
King of lightning

Lightning world's most destructive power. It can kill mortals like nothing. even immortals fear it but I Ye tang is the master of this power. I will become the most powerful villain in this life

Oniruddho_Haider · Fantasía
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12 Chs

Chapter 3: martial library

everyone was happy for ye tang as he was one of the most rear and distractive element users. Even his father the heavenly demon was very satisfied with his son's result and the saddest parson was the elder. All his dream vanished instant. He also began to praise Ye tang. It was not unknown to anyone about elders' dreams. Ye tang was now the main focus of everyone. just like that all of them finished their wakening. After wakening it was time for everyone to choose their suitable martial art. the demon cult had a large heritage and everything was stored in the heavenly demon martial library. After wakening everyone will get a free chance to choose their suitable martial art. so as a tradition everyone went to the library. the library was a seven-floor tall pagoda. which was made from the most expensive and most indestructible material cold iron there were 7 guards on each floor and their cultivation level was an overlord category. It was like an indestructible fort. every newly wakened went inside. they can only go through the first floor. Ye tang started to search for good martial art. As a previous gangster, he knew that the first thing he needs is something to protect himself. So he started to look for a body cultivation technique and breathing technique. there were many types of techniques for different elements. he went straight to the lightning element section. there weren't many books in the section because the lightning element was rare, to begin with. soon he went through all the books and found a technique that was needed the most. A body cultivation technique, " the lightning body armor technique" and a breathing technique "lighting pulse". It was the most suitable but also the hardest technique in the lighting section. As Ye tang knew that "the hardest worker gets a good life" he choose this technique. When he went to the librarian the librarian was shocked after seeing this technique as many people had tried this technique but none succeeded. He told Ye tang to change it but he was persistent about this matter. the main problem with this body technique was that a large amount of lightning is needed to train it and it might be harmful to one body. also, there was 5 stage in this technique and each stage needed more lighting than its previous stage as for the breathing technique, It was also hard. It teaches one how to control lightning from the heart and run it through the body simultaneously. It has a good effect. this technique has the effect of straightening muscle, bone, and veins which is beneficial for a cultivator. So even after knowing that it was the hardest ye tang choose these two techniques. He went home after choosing that two techniques. At home, his mother was waiting for him. his mother was patiently waiting for him to come because she already heard from the maid about his son's result. She was very happy with the result. she even prepares yr tang's most favorite dishes. when ye tang reached home he saw that his mom was waiting for him. In the meantime, his father also came back. they all set together to eat. when his father asked about his martial art choice he told him about the two martial art manuals he took from the library. his father agreed with his choices but his mother was somewhat delinquent about this. but after some time she also agreed. His father also gave him another two techniques. one was a spear art "Heavenly spear art" and a foot technique "lightning dragon footwork". This two technique was high-level technique. After dinner, he took his time to study these four martial art techniques.