ask her.

"Why did you take the subway?"

"That... My diver has a fever, that's the reason. " Aina made a dark expression.

"I see," I said to her, making the atmosphere more awkward.

this was the first time I'd met Aina besides University so I don't know what to say.

"By the way how is your wound doing? Is it serious?" Aina asked me after a few moments of silence in the air.

It comes shock to me, Aina I know that would never ask me about my health.

But it also brings a smile to my face.

"Hahaha doctor said it would take two days to hill this, but it's fine now is there no more pain I feel." I laugh awkwardly as I rub the back of my head with my hand.

"I see, that's good."

What?... She just uses a few words. I thought she was going to ask more questions and show a more worried expression on her face.

But I guess I became greedy for a moment.

After the awkward conversation, we looked at our phones. I opened up the novel app I was reading before while Aina opened her PDF related to her assignments.

Studying on the subway while going home... She truly had a genre different from me. However, what was the use of memorizing words?

"You're working hard," I muttered softly to myself but it seems that Aina heard me.

"did you say something?"

"No, I did not." I hurriedly make another excuse.

"By the way, what are you looking at on your phone?"

"Ah, I..."

Aina's gaze was fixed on the LCD screen of my smartphone. "Is it a novel?"

"Yes, well... I just read for fun it's my hobby."

"I see," she said and took a look at the novel I was reading.

By the way, who is the author of the novel you are reading it?"

"You won't know even if I say their names."

At this time, it was really hard to say that I read a fantasy web novel as a hobby. I just told her that I just read a novel. I don't know if she is going to ask me the name of the author. I glanced at the title of the novel in the app.

[Extra pages: Author Odysses]

Author: Ink waver122.

"It is just a fantasy novel, Aina." she did not say anything at that.

The silence continued for a moment. Aina was looking at me like she was waiting for me to say something.

Our conversation was becoming strained. So, I decided to change the topic but something unexpected happened.

At that moment, the subway lights turned off, and the inside of the train became dark.

Kiiiiiiiik-! The subway train shook loudly and let out a metallic sound.

It caused Aina to scream and grab my arm. Then I heard the sound of other people getting stirred up. Aina gripped my arm so tightly that I paid more attention to the pain in my left arm than the sudden stop. It took a dozen seconds for the train to stop fully.

Then I heard confused voices coming from everywhere.

"Uh, what?"

"W-What is this?"

In the dark, one or two smartphone lights are turned on. Aina still held my left arm tightly as she asked, "W-What is going on?"

I pretended to be unconcerned. "Don't worry. It isn't a big deal."

But something unexpected happened once again.

"Merging Completed."

A loud voice sounded outside of the train. That voice didn't belong to any passenger, it came out of nowhere.

People began to panic even more.

"W-what was that voice?"

"Uh, what?"

"What the fuck is going on here?"

People began to grow even more restless in the dark.

Aina who clutches my hand tightly looks at me, in my two years of life living as a university student, this is the first time I have seen fear in her eyes.

Seeing those I tried my best to reassure her.

"It's going be fine, this is probably some pranks. Don't worry about it."

But it seems that I failed to do that.

Then that unknown voice came again from the sky, "Your world now belongs to us, you shall give us entertainment. Be ready the merging will start now"

the people started panicking again but this one believed that this was a prank.

" What is happening "

"It's that same voice"

Then Everything Becomes hell.