
I'm a PRINCE!!!!?

"Where the fuck am I?"

I got up and sat up slowly whole holding unto my aching head. Damn I could feel my head throbbing, it felt like something was trying to invade my mind.

I closed my eyes in pain, I couldn't take it anymore. After a while of holding in my screams and enduring the hell that was the influx of information, I was honestly surprised and astonished and flabbergasted and any more synonyms for surprised.

Apparently, I had been killed and died right, but turns out I'm not dead but instead I'm some prince from a poor as country. This was all very fucking stupid, because I'm pretty sure people die when they are killed right? It all seemed to real to be a dream, so for now I'm gonna assume it's reality.

Because of the amount of bullshit in my head, I had to concentrate and sort out my memories to make sure I can fully understand this situation I was put in. It took me a long 30 minutes to fully comprehend what has happened to me.

So first of let's start with this bodies memories. To sum it all up:

8 years old, Prince of a poor kingdom, dumbass, Trash, Waste of life, brat, annoying, dumbass and weak as fuck.

I'm so proud of myself for sorting through the amount of utter garbage that was this guys memories. His life was basically being a shithole to everyone around him cause he was rich. Right now I'm in my room after accidentally falling on a servant's foot.

As for my memories:

I was a doctor, otaku elitist, smart, smart, smart and very smart, orphan, not complete trash, very smart.

So I'm perfect, as I should be, now using my very good intellect I could deduce that my body was miraculously in good condition, even though I hit my head on the floor pretty hard.

I wasn't feeling dizzy, my head stopped aching after a while, I could control my limbs without any resistance and my head didn't have any lumps, so I'm pretty sure I'm good.

After checking my body I got out of bed and inspected my lower body, I was currently wearing pure white garments, a long sleeve buttoned shirt, and long pants, right now I wanted to confirm what my face looked like so I went to the closet, to the right of my bed and opened it.

Inside was a completely different room altogether, there was basically thousands of clothes. Fucking rich people, even I though I was pretty rich in my other life, it wasn't to this point.

I searched through the clothes for at least another 30 minutes, only getting past two rows of clothing. I found a white buttoned shirt with a golden pattern flowing alongside the buttons, white long pants and a belt to hold them up. I didn't put them straight on because that would be completely disgusting as I haven't taken a bath yet.

I took them with me and went into my own personal bath that could be found behind a door in the middle of the wardrobe and the bed. After entering I was once again astonished at how rich people can be, it was basically 3 pools lined with gold, and other gems.

"Rich people can go die!"

I quickly had a bath because I didn't want to stay in this place any further and feel even more miserable. Wait aren't I technically the rich one, because I am me now.

Leaving that thought away I got a towel that was hanged near the entrance, dried myself, put on my new clothes and went to fix up my hair. To the left of my bed was a huge mirror and cupboard, I remember that my maids would usually fix my hair here.

I went to the mirror and once again I was pretty surprised, this body was actually handsome even though it was complete trash, so handsome trash. I could tell that I was tall for my age, I was 140 centimeters, that was pretty tall considering I was 8.

I had long silver hair, black eyes and my face was a little effeminate and expression less, I remember that there was a magic tool that would allow me to dry my hair, it kinda looked like a blow dryer.

Oh yes I forget to mention, turns out this world had knights and wizards, it's technology wasn't as advanced, probably due to relying on magic too much and the constant wars. You could say that the time compared to my original world would be during the dark ages.

Magic tools were tools only used by the well of in this world, mana cores were the power source of these tools and you could obtain the mana cores from monsters apparently. Monsters were a thing, so I was a little afraid, not gonna lie.

The reason as to why only well of people could obtain magic tools though wasn't because of their power source, but because of what it took to create them. One would need to be able to have good magic manipulation and very good blacksmith skills to create a tool.

It seems that in this world, magic blacksmiths were rare and there were a very limited amount of tools to be spread around, this was mainly due to the fact that it was very hard to learn magic as well as other physical skills, so people tend to focus on just one attribute.

It was also rare for people to have a strong affinity to magic, so most decided not to waste their time learning as they wouldn't be that powerful anyway, thus magicians were rare, magic blacksmiths were even rarer.

After drying and brushing my hair, I got a hair tie from one of the cabinets and tied my hair back to make a tail.

There was only 1 issue to face now, and that was dealing with the people around me. If I go out right now everyone would think I was possessed because the prince so far hasn't been able to do anything by himself.

Also I didn't want to act like trash, so I had to steel myself, and prepare the best make believe stories I could.

I breathed in and then out, i then headed out, I pushed the doors opened and walked out of the room while surveying my sorroundings.

To the left and right there were rows of guards, I could see art on the walls and a few expensive vases and plants on stands, there were maids busying themselves with chores as well.

I moved up to one of the closest maids, who had been dusting one of the vases and called out to her.

"You there what's your name?"

The maid looked a little surprised, before changing to a look of fear and slight hint of disgust that she was probably trying to hide, I completely ignored it since I didn't care that much about what people thought of me.

maid:"M-my name is Elaine, what can I do for his highness"

The maid did a slight bow while managing to name herself.

"Elaine, go inform the chef to prepare dinner for me and bring it to the dining room"

After saying that I left the maid there and made my way down through the corridor, if I remember correctly there should be a few turns before arriving at a stair way that will lead to the second floor, after that the dining room should be on the far left of the castle.

I made my way to the dining room, completely ignoring the looks that the passing servants gave me, when I made it to the room I could see the good prepared on the table and Elaine standing near the table with her head facing down.

"Thank you, you may go now"

After saying that, I could see Elaine with a slight surprised expression, but I decided to keep on ignoring those looks and simply went to fig into my food.

As expected of rich people, this was really tasty, I felt pretty lonely, mainly because the room and table were so big, but no one was around.

After filling my stomach, I hurried back to my room and shut the doors behind me.

let us begin

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